Corona News Ticker: EU Decides on Johnson & Johnson Vaccine | – news


Status: 11.03.2021 6:59 am

In the live ticker, will inform you today, Thursday 11 March 2021, about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. You can read yesterday’s blog read here.

The essentials in brief:

  • The approval of the fourth vaccine in the EU is expected
  • Corona vaccinations at doctor’s offices will not be routine until mid-April.
  • NDR analyzes “A year of culture despite Corona”
  • 257 new infections in Schleswig-Holstein
  • 14,356 new infections in Germany – 321 more deaths

Tables and graphs: this is how the vaccination campaign goes in the north
Map: New infections in northern German districts

6:59 am

The State Parliament faces again the situation of MV Werften

The state parliament in Schwerin is again concerned about the future of the battered shipyards in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Two motions have been tabled for today’s session. Both the SPD and CDU coalition factions and the left-wing opposition are expressly committed to preserving the shipbuilding companies. The Wismar, Rostock and Stralsund shipyards experienced financial difficulties as a result of the corona pandemic and are now dependent on state aid to survive the crisis.

06:34 am

14,356 new infections in Germany – 321 more deaths

German health authorities reported 14,356 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day, and thus 2,444 more than exactly a week ago. That comes from Thursday’s RKI numbers. The number of new infections reported within seven days per 100,000 population (seven-day incidence) increased to 69.1 compared to the previous day (65.4). In addition, 321 additional deaths were recorded in 24 hours. Exactly a week ago, the RKI had recorded 11,912 new infections and 359 new deaths in one day. The seven-day R-value nationwide was 0.96 based on RKI’s management report on Wednesday night (previous day 0.97). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 96 more people.

06:17 am

Corona vaccinations at doctor’s offices will not be routine until mid-April.

Corona vaccines at family doctor visits can only begin routinely in mid-April. The federal and state governments announced it Wednesday night after health ministers deliberations. Existing vaccination centers should continue to administer at least 2.25 million vaccines per week in parallel. The vaccine that is also available must be available at the doctor’s office. After deliberations, the federal and state governments noted that bottlenecks in vaccine deliveries can still be expected in the coming weeks. Both parties agreed “that medical practices should be included in the vaccination campaign as soon as possible,” the Federal Ministry said. “But that also requires a certain minimum weekly amount of vaccine.” In the deliberations, the federal states expressed the desire to use their vaccination centers to the best of their capacity as before. Therefore, “medical practices can probably only start in mid-April,” according to the Federal Ministry of Health.

6:10 am

The coronavirus is classified today as a pandemic

The classification of the spread of the new coronavirus as a pandemic today marks the first anniversary. The World Health Organization (WHO) made this classification on March 11, 2020. The term pandemic is made up of the ancient Greek words “bread” for “everything” and “demos” for “people.” The WHO defines a pandemic as a situation in which the entire world population is potentially exposed to a pathogen, and there is a risk that “part of it will become ill”. However, the WHO had already declared its highest alert level due to the new pathogen on January 30, 2020 by declaring the spread of Sars-CoV2 as a “public health emergency of international concern.” Since the first infections were recorded in China in December 2019, to date more than 117 million infections have been detected worldwide. More than 2.6 million infected people died.

05:55 am

NDR analyzes “A year of culture despite Corona”

Sarajane and Jenniffer Kae at the Soullounge concert at the factory © NDR Photo: Philipp Szyza

Singer Sarajane (left) in one of her last concerts before the closure.

The first lockdown will be on March 13. Since that day there have been almost no public cultural events, but rather opera houses and theaters, museums, galleries and art houses, clubs and empty cinemas. Starting today, NDR’s culture departments will focus on the theme “A Year of Culture Despite Corona.” What has changed this year from the pandemic? What are the prospects? What are the cultural workers of the north waiting for, what do they fear, and what is the next step in concrete terms? The Hamburg singer Sarajane tells how she has been in recent months, about financial concerns, about the anger and resignation of many colleagues who do not feel adequately supported. But giving up is out of the question for the young mother. Singing is my calling, he says.

The woman smiles at the camera.

AUDIO: Culture and Crown: Singer Sarajane McMinn (29 min.)

05:53 am

Churches commemorate crown victims over the weekend

In the coming days, the Church of the North will hold three religious services in memory of those who have suffered from the crown pandemic. On Friday, the regional bishop will hold an ecumenical service with the Catholic Archbishops of Hamburg and Berlin starting at 4 pm in Schwerin Cathedral. On Saturday, the North Church and the Archdiocese of Hamburg also invite you to the Open Church of St. Nicholas in Kiel at 5 pm On Sunday there will also be a commemoration at Fritz-Schumacher-Halle in the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof in Hamburg. Starting at 4.30 p.m. not only the North Church and the Archdiocese, but also the Jewish Community of Hamburg, the Schura Hamburg, the Christian Churches Working Group and the German Buddhist Union invite you. All events are in the YouTube channel of the Church of the North broadcast live.

05:50 am

Lifeguard in constant stress – in the corona intensive care unit in Osnabrück

You are tired and exhausted, you work countless overtime hours. The Corona intensive care unit team at the Osnabrück Clinic has been working for Covid 19 patients for months.

VIDEO: Covid intensive care unit: lifeguard under constant stress (4 min)

05:48 am

The approval of the fourth vaccine is pending

The EU Medicines Agency (EMA) wants to decide today on the approval of the vaccine from the American company Johnson & Johnson. This would be the fourth vaccine approved in the EU. The EU Commission had reserved 200 million doses of the product, 55 of which should be delivered in the second quarter of this year. However, the company has not yet confirmed that it will deliver immediately after its drug has been approved in the EU, said European CDU health expert Peter Liese. “There are even doubts that the promised delivery quantity of 55 million cans can be met by the end of June,” Liese said. There is high hope for the vaccine, as one dose is sufficient for complete protection and can be stored at normal refrigerator temperature. Consequently, the EU has high hopes for the vaccine.

05:45 am

257 new infections in Schleswig-Holstein

257 new infections have been reported in Schleswig-Holstein. They are ten more than yesterday and 35 less than last Thursday. Nine people have died from the coronavirus. The seven-day incidence increased slightly and now reaches 46.5 infections per 100,000 population in one week.

05:40 am

Corona ticker starts Thursday

Also on Thursday, March 11, the team will keep you informed about the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news and also the content of the NDR radio and television broadcasts.

New confirmed corona infections in northern Wednesday: 247 in Schleswig-Holstein, 934 in Lower Saxony, 203 in Hamburg, 185 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 112 in Bremen. 9,146 nationwide.

FAQ, podcast, and background

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes streamed so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. plus

Vaccinated in northern Germany

How many people in northern Germany have received a corona vaccine so far? Current figures on the vaccination rate. plus

Corona numbers for Northern Germany

Automated charts: How many Covid-19 patients are in intensive care units? The current state of the occupation. plus

A compilation of images: Christian Drosten, a vial of the Cocid 19 vaccine, an elderly woman who undergoes a crown test.  © picture alliance, colourbox Photo: Michael Kappeler

In late 2019, a previously unknown lung disease erupts in China. A few weeks later the first case occurs in the north. plus

A laboratory assistant sits in front of a microscope in a dark laboratory © Colourbox

The corona pandemic has greatly changed everyday life. What else is there to consider? What is being investigated? Questions and answers. plus

Coronavirus blogs to read

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