Corona News Ticker: 260 new infections in Schleswig-Holstein | – news


Status: December 29, 2020 5:48 am

In the live ticker, will keep you updated today on the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. All information about yesterday’s Monday can be found at Blog.

The essentials in brief:

  • 260 new infections in Schleswig-Holstein recorded – nationwide 12,892 and 852 new deaths
  • New variant of coronavirus also detected in Lower Saxony
  • Yesterday 202 new corona cases in Schleswig-Holstein reported, 366 in Lower saxony, 153 in Hamburg, 118 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and in the state of Bremen 55.

Overview: Tables, Maps and Charts of Corona in the North
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different case numbers terms

07:22 am

Another nurse after a vaccine interruption at the hospital

After the vaccination interruption in a Stralsund nursing home, one of the employees is still in the hospital. Eight nursing home workers accidentally received five times the dose of the corona vaccine.

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A dose of vaccine and a syringe © Colourbox Photo: Beneda Miroslav

After the vaccination failure at a Stralsund nursing home, one of the employees is still in hospital. plus

05:45 am

260 new infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein

260 more corona infections have been reported in Schleswig-Holstein. Yesterday there were 202. On Tuesday a week ago there were 211 new infections. The number of new corona infections per 100,000 residents in a week dropped slightly to 85.2, according to the Health Ministry. A few days ago the value was well above 100. However, apparently there was less testing during the Christmas holidays; therefore, the number of new infections reported may have decreased for several days.

05:45 am

Nationwide 12,892 new infections and 852 deaths

German health authorities reported 12,892 new corona infections in 24 hours. In addition, there were 852 more deaths, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Tuesday. These numbers are only partially comparable with the values ​​of the previous week, as the RKI expected fewer tests and fewer reports from health authorities by the end of the year. Still, the number of deaths was less than 731 cases a week ago. The number of new infections was 19,528 a week ago.

05:45 am

Where and when is the vaccination carried out?

In northern Germany, the first people have been vaccinated against the corona virus since Sunday. Here we give an overview of the sequence of vaccinations and how countries organize the registration process.

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A drop hangs from the tip of a needle.  Behind the word

The establishment of vaccination centers was completed. But who is when and how to register? An overview. plus

05:45 am

New variant of coronavirus also detected in Lower Saxony

Britain’s new variant of the coronavirus has also been detected in Lower Saxony. The Hanover School of Medicine (MHH) found the B1.1.7 virus variant retrospectively in a November infection, the Hanover Ministry of Health announced. Consequently, a woman who was previously in England probably infected her father and mother at that time. NDR Info reported on the case last night on NDR television:

VIDEO: New variant of coronavirus since November in Lower Saxony (2 min)

05:45 am ticker starts on Tuesday

Even today, the team will keep you updated on the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of NDR radio and television programs.

A.M Monday 202 new cases of corona were reported in Schleswig-Holstein, 366 in Lower Saxony, 153 in Hamburg, 118 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 55 in the state of Bremen.

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