Corona news Thursday: health insurance company chief expects hard lockdown to fail


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The head of legal health insurance hopes the hard lockdown will fail

3:00 am: The director of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen, hopes the lockdown will fail. “I am not assuming that we will achieve a relevant reduction in infection rates and certainly not in deaths by January 10,” Gassen told the editorial network in Germany. An extension of the lock will not change that. “The lockdown, no matter how difficult it may be, is not an adequate long-term strategy to combat pandemics.”

Instead, more must be done to protect at-risk groups in nursing homes and nursing homes. In addition, flows of people would have to be straightened out, for example by using more buses and trains, as well as subsidized taxi rides for risk groups, Gassen demanded.

Test approved to differentiate between corona disease and flu

02.45 am: The French diagnostic company Biomerieux claims to have received certification for the sale of a test that can be used to differentiate between corona and influenza. In addition, the test recorded two other respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms, the company announced Wednesday. Doctors should be able to make a faster diagnosis and save lives with proper treatment.

After receiving the European “CE” mark, the test will be available in Europe and other countries that recognize this certification. With the help of a nasal swab, the test kits can detect influenza types A and B and Covid-19, as well as two other viral diseases. The tests “would play a key role in the onset of winter and flu season,” said Biomerieux research director François Lacoste.

Federal states prefer to write directly to those who have the right to vaccinate

02.35 am: According to a newspaper report, the federal states want to write to citizens who preferably have the right to corona vaccination immediately after approval of the vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer, in some cases directly. He should be invited to make an appointment at a vaccination center, as the “Bild-Zeitung” reported in its Thursday edition, citing information from the ministries of health and authorities in each country.

According to this, people entitled to vaccines in Lower Saxony should receive a letter with a QR code to scan with their mobile phone, which entitles them to participate in the vaccination. In Hamburg, according to “Bild”, identification numbers must also be sent by post to present at the vaccination center. According to the report, Bavaria, Bremen and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also want to inform those affected by mail about their eligibility for vaccination. There are also plans to schedule vaccination appointments through hotlines and on websites.

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