Corona News: Spahn and Wieler on the situation – politics


Follow the press conference with the Federal Minister of Health, RKI Head Lothar Wieler and Klaus Cichutek from the Paul Ehrlich Institute on the live broadcast.

12,908 new corona infections and 855 new deaths reported

German health authorities reported 12,908 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in one day. In addition, there were 855 new deaths in 24 hours, according to RKI figures on Friday. Exactly a week ago, the RKI had recorded 14,022 new infections and 839 new deaths in 24 hours.

The number of new infections reported in seven days per 100,000 residents (seven-day incidence) was 79.9 on Friday morning, according to the RKI. Its previous high was reached on December 22 at 197.6. Most federal states continue to see drops in seven-day incidents, according to the RKI.

Since the start of the pandemic, the RKI has counted 2,264,909 infections detected with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany (as of February 5, 00:00). The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections go unrecognized. The total number of people who died with or from a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection increased to 60,597. The RKI stated that the number of recovered people was around 2,008,200.

The seven-day national R-value was 0.89 based on the RKI situation report on Thursday night (previous day 0.83). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 89 more people. The value represents the onset of infection 8-16 days ago. If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

Ethics Council: Currently, facilitation for vaccinated people is not possible

The German Ethics Council rejects a relaxation of the crown rules for people who have already been vaccinated against the virus today. In a statement published Thursday in Berlin, however, he said there could be reasons why different rules apply to people vaccinated in certain areas. In the long term this could apply to the private sector and in the short term to hospital facilities for people in need of care and people with disabilities.

In the opinion of the Ethics Council, the withdrawal of state restrictions on freedom is currently prohibited because it cannot be ruled out that vaccinated people continue to spread the virus. If it is certain that they are no longer contagious, they may again have more leeway than other people, but only if this does not lead to injustice, for example, because not everyone has yet received an offer of vaccination. Vaccinated people can be expected to continue to adhere to the rules of distance and hygiene, as well as those who have not been vaccinated.

The Ethics Council makes an exception for residents of nursing homes, facilities for the disabled, or hospice patients. Exit bans or visit and contact restrictions that apply there should be lifted for people living at the facility as soon as they are vaccinated, the statement said. In view of the stresses they had experienced during the pandemic, this could be ethically justified.

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The ethics panel also addressed the question of whether private providers should only make their goods or services available to vaccinated people. There have already been individual announcements of this type. In principle, the freedom of contract applies, leaving companies and individuals free to decide with whom to enter into a contract, says the Ethics Council. However, in the case of essential goods or services for participation in social life, freedom of contract could be restricted, so that unvaccinated people should not be excluded from basic services.

Spahn snuffed out hopes of quick relaxation

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) has daunted hopes that Corona’s measures will soon be relaxed. The figures are encouraging because there is a notable downward trend in new infections, Spahn told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “But finally you can’t say where we will be on February 14.” The current lockdown is limited to this day. Spahn called for a “responsible transition from the blockade to a new normal state.”

When and if there could be a relaxation will not be decided until next week. Regarding the stated objective of the measures, an incidence value below 50, Spahn said: “In case of doubt we have to go further down with the numbers.” The minister praised the tiered plans of some federal states. “You have to be able to act and react differently from region to region. We cannot stay in this harsh lockdown all winter. We could not bear that as a society.”

Ahead of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s (CDU) meeting with the prime minister on Wednesday next week, the Robert Koch Institute will announce the first results on how coronavirus mutants have spread so far. If there was any relaxation, from Spahn’s point of view, nurseries and schools would be the first. “And then he will gradually relax in other areas.”

The coalition decides on more aid from the crown

The leaders of the CDU, CSU and SPD agreed on several points in a meeting in order to mitigate the effects of the crisis in the crown. Resolutions in detail:

  • Tax assistance for companies: The carry-over of negative tax bases will be extended to a maximum of ten million euros for 2020 and 2021 (20 million if jointly evaluated). Businesses can use it to offset larger-scale crown-related losses against the previous year’s earnings, creating short-term liquidity.
  • Subsidy for Basic Security Beneficiaries: Adult beneficiaries of basic security receive a special one-time payment of 150 euros. Regulation to facilitate access to basic security will also run until the end of 2021. This means that asset assessments are only carried out to a limited extent and interim benefits are more easily approved.
  • Kids voucher: As in the previous year, families with children receive a premium per child as a supplement to the child benefit. This should amount to € 150 per child in 2021. It is offset by the tax-free child allowance, but not counted towards the basic guarantee. As a result, low-wage workers benefit more.
  • VAT in gastronomy: VAT on meals in restaurants and bars will remain at the reduced rate of seven percent until the end of 2022.
  • Help cultural workers: The aid program for cultural workers will continue with a billion euros.

Merkel asks for perseverance

Despite the decline in the number of corona infections, Chancellor Angela Merkel does not give citizens hope for a quick relaxation of restrictions. Ask everyone to “wait a while,” Merkel said on the ARD “Show Your Colors.” Currently, there is a national incidence of less than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. “It is a good achievement, we have not been there for a long time. But that does not mean that the health authorities are back in control of the virus.” Merkel stressed that more work should be done on this.

After participating in the demonstration of the lateral thinker: the head of the fine in the regulatory office of Hagen suspended

The head of the administrative office for fines in the city of Hagen, in North Rhine-Westphalia, and one of his employees were suspended after taking part in a demonstration of lateral thinkers. As image first reported, Mayor Erik O. Schulz decided on Tuesday. Previously, according to the report, city workers could participate in demonstrations in their spare time, just like any other citizen.

That Schulz has now made this decision is due to the fact that the participation of the woman and her employee “in the demonstration called into question the credibility of the city in its role as regulatory authority.” Especially with city employees who are responsible for enforcing the rules caused by the pandemic, there should be no question that “he or she accepts them too.”

The two had participated in a rally against corona vaccines on Sunday, which police say can be assigned to the lateral thinking movement. According to the city spokesperson, city employees are generally allowed to demonstrate and participate in rallies in their spare time, “as long as their appearance does not damage the image of the city or does not contradict their job assignment.” These points should now be explained in “detailed discussions” with employees before making a decision on the possible consequences.

Photos in various media showing one of the two employees without a mask at the demonstration also caused a stir. For health reasons, the woman had long ago submitted a city-verified medical certificate for the exemption from wearing mouth and nasal protection, the city said.

Thuringia extends blockade until February 19

The Thuringian state government has extended the blockade rules in force in the Free State by five days. At a meeting on Tuesday, the cabinet decided to leave the currently applicable Corona regulation in effect until February 19, a state government spokesman in Erfurt said on Tuesday. A spokeswoman for the Thuringian Ministry of Health said that all currently applicable lockdown rules will remain in effect until at least this day.

The lockdown to contain the corona pandemic has been limited to February 14 across the country. On February 10, the federal and state governments want to speak with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) about what will happen next. With this decision, Thuringia provides for joint consultations between the federal and state governments.

However, other prime ministers also see little chance of easing after February 14. Berlin Mayor Michael Müller believes that a debate is premature. “I am very cautious with this at the moment,” the SPD politician said after a Senate meeting on Tuesday. Although he is happy about the fall in the number of infections and a slight relief from the intensive care units. “But that is still too high a level,” said the incumbent president of the Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK).
