Corona News Saturday: RKI Reports 2507 New Infections, Highest Value Since Late April


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Crown numbers rise: Schalke v Bremen without a spectator

09.09 am: The crisis duel between FC Schalke 04 and Werder Bremen in the Bundesliga should take place on Saturday night without spectators. As Schalke announced on Saturday morning, they received the relevant message from local authorities after the seven-day incidence in Gelsenkirchen had once again been above 35 at the crucial point on Saturday at midnight. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it was 39.5.

Because it fell below 35 for the first time in the course of the week and on Friday to 33.4, Schalke had waited permission for some 11,000 spectators and sold the corresponding number of tickets. Interested fans will now get their money back.

It will be the third match of the 2nd day in which the permit will be withdrawn from a certain number of spectators a few hours before the start of the match. In the previous week, the matches FC Bayern Munich against Schalke (8-0) and 1. FC Cologne against 1899 Hoffenheim (2-3) were affected.

Italy reduces the number of corona tests before football matches

8:24 am: The Italian government is relaxing the safety rules for football matches. On Friday it was decided to reduce the required number of corona tests, so the government responded to a request from the FIGC football association. “Starting today, players only need to test 48 hours before the game, as is already the case in international competitions,” announced Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora.

The association’s director, Gabriele Gravina, had previously warned that the current rules would not be reasonable in the long term. “We have to be realistic. We can no longer subject players to corona tests every four days. That would be physical violence against footballers. We have to look for other solutions,” Gravina said.

Counties are calling for an upper limit nationwide for private celebrations

8.15 am: In the fight against the corona pandemic, the Association of German Districts calls for a national upper limit of less than 50 people in private parties. “From 50 participants, it becomes logistically extremely difficult to trace the contacts if there was a Covid-positive between the company,” said President of the district council Reinhard Sager from the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

So far there has not been a uniform number of participants for private parties, but this should happen at the meeting between the federal and state governments next week. “At Hamm we see what a luxurious wedding with 150 guests can take,” Sager said overlooking a major wedding in the city of NRW.

The CDU politician does not want to regulate everything uniformly at the national level. The decentralized approach is “a model of success and must be maintained,” he said. “If we ban people in sparsely populated Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania from drinking a beer in public because all the signs in Munich are red, that would drastically weaken acceptance.” From his point of view, there is nothing to say against “allowing Christmas markets in circles barely affected by Corona, if there are sensible hygiene concepts.”

Britain wants to significantly increase donations to WHO

8.12 am: Britain wants to significantly increase its funding for the World Health Organization (WHO). Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a total of 340 million pounds (371 million euros) in donations for the four-year period. That’s 30 percent more than during the previous four-year period. However, a third of the funds committed are conditional on WHO reform. Johnson’s announcement is part of a speech to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, excerpts from his office.

According to “Bild”, 50,000 students are in quarantine

08.06 am: After the start of the new school year, there are currently around 50,000 students in quarantine in Germany, reports “Bild” and cites a survey among the responsible ministries of the federal states. In the next three months, the number will more than double, probably even multiply, says the president of the Association of German Teachers, Heinz-Peter Meidinger. “We fear that, as a result, it will be increasingly difficult to control and contain outbreaks of infection in our schools.” Meanwhile, the number of cases in which an infection within the school could be considered probable is increasing.

RKI Reports Highest Number of New Corona Infections Since Late April

7:21 am: The number of new coronavirus infections in Germany has reached the highest level since April. In one day, German health authorities reported 2,507 new corona infections, as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Saturday morning. As of Friday, the number of recently reported corona cases was 2,153.

According to RKI information from Saturday morning, at least 282,730 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus since the start of the corona crisis (data as of September 26, 00: 00). According to the RKI, the number of deaths related to a corona infection is 9,452. That is 9 more than the day before. About 249,700 people survived the infection according to RKI estimates.

The peak of new infections reported daily was over 6,000 in late March / early April. Then the number tended to decline and rose again in July. In August, the number of cases was just over 2000 (2034). The number of new infections found also depends on how many people get tested.

According to RKI estimates in Germany, based on Friday’s management report, the number of views, or R-value for short, was 0.91 (previous day: 0.78). This means that an infected person infects slightly less than another person on average. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier. Also, the RKI gives a seven-day R-value, which is less subject to daily fluctuations. It shows the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago and was the last at 1.01 (previous day: 0.97). Consequently, an infected person infects another person on average.

Now on SPIEGEL +: Kreuzberg nights are dangerous

7:04 am: In Berlin, more and more young people are being infected with the corona virus: the modern district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is particularly affected. Does this already show what Germany expects in the near future? Read the full article on SPIEGEL +

Berlin may face new contact restrictions

6:50 am: In Berlin, there could soon be contact restrictions again. The Senate will discuss the details on Tuesday, Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) told RBB after a meeting with district representatives.

The Senate lifted contact restrictions in late June after the number of new infections declined. At the height of the corona pandemic, people in Berlin were only allowed to meet one person outside the home.

It is now conceivable that, like until the end of June, only a maximum of five people or people from two households could meet, Kalayci said. In addition, it had agreed with the representatives of the inner city districts to limit private celebrations. There could be an upper limit of a maximum of 50 people outdoors and 25 people indoors.

Icon: The mirror
