Corona news on Sunday: Berlin exceeds warning value for intensive care beds


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Massive restrictions in Austria even after December 7

11.40 am: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is lowering expectations that the measures will be relaxed shortly after the current lockdown. “After December 7, we will have to live with more massive restrictions,” he told Kleine Zeitung. There will be no hasty opening steps. “Everyone has to be aware that we will have to live with certain restrictions for weeks and months.” The objective is to take cautious measures towards the opening of shops and schools as of December 7. It depends on the number of infections. The higher they are, “the more difficult it will be to set the opening steps.” What this means for the currently closed ski areas is open. Kurz announces corresponding government plans for Wednesday. “What is clear: après-ski will not return for at least a year.”

British minister sees danger of third wave

11.10 am: British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab sees the danger of a third wave. This risk exists if the necessary level of restrictions is not found in the coming weeks, he told the BBC when asked about a possible third wave in January and February. “There is this danger if we don’t find the right balance.” The government is doing everything possible to avoid a national shutdown.

Arrests after protests against the blockade in London and Liège

10.45 am: There have been arrests during protests against laws and measures in the crown crisis. In London the police have more than 150 people arrested, among other things, for ignoring applicable crown rules. Police announced after the demonstration. In the current partial lockdown, citizens of England are only required to leave their homes for compelling reasons, such as working, shopping or caring for relatives. Demonstrations are not one of the allowed exceptions. Participants marched through central London on Saturday. There were multiple clashes with the police.

In Belgian Feudal Hundreds of people demonstrated against the night curfew despite the ban on meetings. “L’” reported Sunday that four police officers and three protesters were injured in clashes. The police did 17 people arrested taken. In Belgium, public gatherings of more than four people are prohibited due to the pandemic.

The Czech Republic eases restrictions on Christmas businesses

10.30 am: The Czech government is easing restrictions on public life as the number of new infections decreases every day. Starting Thursday, restaurants and shops that do not offer daily necessities are likely to reopen, Health Minister Jan Blatny announced. The risk level is reduced from four to three, the highest value is five. This means that all stores can open, but must limit the number of customers so that a sufficient distance can be maintained. The night curfew has been lifted and sports activities can be resumed on a limited basis.

Bouffier doubts that Merkel’s blockade target can be achieved

10:22 amHessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) has expressed doubts about whether the goal set by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) of reducing the number of infections can be achieved. “It will not be easy to reduce the infection rate to the level of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants,” Bouffier told Funke newspapers. “Nor can I rule out that we do not achieve the goal.” Merkel named the incidence value of 50 as the target of the measures on Wednesday after major consultations from the federal and state governments. In most regions of Germany, the value is currently well above this mark.

Bouffier also cautioned against questioning the easing agreed for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. “I advise that we stick to the agreed line,” he said. “Many people want to see each other again at Christmas. If we don’t investigate it, we will have big problems. “

Lambrecht believes that aid for the economy is necessary until the end of the pandemic

9.45 am: Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) considers that state compensation payments for the economy are legally binding until the end of the pandemic. As long as there are “serious restrictions”, “from my point of view there should also be help,” the minister told “Welt am Sonntag”. “This reduces the severity of the interventions and therefore also contributes to the proportionality of the measures.”

However, the financial possibilities of the federal government are not unlimited: “Fighting the pandemic is a national task that the federal and state governments must fulfill,” said the SPD politician. The leader of the Union’s parliamentary group, Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU), had previously requested a financial share from the federal states in aid payments.

The minister also said that delays in the disbursement of the aid have already been overcome. “This is about tax money. So we have to establish rules that prevent abuse, “said Lambrecht. “The Ministry of Economy took a while to do this. But now that aid is beginning, companies can count on it. “

Singapore woman gives birth to baby with antibodies

8.45 am: In Singapore, a woman gave birth to a child with antibodies. The baby was born in November without Covid-19 and carries antibodies to the virus, the Straits Times reports, citing the mother. She was infected in March when she was pregnant, but only showed mild symptoms. The case provides new evidence of possible mother-to-child transmission of the virus, according to the report. According to the World Health Organization, it is not yet known whether a woman can transmit the virus to her fetus or baby during pregnancy or delivery.

Postponing the Olympics for Corona costs $ 1.9 billion

7.43 am: Organizers estimate that postponement of the Tokyo Olympics due to the corona pandemic will cost around $ 1.9 billion. The newspaper “Yomiuri Shimbun” reports, citing inside information. The Japanese government and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) had postponed the games originally planned for this year until 2021 in March. Before this step, the cost was estimated at $ 13 billion, according to the report.

About 153,000 new infections and about 1,200 more deaths in the US.

07.00 am: In the United States, authorities recorded at least 152,910 new infections in 24 hours. This is the result of a Reuters poll based on official data. This means that around 13.24 million people have been shown to have contracted the coronavirus. The number of people who died with or from the virus increased by at least 1,187 to 266,000. The United States is by far the most affected country in the world by the pandemic.

14,611 cases: new corona infections below the level of the previous week

05.14 am: As expected, health authorities reported comparatively few new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) over the weekend. Are within a day 14,611 new cases have been transmitted, the RKI announced Sunday morning. The previous high was reached on Friday a week ago (November 20) with 23,648 reported cases. Last Sunday the figure was 15,741.

On Sundays and Mondays, the numbers are comparatively low because, according to the RKI, fewer samples are taken on weekends and therefore fewer tests are done overall.

German health authorities also reported 158 new deaths in 24 hours. The trend in the number of daily deaths had recently increased, which was also expected after the sharp increase in new infections. The total number of people who died from or from a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection rose to a total of 16,123.

UK secures another two million doses of Moderna vaccine

05.03 am: The British government says it has obtained another two million doses of the candidate vaccine from the American pharmaceutical company Moderna. In total, the UK now has access to 357 million doses from seven different vaccine developers.

»Unword of the year« – Corona terms in focus

04.55 am: The »Word of the year« will be chosen this Monday, the »One word of the year« will not be announced until mid-January. According to the jury, 760 submissions have been received so far with 316 suggestions about the “bad word”. Of these, 30 are shortlisted that meet the criteria, as jury spokeswoman Nina Janich said about the German Press Agency in Darmstadt.

According to the jury, this year’s focus of the pandemic is on the choice of language for the coronavirus. “We have a lot on Corona,” Janich said. Suggestions are “Alarmism”, »Systemling«, “Dictatorship of the Crown”, “Wirrologists” or »Covidioten«. Most of the suggestions so far have been received with 88 as “systemically relevant” in relation to a perceived lack of recognition of the limitations of closure. Despite the need to determine who can open and who cannot, this is seen as a disastrous signal for an evaluation. There are 31 suggestions for “Opening debate organizations”.

51 percent consider the warning app to be inappropriate

1:56 am: According to a survey, the Corona warning app is greeted with skepticism by the majority of Germans.

  • 51 percent keep app not for a proper remedy to contain the pandemic, as the survey conducted by the Kantar opinion research institute on behalf of the Funke media group shows.

  • 49 percent evaluate the instrument as makes sense.

There is wide approval of the mask requirement.

  • 90 percent consider using one Covering the mouth and nose in shops, public transport and in crowded places like helpful.

  • 85 percent Advocate for the renunciation of unnecessary contacts and for business and private trips.

Göring-Eckardt says relaxation on New Year’s Eve is risky

1:12 am: The president of the Greens parliamentary group, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, does not consider the results of the last Corona summit to be consistent enough. It is risky that the relaxation of the measures will also be applied on New Year’s Eve, he tells the newspaper “Bild am Sonntag”. “It may be necessary to close more after Christmas for infections to really go down.” Göring-Eckardt criticizes the fact that Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and state ministers have once again failed to agree on clear rules. “We must put an end to the constant proclamation of new measures, which prime ministers can only agree with difficulty every few weeks.” What is needed is a “set of fixed rules for the whole of Germany” approved by the Bundestag.

Icon: The mirror
