Corona News: new record for corona deaths – politics


The number of coronavirus-related deaths reported in 24 hours has skyrocketed to a new record. German health authorities reported 590 new deaths in one day to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), according to RKI figures from Wednesday morning. That’s more than 100 cases more than the previous high of 487 deaths last Wednesday.

A total of 20,815 new coronavirus infections were reported in 24 hours. On Wednesday of the previous week the value was 17,270. The highest daily value so far was on November 20 with 23,648 cases.

The trend in the number of daily deaths had recently increased, which was expected after the sharp increase in new infections. The total number of people who died with or with a proven Sars-CoV-2 infection rose to 19,932 as of Wednesday.

For all of Germany, the RKI also gave a new high of 149.1 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. At the beginning of the partial closure in November, there were about 120. The federal and state governments want to make less than 50, so that health authorities can trace the chains of infection again.

The vaccine must be stored in barracks.

According to Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU), the Bundeswehr will temporarily store corona vaccines in its barracks for safety. The newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe” report in a preliminary report. Wherever it makes sense, the vaccine will be delivered and stored in barracks, he said. The Bundeswehr also offered support to the federal states. “At the request of the federal states, the Bundeswehr can help with up to 26 vaccination centers and up to 26 mobile vaccination teams,” says Kramp-Karrenbauer. “Never before in the 65-year history of the Bundeswehr have we provided administrative assistance for such a long period of time,” he added.

Saxony wants to close kindergartens, schools and outlets

The Saxon state government plans to close schools, kindergartens and after-school care centers from Monday, December 14. Retail will also remain closed. There are exceptions only for supermarkets and basic supply stores, Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) announced. The measures should initially apply until January 10, 2021, “a manageable period, but it remains a challenge,” Kretschmer said. The new measures will be decided at a special meeting of the state government on Friday.

The reason for the lockdown is the seven-day high incidence in Saxony, which, according to RKI data on Tuesday, was 319, more than double the national average. The prime minister said the hospital occupancy rate was particularly worrying. Intensive care patients are already being transferred to Dresden and Leipzig from regions like Upper Lusatia.

This is one of the reasons why the state government decided “we have to put Saxony to rest now” “. We tried with softer means, but we see that these instruments do not work, “said Kretschmer. A hard lock is now the only way to stop the infection process. He called on the population to continue to be supportive and to absolutely adhere to the rules.

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Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is also reacting to the increased number of corona infections with stricter protective measures. The cabinet decided Tuesday in Schwerin to extend the requirement for masks in public places and teach pupils from the seventh grade onwards at home via the Internet after the Christmas holidays. Residents of healthcare centers can only be visited by one family member per day. Furthermore, alcohol should no longer be allowed to be served in public. In addition, according to the decision, there will also be exit restrictions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as soon as a city or region reaches 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week.

Baden-Württemberg: Those who stubbornly refuse to quarantine must be instructed

In Baden-Württemberg, those who refuse to see the quarantine will be housed in one of two or three selected hospitals in the southwest. Health Minister Manne Lucha (Greens) and Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) agreed on Tuesday after lengthy discussions.

The Interior Ministry had urged that these people be strictly admitted to a central clinic in the country. Lucha had advocated that the municipalities serve it in a decentralized manner, since it is an individual case. Lucha now wants to name the responsible clinics by the end of the week. Strobl said he was glad that an agreement had been reached to “remove stubborn quarantine objectors.” But it is only a last resort if those people cannot recover even through fines.

The Baden-Württemberg state government also wants to ban open-air alcohol service, especially given the large number of mulled wine stands in the state. Lucha announced Tuesday that a complete alcohol ban will be included in Corona’s upcoming regulation. Municipalities should implement this from the third advent.

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann has announced drastic measures for regions with extremely rising corona infection figures. Drastic measures will have to be taken this week for regions with more than 300 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, the Green politician in Stuttgart said on Tuesday. He expects measures for extreme hotspots can go into effect early next week.

Contact restrictions during the holidays: the status in the countries

Despite the federal state’s decision to partially block the fight against the corona pandemic, the federal states are taking different paths. Regarding contact restrictions, especially during holidays, different rules apply. The actual situation:

The relaxation of the crown’s contact restrictions from December 23, 2020 to January 1, 2021 has now been shortened or removed entirely in individual federal states.

In Baden-Wuerttemberg The restrictions will only be relaxed from December 23-27. In Bayern the relaxation of contact restrictions should only be maintained from December 23 to 26. Even the government in Saxony-Anhalt has announced that there will likely be no relaxation of Corona’s rules on New Years Eve. In Brandenburg there is talk of shortening the flexibility to the period from December 23 to 27.

Measurements are not relaxed at all, not even at Christmas Sedan. Also in Thuringia Crown contact restrictions should not be relaxed during the Christmas holidays and New Year’s Eve in view of the high number of infections. In Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, am Saar and in Schleswig-Holstein According to the current status, the easing will be maintained during the holidays, or a decision is still pending.

In Hessen Y Rhineland-Palatinate all measures are initially limited to December 20. In Schleswig-Holstein Up to ten people from two households are allowed to meet in public. Saxony wants to shut down public life as of Monday due to massive corona infections.

The federal and state governments agreed to allow ten people plus children to attend family reunions from December 23 to January 1. The Leopoldina Academy of Sciences also recommends closing stores from Christmas. According to the scientists’ recommendation, from December 24 to January 10 “public life throughout Germany should be largely inactive.”

Assembly authority prohibits large-scale demonstration of “lateral thinkers” in Frankfurt

The assembly authority in Frankfurt has banned a large demonstration scheduled for Saturday by the “side thinkers” movement with a total of 40,000 expected participants. Due to the planned demonstration of all participants through the city center of Frankfurt, the expected counter-demonstrations and the associated dangers of clashes between different groups, a concrete risk to the health of the population can be assumed, the city justifies prohibition.

Higher sums for Corona aid

The federal government wants to increase aid advances for November. Companies will receive a maximum of 50,000 euros instead of the previous 10,000 euros, as confirmed on Tuesday by the Federal Ministry of Finance of SZ.

The demand came from the federal states in particular to massively increase advances, up to 500,000 euros, because otherwise many companies would find themselves with liquidity bottlenecks. However, there was reportedly great concern in the federal government that significantly higher payments on account could lead to more cases of abuse. It is not clear when exactly the regular November aid is due. Businesses and the self-employed affected by the partial shutdown should generally receive 75 percent of lost sales.

The federal government expects total funding of around € 15 billion for November aid. This supports companies in the restaurant sector, for example, as well as the self-employed who had to close their operations due to partial closure. Due to the extension of the restrictions, billions in December aid are also planned according to the November aid model; there should also be advance payments.

Regular November aid was only able to flow in January, as is clear from a response from the Federal Ministry of Economy to a request from the FDP in the Bundestag. One point is that the benefits for reduced-time work must be deducted from the “Novemberhilfe”, companies must provide additional information.
