Corona-News Munich: Merkel with explosive declaration of blockade – OB Reiter reacts emotionally


The increase in crown numbers has led to a significant adjustment: as of November 2, a partial lockdown ordered by Chancellor Merkel will also apply in Munich.

  • On November 2 a “Blockade Light” went into effect in Munich.
  • Leisure facilities remain closed, contact restrictions have been issued.
  • In our news ticker, we keep you updated on the development of the pandemic.

Update, 2:06 pm: In Munich for Monday, November 2 309 new crown boxes reported. So far, a total of 17,865 infections have been confirmed in the state capital. That number includes 13,566 people who have already recovered and 250 deaths.

the 7-day incidence for Munich it is 150.1 according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). the Play number for Munich it is 0.96 (as of November 2), which means that the incidence for Munich has continued to increase considerably for days. Therefore, reaching an incidence of 50 is a long way off.

Update, 11:33 am: In Munich, the stricter crown rules have been in effect since Monday, November 2. Photos of a subway in the city center now show scenes as people close together in a wagon to be.

Update on November 3 at 7.54 am.: Crown numbers in Munich keep going up. As announced by the RKI on Tuesday morning (November 3), the 7 day incidence in the state capital currently in 150.1. As in previous days, the value is higher than the previous day. Yesterday the incidence was 142.

Update on November 2 at 2:24 pm.: How long is the Crown-Lockdown indeed? At the time it is expressed Chancellor Angela Merkel in Sedan. The CDU politician still does not want to commit to any deadline: “I do not want to speculate about November 30 today.” Merkel explicitly mentioned them again Queries with the Prime Minister on November 16: “At least politically we will do everything possible to ensure that (the closure, the editor) is limited to November.”

Munich: Merkel’s current assessment of the crown lockdown

Merkel emphasizes her understanding for the situation of the Germans. “People are certainly disappointed, and I can understand it, that everything is going on for so long.” Currently, the light at the end of the spring-shaped tunnel is “still a long way off.” The Chancellor continued by saying: “It is not a political decision that we have taken, it is a kind of Natural disaster. One will surely surpass them all Keep private contacts low in the winter months Have to.”

12.19 pm: Lord Mayor of Munich Dieter reiter (SPD) again refers to the one already announced on Friday cancellation the Christmas markets taken: “I wish we could at least end this stressful year with the traditional Christmas market. But unfortunately we have to cancel the Christmas and Christkindl markets due to the infection rate, ”said a statement in the View of the town hall Has been published.

Munich locked away: Mayor Reiter follows emotional crown statement

Reiter continues: “Especially for them dough it is of course particularly bitter. The rejection now brings you at least clarity instead of a hangover that lasts for days or weeks. “

Update November 2, 9.42 am: The decisive one for the evaluation of new measures. 7-day incidence in Munich has continued to increase. The Robert Koch Institute reported Monday morning (RKI) on your home page a value of 142.0 (previously 137.4).

Munich has to enter crown lock: adjustment from 2 November

Source message:

Munich – Munich must be in the partialEmergency shutdown. As a consequence of the increase Infection numbers In Bavaria, public life in the Free State will come to a halt as of Monday (November 2). Restaurants Y Gyms has to close for the whole month, Swimming pools Y Theater they are also affected.

Vacationers I still have the morning, Bavaro Hotels leave. Tourist Overnight stays they are prohibited in the next four weeks of confinement. In addition, strict Contact restrictions: A maximum of ten people can meet, in public and private spaces.

In contrast to the first Crown lock in spring schools, Day care centers, Barber Shop Y Universities stay open. In the ARD talk “Anne Will” defended the prime minister of Bavaria Markus Söder the tightening: “The alternative would be to let it go.” Then, however, with a large increase in Infections and later also the Body count expected.

Corona: Söder speaks at ARD Talk about the blocking alternative

“There is no other concept in the world than to reduce contacts to Crown react. If there was a better and lighter one, we would use it immediately, ”explained Söder. (lks / dpa) In Munich, the police recently had to interrupt a meeting with more than 100 guests; The occasion was the birthday of a little boy.
