Corona-News Munich: Lockdown adjustment? Söder looks to Italy and finds clear words


In Munich, the latest crown numbers do not yet promise a turnaround. CSU chief Markus Söder has made a clear statement about a possible lockdown adjustment.

  • Munich is in a “blocking light”.
  • The city’s incidence has continued to increase recently.
  • Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has now commented on the end of the lockdown, among other things.

November 15 update at 11:30 am.: He has been in Germany for about two weeks. “Lock light”that the Prime Ministers together with Chancellor Merkel (CDU) had decided to stop the sudden spike Infection numbers with the Coronavirus go back to being a teacher in the Federal Republic.

The next one will take place on Monday (November 16) Crisis Summit the Prime Minister and the Chancellor for Video switch instead of. Among other things, it should be discussed there whether the above activities they were successful or sufficient to change the situation. Beforehand, several managers and experts had a possible Loosening the Crown constraints a cancellation granted because the number of infections has barely decreased significantly since the shutdown began.

Crown in Bavaria: Prime Minister Söder rules out easing measures

Bavaria Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) went a bit further in an interview with Bild am Sonntag. There the 53-year-old man said: “We have to consider whether the above measures are sufficient. We need uniform rules for everyone and we must not confuse the population on a daily basis ”. Facing neighboring European country Italy, where the government was already banned last week, Christmas To celebrate with the extended family, as is customary in Italy, Söder even urgently warned against possible early relaxation. “There is absolutely no room for relaxation. Anyone who relaxes too early risks Christmas. “

Corona numbers continue to rise in Bavaria: Markus Söder names a big goal: there is hope

Söder definitely doesn’t see any more holiday trips or the like this year. “Our great objective It shouldn’t be “Where can you go on vacation at Christmas?” but rather “Who can I be with at Christmas?” It is the ultimate goal, including the ruling class, “both family possible. “But for this to be successful, the population to collaborate.

Which Squeeze in Söder believes it is possible, they should Infection numbers The Prime Minister did not want to give a clear answer to that. During the Lockdown Light, the government actually only exempted retailers, schools, and daycares from the measures. A tightening of the measures would come, as in Austria, almost like a hard lock of spring.

First report of November 14

Munich: has been in force for almost two weeks Bavarian capital, as in the whole country, the “Lock light“. The measures taken are designed to achieve one thing above all: that Reduce contacts. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) recently on the Destination specification Expressed for November, emphasizing that a End of action it would only be possible if a Incidence of 50 is given. In Munich * this is currently 214.9 * (as of November 13). With that you are in the metropolis of Isar from the “Merkel’s Benchmark” still far away. CSU Chief Markus South has been established on the platform “Jodel“Now him Community Questions raised. Including those dealing with End of the crown crisis use.

Crown Lock – When Will Measurements End? Söder gives a clear answer

Many people got the news of the advancement of the company’s vaccine Biontech received with great pleasure. Some even associate them with that. I hope for an ending soon the crisis of the crown. Markus South now have something braking: “Until everything is delivered, it will certainly be until March. Until a large part of a risk group is actually vaccinated, it will definitely take longer. It will take some time: the end of the measures is when the vaccines start It was not expected“Says Söder in” Jodel. “Many users were also moved by the question of the next Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. The question, according to Markus Söder, is whether the current The measures took effect. They will sit down and find out if the measurements “extend or even squeeze “ must, so Söder. However, one thing can already be said with certainty: “New Year Eve, that will be more likely very small parties become “, so the head of CSU.

How long will the crown lock last? Söder offers perspective and little hope

CSU boss Markus Söder answered the user’s question about “Jodel”.

© Screenshot of Jodel

A question that everyone asks with great eagerness is that of final end of the crown crisis and your actions. “Exciting question,” says Söder. “Many already announced everything in the summer, it caught up. The vaccine is the best we have. Corona will never go away, but we can live much more freely, the vaccine can help us a lot. To accept, when that one hundred percent that’s right, i would it’s not serious. At the moment we have to see that we go down from the numbers. ”

With this statement it is likely Munich probably less happy its. The end of the measures seems to be a long way off. But the hope of timely relief, especially thanks to the Vaccine, you should stay. * is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide.
