Corona News: Karliczek for mandatory masking in class – politics


Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU) believes that it makes sense to wear a mask in class in all schools, including primary schools. “In a phase of high number of infections, I consider that a general requirement of a mask in class is reasonable, even in elementary schools, even if wearing masks during the day is of course a nuisance,” said the CDU politician Rheinische Mail. “For me, wearing a mask is the most effective way to facilitate lessons.”

In several federal states, due to the increased number of infections, it is currently mandatory to wear a mask in high schools. Elementary students are often exempt from this.

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Karliczek raised more suggestions in the fight against the corona virus. For example, schools could move to other rooms, such as parish centers, to get further apart, he suggested. A corresponding offer recently arrived from the museum sector. “Of course, these rooms are not always suitable for teaching. This requires a lot of creativity and tolerance from all sides.”

Karliczek also called for this flexibility when it comes to classroom ventilation. “Regular ventilation helps, even when it is cold in the rooms. That was also the result of a conversation between the Conference of Ministers of Education and the Federal Environment Agency. In the current situation, students can be expected to use a thick sweater, “said the Minister of Education. Mobile air filter devices “are not a panacea.” These would not replace the ventilation.

15,332 new infections in Germany

In Germany, health authorities reported 15,332 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute in 24 hours. That’s nearly 2,000 more cases than Monday, according to RKI information Tuesday morning. Compared to Tuesday of last week, the value is almost identical. At that time, 15,352 new infections were reported. The peak was reached on Saturday with 23,399 cases registered. On Sundays and Mondays, the number of cases reported daily is usually less than on other days of the week.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the RKI has counted a total of 687,200 infections detected with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany (as of November 10, 00:00 am). The number of deaths related to the virus rose 154 on Tuesday to a total of 11,506. On Monday, that increase was 63 cases. The RKI estimates that around 441,200 people have recovered.

According to RKI’s management report on Monday, the so-called seven-day R was 0.98 (previous day: 1.01). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infected 98 other people. The value represents the appearance of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If it is below one for a long time, the infection process subsides.

Spahn insists on a fast contract with Biontech and Pfizer

CDU Health Minister Jens Spahn demands that the European Union conclude a contract for the delivery of a corona vaccine with the Mainz company Biontech and the pharmaceutical company Pfizer as soon as possible. So far there has been a preliminary contract, but no conclusion, Spahn criticized Monday night in the ZDF-heute newspaper. Even if there are a lot of legal issues to clear up, it’s also about speed.

“Above all, I would like us to reach a conclusion as the European Union in the next few days. As German Minister of Health, it would be difficult for me to explain if in other regions of the world a vaccine produced in Germany was vaccinated more quickly than in Germany itself.” . stressed the minister. That is why he insists “very, very strongly” that we finally get to a result.

The EU Commission has been negotiating for some time with Biontech / Pfizer on a framework agreement for the delivery of the vaccine to all EU countries. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote Monday afternoon. On twitterthat will soon sign a contract for up to 300 million doses of vaccines. So far, the EU Commission has signed framework agreements with the pharmaceutical companies Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and Sanofi-GSK.

Biontech and Pfizer were the first Western manufacturers to publish promising results on Monday. Consequently, your vaccine offers more than 90 percent protection against Covid-19. The companies are expected to apply for approval from the US FDA starting next week. Spahn assumes a parallel application to the European Medicines Agency EMA.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is now also a corona risk area

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania was the last federal state to exceed the seven-day incidence of 50 new corona infections and is now considered a general risk area. As reported by the Robert Koch Institute, the value is now 50.18 nationwide. The night before, the State Office of Health and Social Affairs had awarded a value of 49.7.

Over the weekend, 163 new corona infections were reported in the country of Müritz and the Baltic Sea. According to the State Health Office, the number of registered infections since March rose to at least 3,741. The number of deaths related to a Covid 19 disease since the beginning of the pandemic rose to 30 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

During the first Corona wave in spring, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania was the state least affected by the pandemic. For this reason, Schwerin imposed an entry ban for tourists from other federal states in mid-March.
