Corona news in Thuringia: more than 1,000 new infections in 24 hours


Mulhouse | All Marian concerts canceled

The city of Mühlhausen canceled all concerts until the end of the year. Current crown rules allowed no exceptions, the city administration announced. Tickets for all dates can be returned. The canceled concerts include four solo at the Marienkirche.

Hildburghausen | Parents’ representatives criticize the crown’s tactics

Mass corona trials will be expanded in the Hildburghausen district. According to district administrator Thomas Müller (CDU), willingness to take the test increases, so nasal swabs are taken from schoolchildren and kindergarten children on Friday and possibly also on Monday. Children with negative test results can be seen again immediately. At the start of the test campaign on Tuesday, the popularity was still quiet.

Criticisms of the tests come from the state parent representative. Spokeswoman Claudia Koch said the tests had been announced as voluntary. Unexamined children should not suffer any disadvantage. Children without a test would now have to stay home for another week. For school children in particular, an extra week of learning at home is definitely a disadvantage compared to lessons in the classroom.

nationwide | News about the supraregional crown

“Small border traffic” between Saxony and the Czech Republic remains prohibited in the neighboring country even after the end of the closure. According to advertising surveys, most consumers want to escape the Corona reality. More national news about the crown on the MDR AKTUELL ticker.
