Corona News Friday: The Most Important Developments About Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19


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Nursing officer: “There are crown rules that are too strict”

5.40 am: The federal government nursing officer cautioned against overly strict crown requirements in nursing homes and nursing homes. “There are very good concepts. In some cases, however, there are also rules that are too strict based on current knowledge, “Andreas Westerfellhaus told the newspapers of the Funke media group.” Even if there is a limited outbreak, a facility should not be closed reflexively to the visitors”.

After several severe crown outbreaks, nursing homes in Germany were severely sealed off during the first closure in spring. In hindsight, this also drew criticism because many residents suffered from isolation. But even now, the infection rate in the elderly and nursing homes, as well as the high mortality rates among the elderly, are again a cause for great concern. “The situation is still very tense,” RKI President Lothar Wieler said in Berlin.

Together with the RKI, the nursing officer has developed a guide for visits to nursing homes and for the elderly, which will be sent to the facilities. According to the report, this also includes the recommendation to announce home address visits on time and clarify whether a quick test is helpful.

Facebook wants to remove incorrect information about corona vaccines

5.30 am: Facebook is stepping up its action against incorrect information about corona vaccines and wants to remove them in the future. Among other things, these are claims about the safety and efficiency of vaccines that have been disproved by experts, the online network said. Conspiracy ideologies will also be affected, for example drugs being tested on certain population groups without their consent or containing microchips. The hardest pace is the continuation of the online network’s line of removing posts that could harm people in the real world, he said.

Kubicki considers the determination of the corona incidence values ​​doubtful

05.25 am: The Vice President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Kubicki, has criticized the alignment of the state corona measures with the incidence values ​​of new infections and has questioned whether they are serious. “Sticking to advocacy values ​​as a decisive factor in the fight against the crown is becoming more and more absurd,” said the vice president of the dpa FDP. »It is not only the infection rate that determines the level of new infections registered, but above all the respective testing strategy. The federal government admits this relatively frankly. “

Kubicki was referring to the Ministry of Health’s response to his query about fluctuations in the number of corona tests. I wanted to know if the government or the Robert Koch Institute would make calculations that took them into account, so that the rate of new infections and the incidence values ​​in recent months could be displayed after adjusting the fluctuation factor.

In its response, the Ministry of Health indicated that “the influences on the number of registered cases are heterogeneous and diverse and not stable in time and in regional distribution.” “Therefore, it is not possible to correct the number of cases,” the letter says. However, the epidemiological situation in Germany can be reliably assessed, since the record of the number of cases is supplemented by studies and other information.

Kubicki called this approach “not only politically remarkable, but above all legally questionable.” He pointed out that the new Infection Protection Law linked the activation of protection measures to the level of incidence value. “These protection measures include the historically unprecedented violations of fundamental rights in recent months, which require constant review to be justified.”

“Therefore, these numbers must be determined seriously and have a real connection to the infection process and not be subject to chance or even arbitrariness,” said the FDP politician. Obviously, that is not guaranteed, as the Ministry of Health admits. “The fact that the federal government doesn’t seem to see a problem here shows how little they think about the legal categories right now.”

Biden wants to be publicly vaccinated against Corona

05:05 am: To strengthen confidence in the population, US President-designate Joe Biden wants to be publicly vaccinated against the corona virus. He wanted to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine, Biden said on CNN television. If there is a vaccine available, it will.

The three former presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama had previously announced that they would be publicly vaccinated to increase confidence in the safety of the drug.

US reports more than 210,000 new infections

04.55 am: In the United States, most new infections have been reported within one day since the start of the corona pandemic. There were more than 210,000 new cases nationwide in 24 hours, Johns Hopkins University said Thursday night. The number of deaths reached 2907, one of the highest values ​​reported so far.

The United States is the country most affected in the world by the pandemic. In all, the United States has already recorded more than 14.1 million corona cases. More than 276,000 infected people died. Due to the wave of travel around America’s biggest holiday, Thanksgiving, experts feared another spike in the number of infections.

As the number of infections continues to rise, Donald Trump’s time as president of the United States is running out. Joe Biden will take office on January 20, probably in the middle of the next wave. This is why he now wants to persuade American citizens to wear masks consistently. Now he told CNN television station: “100 days with the mask, not forever.” He believes that a significant decrease can then be observed. Whenever the constitution allows it, it will order the use of face shields in order. As an example, he cited state buildings or interstate means of transportation such as airplanes or buses.

PCR testing debate: play it safe

4:50 am: The skepticism of the Crown is unleashed on almost no subject as in the tests of PCR and Christian Drosten. Why? And what about the arguments? Read more here.

The 99-year-old Croat defeated the coronavirus

04.35 am: A 99-year-old Croatian woman survived a coronavirus infection. “It’s over, I feel good now,” Margareta Kranjcec told the Vecernji List newspaper. The old woman lives in a nursing home in the city of Karlovac. At the end of October she was admitted to hospital after a positive corona test, but after three weeks she was discharged again.

Several residents of his home were infected with the new type of coronavirus. However, Kranjcec, who had no prior serious illness, showed no symptoms, as reported by the director of the nursing home.

“In view of her fragility and her old age, it is really surprising that the coronavirus cannot harm her,” said Stefica Ljubic Mlinac of the AFP news agency. In the midst of the pandemic, “this is very good news,” he added.

With its 4.2 million inhabitants, Croatia has so far registered almost 140,000 coronavirus infections. Almost 2,000 people died from the virus in the Balkan country.

Merkel supports WHO at the United Nations

04.15 am: Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for increased support from the World Health Organization as a lesson from the crown crisis. The pandemic shows the importance of the WHO, which needs to be strengthened, Merkel said in a video message for the United Nations crown special consultations. “It must be able to react even better to cross-border threats to health.” Germany will also work internationally to achieve this during its Presidency of the Council of the EU. Because this global crisis can only be overcome globally.

But despite all the difficulties in this year of crisis, thanks to the development of the vaccine, “a light at the end of the tunnel,” Merkel said. However, everyone should have fair access to effective vaccines. Only then can the pandemic be overcome in the long term.

UN Secretary General António Guterres criticized the countries, without naming them, who denied facts about the coronavirus pandemic and ignored WHO guidelines. “From the beginning, the World Health Organization provided factual information and scientific guidance that should have been the basis for a coordinated global response,” Guterres said. “Unfortunately, many of these recommendations were not followed. And in some situations there has been a rejection of the facts and an ignorance of the guidelines. And when countries go in their own direction, the virus goes in all directions, “he said.

US President Donald Trump cut funding for the WHO earlier this year and announced that he was leaving the organization. He accuses him of being too close to China and therefore supporting a cover-up policy of the People’s Republic after the virus outbreak there. The US withdrawal would take effect next July, but new president-elect Joe Biden has announced that he will reverse the measure.

An everyday hero: from number one on the charts to the nursing service

3:05 am: Marcus Bischoff is a metal singer and very successful with his band. In the pandemic, you don’t stand in front of guitar amplifiers, but next to dialysis machines in a corona room. Read more here.

California tightened crown measures

2.30 am: California is introducing stricter measures in the fight against the pandemic due to the increase in the number of corona. In regions threatened with overcrowding in intensive care units, exit restrictions and other requirements will be tightened, Governor Gavin Newsom announced. With a view to increasing hospital admissions, the state is imposing a stay-at-home order in much of California.

Contact with other households should be avoided. Many non-essential businesses have to close, including hair salons and bars. Restaurants can only offer take away food. In stores, the number of customers will be further reduced. The state must pull the emergency brake, Newsom said. In the affected regions, the order will initially apply for three weeks.

California, with about 40 million inhabitants, is the most populous state in the United States. In total, more than 1.2 million infections with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen have been detected there since the start of the pandemic. According to the governor’s office, more than 19,400 people have died from the coronavirus infection. In terms of population, the West Coast state does better than many other states in the US.

Ski Holidays in the Pandemic: The Snow War

02.20 am: While Austria and Switzerland want to open their ski slopes, Italy, France and Germany fear new sources of infection. The dispute over the Corona winter is intensifying. Read more here.
