Corona News Blog: All current developments


The most important news and current developments on the coronavirus in the news blog focusing on Germany and focusing on the southwest.

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Current figures from the RKI¹ and the Ministry of Social Affairs:

  • Currently infected Baden-Württemberg: approximately 3,545 (33,287 in total – approximately 28,200 recovered – 1,542 deceased)
  • Deaths in Baden-Württemberg: 1,542
  • Currently infected Germany: about 17,423 (169,218 in total – approximately 144,400 recovered – 7,395 deceased)
  • Deaths in Germany: 7395

The most important thing of the day:

  • The playback number increases again to 1.1 (7 am.)
  • Almost no new infection over the weekend in the Tuttlingen district (6.43 p.m.)
  • Travel industry collapse fears and Mass unemployment (16.37 p.m.)
  • Exception on Mother’s Day: limit for children and mothers (10:51 a.m.)
  • Boris Palmer rejects FDP’s offer of admission (3.33 p.m.)
  • Family minister has Regular operation in nurseries since summer for possible (7.16 a.m.)

That’s all for today. We wish you a good night and will be back tomorrow morning at Schwä with a new Corona news blog.

8:55 p.m. – More than 169,800 crown records in Germany

Nationwide, more than 169,800 coronavirus infections had been reported on Sunday night (day before 8:15 p.m.: more than 169,300 infections).

According to reports, at least 7443 infected with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 have died across the country so far (day before 8:15 p.m.: 7434). This is the result of an evaluation carried out by the German Press Agency, which takes into account the latest figures from the federal states.

According to information from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of reproductions at night was 1.13 (data as of May 10 at 00:00). This means that an infected person infects slightly more than another person on average. Therefore, the value has increased slightly again (previous day 1.10) and is still above the 1.0 mark that the RKI has rated as critical. The institute has repeatedly emphasized that the number of reproductions must be less than 1 for the pandemic to decrease. On Thursday, the RKI reported the value at 0.71, on Wednesday at 0.65. The number of reproductions is somewhat uncertain.

According to RKI estimates, around 144,400 people survived the infection in Germany. As for other countries, experts also expect a large number of unreported cases in Germany.

According to federal state statistics, Bavaria has a particularly high number of registered infections with more than 44,600 cases and at least 2,167 deaths, North Rhine-Westphalia with more than 34,900 cases and at least 1,424 deaths, and Baden-Württemberg with more than 33,200 confirmed cases and at least 1,542 deaths. The time a new daily status is reported varies from state to state.

Based on 100,000 inhabitants, Bavaria has the highest number of infections with a value of 341.3. The national average was 204.3. However, the number of tests carried out per 100,000 inhabitants varies in the federal states.

7.40 pm – Theaters suffer their worst crisis

Theaters are closed, and will no longer open at first. The Ulm Theater has canceled the current season. Constanza wants to do outdoor theater. But the private theater is even more affected. A look at an industry that is going through the worst crisis in its history.

Find out more: The biggest theatrical crisis so far

6.43 p.m. – Almost no new infection during the weekend in the Tuttlingen district

According to the district office, the number of people newly diagnosed with coronavirus in the Tuttlingen district has hardly increased over the weekend. “There have been four new Corona cases since Friday,” district spokeswoman Julia Hager said Sunday.

Two of those infected are from Aldingen, one from Emmingen-Liptingen and Spaichingen, continues Hager. The four positive Covid test results are also offset by some negative tests over the weekend. Hager plans to provide the exact number over the course of Monday.

Currently there is in the district 85 confirmed crown diseases. According to Hager, 74 people are quarantined in their homes and 11 patients are being treated at the clinic. Meanwhile, 393 patients out of a total of 495 confirmed cases in the district have recovered, according to the district office spokeswoman.

17:36 – Rosenheim again on a reference number of 50 new cases

In the city of Rosenheim, the crown pandemic has again exceeded 50 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. The value was 50.5 on Sunday, the State Office of Food Safety and Health (LGL) said in Erlangen on Sunday.

The city of Rosenheim was already on May 7. 50 new cases torn in 100 days for every 100,000 inhabitants. At that time the value was 52.7. The current increase in the number of cases can be explained by a serial test in the accommodation of an asylum seeker, the state office said.

In neighboring regions, the Rosenheim district and the Traunstein District the indicators are also relatively high at 29.5 and 37.8. In Traunstein’s case, this is due to the increased number of nursing home cases.

In this district, a local general decree was issued with visits to hospitals, nursing homes and asylum accommodation until May 15. Going forward, the state office wanted to set an early warning limit of 35 cases per 100,000 residents to be able to warn affected municipalities and take action there in due course.

16:37 – Travel industry fears collapse and mass unemployment

It is too early for concrete numbers due to the deferred bankruptcy filing deadline, said the president of the BTW industry association, Michael Frenzel, the “Welt am Sonntag”. “But we did surveys among the almost 11,000 travel agencies and around 2,300 tour operators. After that, two thirds of companies are seen in the short and medium term. threatened by bankruptcy

According to estimates by the Federal Tourism Industry Association of Germany (BTW), up to one million people are at risk of unemployment across the industry, including the hotel industry. “About 70 percent are already receiving short-term job benefits,” said Frenzel.

The economic situation in the industry had worsened catastrophically. “We not only lost almost eleven billion euros in sales in mid-June. To make matters worse, customers are making an additional three to four billion euros in claims for reimbursement, ”said Frenzel. “We cannot accept the impending collapse of the industry.” He noted that the tourism industry in Germany represents three million jobs and four percent of economic output. “In terms of importance, we are on par with the auto industry and machine manufacturers.”

3:33 p.m. – Boris Palmer rejects FDP’s offer of admission

The Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer (Greens) he does not want to change the liberals despite the discussion with his own party. He declined on Sunday a corresponding offer from Baden-Wuerttemberg FDP State President Michael Theurer. “As an ecologist it is impossible to become a member of the FDP. I would have a discussion every day and not just words, “Palmer told the German Press Agency.

The Board of the Southwest Greens had the Mayor of Tübingen on Friday night Party departure requested. Palmer has been surprising with provocative statements for years. More recently, he caused outrage with his choice of words to deal with older crown patients.

The FDP politician Theurer had said the “Bild am Sonntag”: “Boris Palmer is welcome to the FDP Baden-Württemberg”. We are a home for critical minds. We can stand it, we fight for freedom of expression. “Palmer told Theurer:” I am delighted that he is committed to open debate. “

2.30 p.m. – Another demonstration of fundamental rights at Wangen – But some things were different

Again there was a demonstration in Wangen on Saturday against the “restriction of fundamental rights”. However, she did a slightly different and more moderate character than the first such event a week earlier.

This time it was not the rally market, but the milk mushroom parking lot. There was also criticism on Friday for the Future spokesperson. Rosina Kaltenhauser.

There was a group of four around Sabine Henn from Wangen other organizers, and also the rhetorical language of the contributions differed to the previous week. At the end of the event, the group distanced themselves from the organizer last week in an interview with the “Schwäbische Zeitung”. He deliberately wanted his own rally. Read more here.

1:04 pm – Thousands demonstrate against crown restrictions

Another call to demonstrate against the restrictions of the coronavirus was followed by several thousand people in Stuttgart on Saturday. There was a strong influx of people at the protest site, a police spokesman said. It got quite crowded. Police estimated the number of protesters to be around 5,000. Officials ensured that infection protection and the required distance were observed. There were no major problems. The requirements were mostly met, it was kept in peace.

There were also protests in other cities in the southwest. According to the police, 1,500 people gathered in Ravensburg on Saturday, to demonstrate against state crown regulations. In Salem (Bodenseekreis) the police counted around 600 in a similar action Cheeks Around 300 people in the Allgäu (Ravensburg district). According to the police, around 100 people demonstrated in Leutkirch (Ravensburg district) on Friday night. All of the actions were peaceful, a police spokesman said.

Behind the protest is Ballweg’s “lateral thinking” initiative. His regular demos have been well received recently. Similar demonstrations are held across the country. Critics fear that conspiracy theorists and right-wing populists will take him away.

Around 3,000 people demonstrated in Munich at Marienplatz. Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) harshly criticized the pro-fundamental rights protester: “Basically, I understand that the measures taken make people feel restricted in their personal freedom and want to return to a certain normality as soon as possible.” Riders on Sunday. “I have absolutely no understanding of the actions or demonstrations due to lack of distance and mouth / nose protection counteract any positive development of the infection process and compromise rather than allow further loosening. “

Reiter described it as “absolutely unbearable” that Politically far-right groups tried to use the mood to spread their undemocratic turmoil. He urged his fellow citizens to remain calm. “Meeting the unfortunately necessary requirements and helping us to overcome this crisis together in a healthy way,” Reiter emphasized.

12.30 p.m. – Catholics horrified by clergy conspiracy theories

The Catholic lay movement “We are Church” has A letter criticized by various clergymen in which conspiracy theories about the crown pandemic Be supported. The popular church movement is appalled by the irresponsibly known form of ecclesiastics as the former Bishop of Regensburg and former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Let themselves be minions by conspiracy theorists.

The letter had been sent by the former Vatican ambassador to the United States and Declared opponent initiated by Pope Francis, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. The pope’s opponents became ridiculous and could no longer be taken seriously, “We Are Church,” he continued.

Corona’s measures are harshly criticized in the letter entitled “An appeal to the Church and to the world: to Catholics and to all people of good will.” “It is a fact that, under the guise of the Covid 19 epidemic, in many cases it violates the inalienable rights of citizens and their fundamental freedoms have been disproportionately and unjustifiably restricted, including the right to freedom of religion, expression and freedom of movementIt says among other things. And besides: one has reasons to suppose “That there are forces interested in causing panic in the population”. In this way, they wanted to permanently impose “unacceptable forms of restrictions on freedom and the associated control over people and the monitoring of all their movements.” “These illegal attempts to lead are a disturbing prelude to the creation of a world government that is out of control.”

The President of the German Bishops ‘Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing, had already emphasized that the evaluation of the Crown pandemic by the Bishops’ Conference was “fundamentally different from the summons published yesterday.”

12.23 p.m. – More than 200 infected among the employees of the meat factory

After the corona outbreak at a meat factory in Coesfeld, the number of workers who tested positive for the virus rose to 205 at noon Sunday. According to the district, nearly half of the results from about 950 crown tests were available. Once again, teams from the health department are on site on Sunday to care for the Westfleisch company trial workers interested in their scattered accommodation in the Coesfeld district and to teach about quarantine, a spokesman said. They support the interpreters. The workers would be “closely monitored”. The company in question has a total of around 1,200 employees.

Workers are, according to Westfleisch mainly in apartments of three, four or five people Many workers in the meat industry come from Eastern Europe.

11.35 am – Services again in the churches in the southwest

After a mandatory eight-week break due to the coronavirus, churches in the southwest once again held joint services with church believers. Hygiene and authorization rules applied to Sunday services.. This worked well, said a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Freiburg. Almost 100 believers attended the first Eucharist since mid-March in the Münster in Freiburg. It was one of the first Christian celebrations in the country as the crown rules were relaxed and services were allowed again.

In other church congregations, services were once again held together with believers. According to country requirements, the number of visitors should be limited. Also, a minimum distance should be kept in churches. Singing together should be avoided initially due to the risk of crown infection. Churches recommend wearing protective masks, but it is not mandatory. The reception of Holy Communion, like Sunday in Freiburg, is possible for the faithful. Visitors had to disinfect their hands at the entrance to the church.

During the Corona crisis, many churches had internet streaming services. Some communities want to continue this for now. This offer is aimed primarily at people who are unable to attend church or who still do not want to for fear of the crown virus, said a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Freiburg.

Several church congregations want to wait a little longer for religious services to begin again, the Catholic diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and the two Protestant state churches of Baden and Württemberg said. At the moment, the churches have to do without larger Christian celebrations because of Corona. This applies, among other things, to First Communion celebrations and confirmation services.

Many services are currently broadcast online: here is a symbolic photo.
Many services are currently broadcast online: here is a symbolic photo. (Photo: Mario Hösel via

10:51 am – Opening of borders for foreign mothers and children on Mother’s Day

To allow visits on Mother’s Day, they are imposed due to the crown pandemic. strict rules at the borders somewhat relaxed for a day state The Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), approves the corresponding decision of the federal police. The visit to her own mother, who lives in Germany, will be recognized this Sunday as a “valid reason for entry”announced the federal police. However, the information provided during entry control should “credible and verifiableOfficials deployed at the border were briefed and “will give mouth-to-nose protection masks in place as gifts for the corresponding mothers,” a spokesperson said.

Upon request, the Federal Police announced that the prerequisite for special permission for Mother’s Day was that the return trip the same day successes This Sunday also allows a visit to a mother who lives abroad who is not German and who wants to visit her children who live in Germany on Mother’s Day.

    Keep your distance: the double fence on the artistic border between Konstanz and Kreuzlingen has become the unpopular symbol of border closure
Keep your distance: The double fence on the artistic border between Konstanz and Kreuzlingen has become the unpopular symbol of border closures in the region. (Photo: Felix Kästle / dpa)

10.40 a.m. – Infection rate continues to rise after crown outbreak at meat factory

Then Crown sprout at a meat factory in Coesfeld The number of new infections in the district is still significantly above the agreed upper limit. According to an overview by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Sunday, the value was around 85 new infections per 100,000 residents per week; On Saturday, this average had been 76. However, the RKI notes that, among other things, it is due to a delay in data transfers. Discrepancies between your information and actual local numbers You can come

As a consequence, the Coesfeld district, in coordination with the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, already has a large part of what is actually planned across the country as of Monday Loosening of crown requirements postponed for one week. By Saturday night, 930 of 1,200 employees of the affected meat company had been examined. The number of positive crown cases found increased to more than 190.

9:45 am – Federal Finance Minister Scholz wants higher taxes for the wealthy

In view of the billions of dollars in the Corona crisis, Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) insists on higher taxes for particularly wealthy citizens. Citizens who “earn a lot, a lot should make a slightly higher contribution”Scholz said the “Tagesspiegel am Sonntag” in Berlin. “That remains our goal and it will certainly be on our next electoral program.”

The Vice Chancellor referred to the 2017 electoral program, in which the SPD unified Maximum tax rate of 45 percent and the introduction of an estate tax Had requested. This three percent tax on the maximum tax rate should of a taxable income for singles of 250,000 euros be paid

When asked if this should be a kind of “crown alone”, Scholz said in the “Tagesspiegel am Sonntag”: “It is a fair and equitable tax system.” This also includes “that we prevent people from finding ways to avoid taxes entirely.” Therefore, it is striving for something like a global minimum taxation to be agreed at the international level. He thinks the ideas are absurd, “especially those who earn several hundred thousand euros a year now promise to cut taxes,” said Scholz.

8:05 am – demands for stricter controls at slaughterhouses

According to crown outbreaks among slaughterhouse workers Demands for stricter controls and fundamentally better working conditions. getting loud The unions, the SPD and the Greens criticized long-standing complaints and demanded an end to high price pressure on meat production. Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) has warned responsible state authorities, especially protection requirements due to the crown epidemic. in collective accommodation and travel strictly control. Anja Piel, a member of the DGB board of directors, said Saturday: “Slaughterhouses have to do much more to reduce risks to the safety and health of employees.”

Children play in a nursery. (Symbolic photo) (Photo: Uli Deck / dpa file)

7.40 a. M. – FDP convenes an investigation committee

The FDP insists on a political reevaluation of the state crown’s strategy and, for the first time, brings into play a parliamentary commission of inquiry. “They already stand out significant omissions by federal and state governments especially in the initial phase of the pandemic, which needs to be intensively analyzed and evaluated, “said the vice president of the FDP parliamentary group, Michael Theurer, the German press agency in Berlin. “An investigative committee with considerable powers is certainly the most appropriate to subject federal action and non-action to critical review.”

07:16 – Family Minister: normal nursery in summer

Family Minister Franziska Giffey (SPD) announced the return to daycare operations in the summer. “If the infection process allows it, perhaps it might be possible to return to full regular operation in the summer. But ultimately that is decided by the countries“The SPD politician from” Welt am Sonntag “said. She wants to discuss the next steps with the youth and family ministerial conference next week.

7:00 am. – RKI: estimated number of crown reproductions in Germany above 1 again

The crown pandemic in Germany may regain momentum: the number of reproductions increased to more than one, as announced by the Robert Koch Institute on Saturday night in its daily report on the state of the crown pandemic. Experts estimate the value at 1.10. On Friday, the RKI had estimated it at 0.83. For Baden-Württemberg (as of Saturday), however, the value was R 0.56.

The number of reproductions indicates how many people are infected with a pathogen during their illness.

The RKI warned that given the statistical fluctuations, which would be exacerbated by the relatively small number of infected people, it cannot be said “if the downward trend of new infections has continued in recent weeks or if the number of cases is increasing againHowever, the increase in the estimated number of reproductions means that “in any case it is necessary to observe the development very carefully in the coming days.”

According to the RKI, meanwhile in Germany 168,551 infections detected with the new corona virus. Around 143,300 of those affected have already recovered, 7,369 infected people have died.

This was the last news on Saturday night:

6.43pm – The latest figures from the southwest

The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health was on Saturday 182 other confirmed infections with the Corona virus reported (as of 4 p.m.). This increases the number of infected people in Baden-Württemberg at least 33,252. About 27,673 of these have already recovered from their Covid disease 19.

The reproduction number is endorsed by the Robert Koch Institute for Baden-Württemberg R 0.56 specified (see illustration). It is the number of people infected by an infected person on average. The 7-day incidence it is currently average for Baden-Württemberg 7.0.

Furthermore, the State Health Office today consisted of the districts of Esslingen, Hohenlohekreis, Schwäbisch Hall and Tübingen and the city of Heilbronn as a whole. 7 more deaths reported in relation to corona virus. This increases the number of Covid 19 deaths in Baden-Württemberg to a total 1,542 in.

6:27 p.m. – Demonstrations in the Ravensburg district and on Lake Constance

Officials from Ravensburg Police Headquarters were deployed on Friday and Saturday in five demonstrations related to the issue of fundamental rights in relation to the Corona crisis. All the demonstrations had to be monitored to see what was happening at the assembly andto guarantee the unimpeded exercise of the fundamental right to freedom of assembly, but also to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the Assembly Law and the Crown Ordinance to consider.

While according to the police on Friday night about 100 people at Gänsbühl-Platz in Leutkirch gathered to demonstrate together for “safeguarding fundamental rights in memory of liberation day on May 8, 1945”, meeting on Saturday afternoon Around 1,500 demonstration participants in the Oberschwabenhalle parking lotalso defend the “protection of fundamental rights”. At Counter rally in the Rivoli Square there was less influx with around 20 people.

Demonstrations in Ravensburg as well as the demonstration in the Educational center in Salem, where there are around 600 participants in the demonstration. gathered, they were accompanied by forces from local police stations, who were also supported by officers from the police headquarters. Along with mounting almost 300 people at the Wangen fairgrounds All the demonstrations in the Allgäu were highly disciplined from the police point of view and without incident.

6:08 p.m. – The Minister of Social Affairs, Fight, establishes rules for visits to homes and hospitals

Starting May 18, regular visits to hospitals and care facilities are allowed again, however under strict hygiene standards. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs announced on Saturday the conditions under which family members can visit facilities and clinics and who is excluded.

The following applies to everyone: Only one visitor per patient per day is allowed. There are exceptions for people who are dying.

The new rules will only take effect on May 18, because the installations take a bitto create the conditions for the new visiting regulations. Read the exact requirements and specifications for the Southwest here.

+++ To view the full news blog for Saturday, May 9, click here +++

Selected articles on the virus and its consequences:

We obtain our data and figures from the following sources:

Dashboard RKI¹, Johns-Hopkins-University², Worldometer³, Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration Baden Württemberg⁴, WHO⁵

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