Corona News: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in quarantine – politics


Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) entered quarantine as a precautionary measure after coming into contact with a person infected with the coronavirus. According to information from SZ, someone in his private environment had tested positive. The ministries last had contact with this person eight days ago. The Corona-Warnapp had warned Kramp-Karrenbauer on Sunday. The minister did a test. The result was negative. However, it will remain in isolation for the next six days so that the two-week quarantine period from contact is completed.

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Laschet hopes to ease the measures in December

North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet hopes that the month of November, with stricter crown requirements, will be enough to halt the rapid rise in the number of infections. The goal is for the wave to break after a month, Laschet said Monday in the WDR. But he couldn’t promise anything either. Every effort is made to ensure that the strict rules are limited to one month. “Stay home,” Laschet asks citizens.

The CDU deputy chief defended the decision to leave schools open despite the increase in the number of corona infections. There are rules about who sits where and there is a mask requirement: “We want to do everything we can to keep teaching in the classroom,” Laschet said. On the show, a radio listener and a mother had expressed concern about this decision: She was concerned that her children would take the corona virus home and thus also endanger the older generation.

The mother advocated class division to increase the distances between students. According to Laschet, there are not enough staff and rooms for this. He was against alternately sending some of the students home and leaving the other part in the school classes.

Not all parents can adequately support their children with homework during the day. No child should be denied the opportunity to receive an education, Laschet said. The prime minister of the most populous federal state is applying for the federal presidency of the CDU.

Federal Republic enters partial blockade

Strict contact restrictions, restaurants and leisure facilities closed: A partial closure has been in effect throughout Germany since midnight, initially limited to four weeks. Stricter rules apply to personal gatherings: in most federal states, only the gathering of two households is allowed; In some cases, this even applies to meetings within your own four walls. Contact restrictions are intended to prevent health authorities and the entire health system from being overloaded, especially intensive care units.

Unlike spring, nurseries, schools, and stores will generally remain open this time. On the other hand, restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs have to close, and are only allowed to sell food and drinks to go. A mandatory break now also applies to cinemas and theaters, operas and museums, gyms, swimming pools, saunas and many other facilities. In general, people should avoid unnecessary trips and visits.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) agreed on the drastic steps with the prime ministers of the 16 federal states last Wednesday in view of the rapid increase in the number of infections. Initially they should last until the end of November, after two weeks, the federal and state governments want to take stock together and make adjustments if necessary. States implement the restrictions by ordinance, so there are regional differences.

RKI reports 12,097 new infections

According to the Robert Koch Institute, health authorities reported 12,097 new corona infections in one day early Monday. Experience has shown that the number of cases on Mondays is lower, also because there is less evidence on weekends. On Monday a week ago, the number of new infections in 24 hours was 8685.

According to the RKI, a total of 532,930 people in Germany have been infected with the virus since the start of the pandemic. The number of deaths related to the virus rose by 29 to a total of 10,481 by Monday. The RKI estimates that around 355,900 people have recovered.

The number of views, or R-value for short, was 1.13 in Germany according to the RKI situation report on Sunday (previous day: 1.13). This means that ten infected people infect eleven other people. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier. In addition, the RKI includes the so-called seven-day R in its management report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value was also 1.13 on Sunday (previous day: 1.13). It shows the infection process for eight to 16 days.

Hospitals: record number of ICU patients in two to three weeks

The director of the German Hospital Society, Gerald Gaß, expects a new record in intensive care patients in Germany during the corona pandemic. “In two to three weeks we will exceed the maximum number of intensive care patients from April, and we can no longer prevent that. Anyone who is hospitalized with us in three weeks is already infected today,” he said. image-Newspaper.

It also announced that it would also deploy nursing personnel from non-intensive medicine areas to intensive care units. “That, of course, is not ideal, but it can be justified in such an exceptional situation.”

The president of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), Uwe Janssens, had a Picture on Sunday explains: “Very clearly: there is not much space left in some federal states. Berlin only has 14 percent free intensive care beds, Bremen 17 percent.” In the spring, the situation was much less dramatic than what awaits us now.

The federally licensed nurse, Andreas Westerfellhaus, called for operations that could be planned to be postponed. “Many intensive care nurses are already working to the limit, and they are rightly warning of deterioration,” he said. image-Newspaper. Only “a set of measures will prevent a disaster, for example, postponing operations that can be planned according to the situation at the site.”

Spahn wants to send 290 million masks to nursing homes

According to a media report, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to ship 290 million masks from federal stocks to nursing homes and outpatient services. The facility will receive 1,000 high-quality FFP2 masks and 2,000 simple surgical masks each, the newspapers of the Funke media group report. The masks were purchased in the first phase of the pandemic.

“The successful procurement efforts open up a scope, which I would like to use to support the care centers specifically and additionally with the supply of protective masks,” the newspapers quote from a letter from Spahn to the care centers. However, the CDU politician made it clear that households and services must continue to deal with hiring from the beginning and with foresight.

4,000 Bundeswehr soldiers help fight pandemic

The Bundeswehr is now deployed with around 4,000 soldiers to fight the corona pandemic. The number has roughly doubled in a week. Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) said Sunday in an interview with RTL and ntv television channels: “We are now active in one out of every two health departments.” Soldiers help primarily with tracking chains of infection, with smears, or at test stations. The forces belong to the “Assistance Against Corona” contingent, which has a total of 15,000 soldiers. You can see that the need for help is increasing by leaps and bounds day by day, said the CDU leader. “That is a sign of how massive this second wave is.” Kramp-Karrenbauer called on the public to adhere to the rules of the partial closure, which began on Monday, “so that we can all celebrate a carefree Christmas.”
