Corona-News am Sonntag: The most important developments in Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19


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Education researcher wants to teach seniors at home

6.41 am: In the debate over school closures, Kiel researcher and education psychologist Olaf Köller advocated teaching at least older students digitally from home. Distance education programs should be established in the long term until the end of March and not just until Christmas, said Köller, who contributed to several statements by the National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, on the corona pandemic.

In view of the current situation, the younger classes should be reduced again and the distances between them increased. “As long as we do not have mass vaccinations and it is cold and winter, the infection process will continue to be problematic,” said Köller.

Nationwide now 12,485 deaths per crown

5.10 am: In Germany, almost 17,000 new coronavirus infections were recorded in one day. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Sunday morning, citing information from health authorities, 16,947 new cases of infection were registered in one day. The day before, there were more than 22,000 new infections. Since not all health authorities transmit data on weekends, the number of cases reported by the RKI is usually lower on Sundays and Mondays than on other days of the week.

According to the latest figures from the institute, a total of 790,503 cases of infection have been registered in Germany since the start of the pandemic. The number of deaths associated with the new coronavirus rose nationwide to 12,485, 107 more than the previous day. The number of people recovered was around 502,300.

Kretschmann: Christmas relaxation only when the numbers go down

4.10 am: The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, makes Christmas relaxation dependent on significantly fewer infections. Only when the wave of contagion breaks will it be possible to talk about how Christmas can be designed this year, says the green politician from the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. If the numbers continue to increase exponentially, this will overwhelm hospitals. “So these days it’s about much more than Christmas.”

Cities and municipalities against early flexibilization

01.00 am: The Association of Towns and Municipalities is against a too early relaxation. The number of infections is still too high and contact tracing is not successful across the board, CEO Gerd Landsberg tells the “Funke Mediengruppe” newspapers. The closure of gastronomy and culture is hard. But this is precisely what leads to a significant reduction in people-to-people contacts. It is important to explain the factual arguments for the necessity of the measures. “Only if we earn the trust of the people will we get through the winter safely.

78 percent for restaurant openings in December

00:08 am: In a poll, the majority of people in Germany came out in favor of allowing restaurants and cultural institutions to reopen in December. In a representative poll conducted by the Kantar opinion research institute for “Bild am Sonntag”, 78 percent of respondents said that restaurants should reopen in December. 68 percent of those surveyed would appreciate the opening of cultural institutions. The situation is different with the current contact restrictions: 59 percent are against lifting them in December.

On Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers want to take stock of the partial blockade. Among other things, restaurants are currently closed, hotels cannot accept tourists, and cultural and leisure facilities have also had to close.

Icon: The mirror
