Corona-News: About a third of intensive care beds are still free


Bad Salzungen | Patients postpone hospital treatment

Many patients apparently postpone their clinical treatment for fear of a corona infection. The managing director of the Bad Salzungen Clinic, Harald Muhs, said that he had observed that some patients currently arrive at the hospital very late with their complaints. In most cases, however, this is not advisable. The hospital is safe from infection. All patients at the clinic would have a crown test and visitors would also be monitored for symptoms. A distance and mask requirement applies throughout the house.

Meiningen | Greens cancel state party conference

The Thuringian Greens cancel the state party conference scheduled for late November in Meiningen. The state executive decided unanimously. In the next week, the state executive committee will discuss alternative formats and online participation options. At the party meeting, Anja Siegesmund was to be nominated as the main candidate for the state elections next year. In addition, the Greens wanted to set the course for the election year.

Altenburg | 20 new confirmed corona infections

In Altenburger Land, the number of confirmed corona-infected people has increased sharply again. According to Landramtsamt, there were 20 new cases on Friday. Two of these cases concern the Rositz nursing home, where 22 residents or employees are infected. As of noon on Friday, 186 people from the Altenburger Land district are known to be actively infected with the corona virus. The incidence for the district, that is, the number of new infections in seven days based on 100,000 inhabitants, rises to 140. This is the highest value of all districts and cities in Thuringia.

Erfurt | Various infections in the State Chancellery

In the Thuringian State Chancellery, people have been infected with the corona virus. Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke) made it public on Twitter. Left open who is affected. But he wrote that he had been tested as a precautionary measure, the result was negative.

Thuringia | State Parent Representatives Demand Additional School Buses

The Thuringia state parent representative is asking for additional school buses to prevent corona infections. Spokeswoman Claudia Koch told MDR THÜRINGEN that the responsible bodies would ultimately have to act. Schoolchildren “crowded” on buses while they had to keep their distance in schools and in their free time. Koch also criticized the fact that there are still no air filters for classrooms. Intermittent ventilation is not enough and is not possible everywhere. A long time has passed in recent months that air filtering systems could have been installed.

In the opinion of the Minister of Education, Helmut Holter (Die Linke), ventilation every 20 minutes is sufficient to reduce the amount of virus. Districts are responsible for additional school buses. On district day he played ball. Managing Director Thomas Budde said the extra buses weren’t the problem. However, the circles lacked economic commitments from the country.

Schleiz | Christmas market canceled, reading days postponed

The city of Schleiz canceled its Christmas market and postponed reading days for a year. The reason is the ban on events for November. Reading days must be rescheduled for November 2021. According to the city administration, tickets that have already been purchased are still valid, but can also be returned within a month.

Sonneberg | These rules now apply

The Sonneberg district tightened the crown’s rules, shortly before Monday’s national restrictions. Only celebrations with ten guests are allowed, there is a curfew for restaurants starting at 11 pm On Thursday, the municipality exceeded the incidence value of 50, that is, the number of new coronavirus infections in seven days calculated for 100,000 inhabitants. Read more about it here:
