Corona: new infections, deaths: Germany is Europe’s problem child


For months, Germany was considered a model country in the pandemic. We had relatively few corona cases and relatively few deaths. But data from the US Johns Hopkins University show that this has changed dramatically.

Of the five most populous EU countries, we currently have the highest number of new infections. As first reported by “WELT”, there is currently the third highest number of Covid deaths among major EU countries, relative to population.

According to this, Germany is the only one of these countries where the number is currently increasing daily.

Current figures (as of December 25, 4.30 p.m.)

The data comes from Johns Hopkins University, which determines the number of corona cases worldwide.

Germany (83 million inhabitants): 176,587 new infections confirmed in the last week, 4303 deaths from Covid in the last week

France (67 million inhabitants): 100,809 new infections confirmed last week, 2,656 deaths from Covid last week

Italy (60 million inhabitants): 102,940 new infections confirmed in the last week, 3,680 deaths from Covid in the last week

Spain (47 million inhabitants): 69,530 new infections confirmed in the last week, 1,047 deaths from Covid in the last week

Poland (38 million inhabitants): 68,144 new infections confirmed last week, 2,407 deaths from Covid last week

The possible reasons

After their bad experiences in the first wave, many other European countries dared to move towards a hard blockade more quickly.

Germany has been on lockdown since November due to the second wave of Covid. Only success: exponential growth broke. But the crown numbers kept increasing.

The worst is the situation in Saxony. Many people die from Corona, especially in nursing homes. Our government slept for months to protect them.

Germany: suddenly a problem child!

Map: German Crown Hot Spots - Infographic

Will the current and tough blockade bring a turning point? That remains to be seen.

When the coronavirus vaccines start in Germany on Sunday, people in nursing homes will be the first. However, experts agree: initiating vaccination does not promise short-term relaxation.

A statistician forecast from the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich says: Of all the people who were reported as corona cases in calendar week 51 (between December 14 and 20), more than 6,500 will not survive.

Deaths Confirmed by Covid-19 in Germany - Infographic

Statistics: Corona cases per 100,000 inhabitants - infographic

More than 25,000 new infections despite less testing

As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Friday morning, citing information from health authorities, 25 533 more cases of infection were registered. Due to lower testing capabilities during and before the holidays, this number is less significant than on other days of the year. Previous highs have been over 30,000 cases. The total number of corona infections recorded in Germany since the start of the pandemic increased to 1,612,648.

According to the RKI, there were 412 deaths from the pandemic in 24 hours. The total number of registered corona deaths in Germany since the start of the pandemic rose to 29,182. The RKI estimated the number of people recovered from corona infection in Germany at around 1,206,200.

There are currently around 377,300 people in Germany demonstrably infected with Covid-19.
