Corona: mutated virus detected in Hannover – explosive sample!


Crown Even after Christmas, the dominant theme remains Germany. For him Emergency shutdownWide-ranging restrictions still apply.

He also continues to cause great concern Crown-Mutation first detected in the UK and now in many other countries. Meanwhile also in Germany vaccinations began.

Corona: vaccines started – will the lockdown be extended?

We keep you updated on our news ticker Crown-Get update.


Coronavirus in Germany: current figures (as of December 28, 2020)

  • New corona infections: 10,976
  • New deaths related to Covid-19: 348
  • Total deaths per crown: 30,126
  • Seven-day incidence: 161.3

(Sources: RKI, DIVI Intensive Register)

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Monday, December 28:

8:31 pm.: Corona mutation detected in Hannover – sample comes from November!

A mutated Corona variant has been causing a stir in England since mid-December. Now it turns out that it has been rampant for much longer, and that too in Germany. As announced by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, the virus was subsequently detected in a man who has since died. Explosive: The sample of the very old patient with previous illnesses was taken at the end of November. So has the mutation spread in Germany for a long time? Experts believe that the man and his wife caught it from their daughter, who was in England in mid-November. The two women recovered from the infection.

“According to the findings of the Hannover Region Health Department, there were no further infections in connection with these cases,” the ministry said. However, the case is another reason for “adhering particularly strictly to the contact restrictions and applicable hygiene measures,” said Heiger Scholz, head of Corona’s crisis team in Lower Saxony.

The mutated Corona variant is considered particularly contagious. It has spread rapidly, especially in the south of England, and is responsible for much of the corona infections there. Due to the new variant of the virus, among other things, air traffic to many European countries was disrupted,

7:54 pm .: after a vaccination interruption in Stralsund – nurses discharged from hospital

After several employees of a Stralsund nursing home were accidentally administered five times the dose of the vaccine, four of them were admitted to hospital as a precaution. Now there’s news: According to the district, three employees were released from the hospital on Monday afternoon. One will continue to be treated as an inpatient with mild symptoms.

6:51 pm.: Ski madness in Austria: ski areas have consequences

Photographs of Austria’s ski areas caused awe over the weekend. The beautiful weather drew crowds of people to the mountains despite Corona. The result: tight crowds at the ski lifts, especially in the larger ski areas.

After the great avalanche towards Austria’s ski areas, some regions have again tightened their crown measures; for example, parking spaces should be more limited, there should be more space to queue and more administrators, as the state of Upper Austria announced on Monday. However, the parking regulation did not work on Saturday either. Because many winter sports enthusiasts just took long walks for fun on the slopes.

Austrian Economy Minister Markus Achleitner has appealed to winter sports enthusiasts not to come to the ski areas until noon, because by then many guests will be on their way home from morning.

Many ski areas are open in Austria, but practically only for locals. A ten-day quarantine obligation applies to travelers from abroad, including from Germany.

5.39 pm.: Chancellor Braun expects lockdown to be extended

Before Christmas, the federal and state governments agreed to a second lockdown until January 10. But can the strict measures be relaxed again? Maybe not. Helge Braun does not rule out an extension of the crown lock. “I hope that on January 5, when we meet next time, we cannot evaluate everything accurately and, therefore, we will have to continue with the confinement,” said the head of the Foreign Ministry in an interview with the television network. ntv “.

3:51 pm.: Ski areas in Switzerland remain closed

Unlike almost all other European countries, some ski areas in Switzerland are still open. But not all. For example, the elevators in Canton Schwyz were stopped for the moment on December 22. It is now clear that the ski areas will remain closed until January 8. Other cantons also advise continuing to ban skiing. This is reported by the online portal “Watson”.

1.55 pm.: The vaccine breaks down: five times the dose for nurses

Due to individual errors in vaccine preparation, eight employees of a Stralsund nursing home received five times the dose of the corona vaccine. After Sunday’s incident, the seven women and one man were sent home.

As Vorpommern-Rügen district administrator Stefan Kerth (SPD) said on Monday, four of the eight affected people have been admitted to a hospital for observation as a precaution. They showed flu-like symptoms.

The district reported in its announcement that, according to information from manufacturer Biontech, larger doses of the vaccine had already been tested on test subjects in the phase 1 study without serious consequences. No permanent adverse events were reported. Local injection site reactions and flu-like symptoms are dose dependent and generally mild to moderate and transient.

A Biontech spokeswoman confirmed this information. In tests, amounts up to 100 micrograms were administered without serious consequences. The usual vaccine dose is 30 micrograms. He referred to your company’s detailed product information. The first sentence reads: “This is a multi-dose vial, the contents of which must be diluted before use.”

12.06 pm.: Ramelow also assumes that the lockdown will be extended

Politicians seem to want, slowly but surely, to prepare the population for an extension of the shutdown. After Manuel Schwesig, the Prime Minister of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow, also made a statement. “If the prime ministers consult again on January 5, there will be no signs of relaxation. We all assume that the blockade must be extended, “he told the” Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) “.

He himself is already preparing to have to live with restrictions until at least March.

11.15 am.: Trump paves the way for Corona aid package

For a long time it seemed that Donald Trump was going to hit the road to a big bang again at the end of his term. For days he refused to sign a negotiated crown aid package and a budget bill. That would have resulted in a shutdown by federal authorities on Tuesday.

But now Trump has given up his resistance and signed. The Corona package comprises almost 900 billion US dollars, with which various aid measures will be implemented. The virus continues to affect the United States. On Sunday, more than 150,000 new infections and 1209 deaths were recorded in one day.

This brings the total number of infections to more than 19 million in the United States.

9.30 am.: Gloomy forecasts for the closure

The lockdown rules have been in effect throughout Germany since mid-December. The spread of the coronavirus will be contained before January 10. But despite the start of vaccination, the measures could be extended, experts and politicians fear. “I suppose we will have to extend the restrictive measures,” said Manuela Schwesig, prime minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, for example.

The president of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, also warned about premature euphoria. He criticized “Deutschlandfunk” for the fact that the distance and mask rules are not enforced enough. You do not expect the incidence value to fall below the critical incidence value of 50 until the end of January. Even before Christmas he had warned of a “yo-yo effect” in the blocking phases.

7.52am.: Virus mutation continues to spread

The virus mutation, first detected in Britain, continues to spread rapidly around the world. Now the new variant of the virus has also reached South Korea. The health authority announced that the mutation had been detected in three relatives who had traveled from London. Isolation has already been ordered.

The mutation had recently been discovered in France, Canada, Japan, and Jordan.

6.25am.: FDP chief Lindner calls for faster vaccination production

The first vaccinations began in Germany over the weekend, and yet there are already criticisms of current vaccination plans and capabilities. There are also criticisms of the federal government. “It’s a crisis-ridden state, so we need a crisis production,” FDP chief Christian Lindner told “Bild”. “It is a question of life and death, a question of our freedom.”

The government must examine where there is still capacity to produce more vaccines. Left-wing health politician Achim Kessler also called on Merkel’s cabinet to ensure that other companies produce more vaccine, if necessary. “If the federal government does not exhaust all legal possibilities now, it puts countless human lives at risk,” he told “Spiegel”.

Critics had accused Germany of asking for too little vaccine. At the beginning of vaccination, 150,000 doses were initially available throughout the country. By the end of the year it should be 1.3 million.

You can find all the previous news here >>>

(THE WEST with dpa and AFP)
