Corona / Munich: The numbers are rising again: the state capital again close to the critical mark


Crown numbers in Germany are increasing again. The state capital of Bavaria is also close to the critical mark again.

  • After the meeting with Merkel, Söder explained the opening strategy for the Free State (see update on February 19 at 1:27 p.m.).
  • The cyclist of the mayor of Munich can imagine a concrete relaxation (see the update of February 19 at 2:55 pm)
  • In Germany, the infection process could be sped up again due to crown mutations (see update on February 20 at 8:20 am).
  • This ticker is continually updated.

February 21 update at 2:16 pm.: The crown numbers are increasing again in Munich. However, primary schools will reopen for many children in Bavaria from Monday. School administrators often despair at the “unrealistic” requirements of Corona from the Ministry of Culture. Implementing the ever-new hygiene plans in the shortest possible time and without prior notice is almost impossible, wrote the Bavarian School Management Association for Elementary, Middle and Special Schools in a “letter of fire” to Education Minister Michael Piazolo (Free Voters ) weekend. .

“In week 14 of the confinement the limits of resilience are reached and, above all, the viability of school management,” he says. School administrators were “once again sent to the front in sustained fire.” “Available extinguishing water is running low.”

Update on February 21 at 8:30 a.m.: The R-value in Germany is the information The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) rose again and is now 1.07 (previous day, 1.01). It is not yet clear whether the more contagious virus mutations are the reason for this, but it is obvious.

Corona: The numbers in Bavaria are increasing – Munich again close to the critical mark

In one day, health authorities reported 7,676 new corona infections. 1116 of them in Bavaria. For the city of Munich, 65 new corona virus infections have been reported since Saturday. The seven-day incidence in the state capital continues to rise and is now 32.1 (source: RKI; as of Feb 21, 3:10 am). Thus, the state capital is once again approaching the value of 35, which, according to Chancellor Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister, in consultation with experts, represents a minimum requirement for a possible relaxation.

The sudden increase in the number of cases could also have an impact on the further relaxation of the discussions that have been in the focus of the reports almost every day since the lockdown was extended until March 7.

Corona in Munich: numbers no longer dwindling, worrying about mutations

Update February 20 at 8:20 am.: Now you can see an effect of the spread of corona mutations. The R-value has risen again above 1 in Germany. According to the Robert Koch Institute, it was 1.01 on Friday (February 19). That means 100 people infect 101 more people. With a permanent value above 1, the infection rate in Germany could accelerate again.

Health authorities in Germany reported 9164 new corona infections to the RKI in one day. That’s 9.7 percent more than on Saturday last week (8,354). The data reflects the status of the RKI dashboard at 3:10 am, subsequent changes or additions are possible. Additionally, 490 new coronavirus-related deaths were reported in 24 hours.

In Munich, however, the numbers are constant. The 7-day incidence has stabilized below the all-important 35 mark for days. On Friday it was 29.3. And the number of views in the Bavarian capital, at 0.85, is well below 1. On Friday, the city reported 111 new infections and another Covid-19-related death.

Update on February 19 at 2:55 pm.: Following the video exchange with Chancellor Merkel (CDU) and CSU chief Markus Söder, Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) commented on the discussions. At first he was satisfied with the situation of the pandemic in the state capital: “We have been in Munich for a few days with an incidence of 7 days of less than 35. The follow-up of contacts of possibly infected people is assured, our vaccination center is running. Vaccinations in our nursing homes and nursing homes are almost complete, ”says Reiter.

Corona lockdown: Merkel and Söder with change: the mayor of Munich puts relaxation in sight

In addition, the mayor spoke about other flexibility measures that he could envisage for Munich: “If the incidence remains below 35, he could imagine, for example, opening primary schools not only in alternate classes but also in person, with a requirement of mask. However, in the opinion of my experts, the requirement to wear a mask in public places is not absolutely necessary from an infectious point of view and could be dispensed with ”. It is also “conceivable” to extend the contact restrictions to two households, until now only meeting with someone outside the home is allowed. On the contrary, Reiter believes that further relaxation in gastronomy, culture and retail is only conceivable in a general Bavarian concept: “In my opinion, other imaginable easements, such as in commerce, culture, gastronomy or the amateur sports only make sense within the framework of a Bavarian regulation. “

Update February 19, 1:34 pm: “In the long term, vaccination will have a high level of relevance because it will help us reduce mortality. This means that the initial steps are much more resistant, ”says Söder. With more vaccines, it could guarantee a lot more freedom, says Söder. Within the Free State, the eastern districts are still trouble kids. “It also has something to do with geographic influences,” explains the head of CSU, the incidences sometimes high. Mobile test routes will be used here and financial assistance will be offered to monitor the situation.

Corona: relaxation in Bavaria? Söder reports LIVE from Merkel-Schalte

Söder then sums up the video change as “remarkably constructive.” Work will be done over the next ten days to make the right decisions at the next Prime Minister’s Conference. “The fact is always: after a certain incidence, it begins to get out of control”, warns the head of the CSU. With Corona, there is no precision landing. “If you miss the jump point, it takes a long time to correct it.” Then the prime minister appreciates the good cooperation with Chancellor Merkel, for whom we now move on to the security conference in Munich. This ends the statement. Journalists now have the opportunity to ask their questions.

Update February 19, 1:27 pm: “We don’t want to rush anything,” Markus Söder begins with his statement. You can feel that you are in a very sensitive phase. “There is hope in Bavaria, but there are still great concerns,” continued the CSU chief. In summary, you could say that the numbers, even slightly, continue to decrease, but the mutations increase. They noticed one thing: “It can happen very quickly.” This was seen in Flensburg, where the incidence increased very rapidly in a very short time. Now it is a matter of agreeing on a plan for Easter, which will also be applied later.

Is the crown reduced in Bavaria? Video exchange with Merkel and Söder: statement live NOW

Prime Minister Söder then referred to the prime minister’s conference on March 3. You need an “aperture matrix” that offers a wide range of instruments so that you can react at all times. The priority continues to be the school and the nurseries. Here we will try to return to face-to-face teaching; the next ten days will show if this is possible, Söder said. It is also important to act wisely in retail and catering. With an incidence of 35, they will be opened accordingly. However, always with “smart concepts”, rash actions are always dangerous.

Update on February 19 at 1:22 pm.: CSU boss Söder has taken the podium. Here we go.

Update February 19, 1:04 pm: Prime Minister Söder is still waiting. It should start at any time.

Update on February 19 at 12:54 pm.: The head of CSU, Söder, reports in a statement in a few minutes about the video exchange with Chancellor Merkel. The scheduled start is at 1 pm

Crown lock: Merkel and Söder meet in video change: relaxation expected in Bavaria?

Update on February 19 at 11:17 am.: Chancellor Merkel (CDU) and the head of the CSU, Söder, will meet today with Bavarian mayors and district administrators as part of a video change. Topic: The situation of the Crown in the Free State. In view of the infection situation, the calls for relaxation are becoming louder. Especially where incidents are falling drastically, like in Munich (see first report below in text). Prime Minister Markus Söder will provide a statement starting at 1pm on the results of the change. We will broadcast the press release live here on the ticker and we will broadcast it from 1pm

First report of February 19, 2021

Munich: Corona’s numbers in Munich and Bavaria are falling sharply, albeit with large regional deviations. The state capital has an incidence of 29.3. The Tirschenreuth district on the Czech border remains the problem child, here the significant 7-day incidence is 317.9 (data: RKI, as of February 19). The trend in Bavaria is still going in a positive direction, in general in the Free State it is 56.51. As a result, the development is that the requests for easing are getting stronger. Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) recently made requests for a clear forecast. Now Chancellor Merkel (CDU) should get an idea of ​​the situation in the Free State.

Corona: Merkel and Söder in the change of Bavaria: calls for relaxation are getting stronger

The Chancellor’s course has always been the same since the start of the crown pandemic. Like the head of CSU, Söder, she always preferred the path of caution and prudence. Even now, especially in the face of mutant viruses, they both reinforce this path. Today Friday, the Chancellor, the Prime Minister and the mayors / district administrators of Bavaria will meet for a video change. Topic: The prospect of opening in the coming weeks. Munich Mayor Reiter regards the opening up of gastronomy, culture and retail, in case the numbers keep dropping, as the logical consequence. Bavarian Finance Minister Hubert Aiwanger has not hidden his ideas of relaxation for a long time.

Crown lock: Söder invites Merkel to change Bayern: does the mood change in the Free State?

For the Chancellor, change is above all about one thing: getting everyone together. Again Munich Mercury he knows, however, that there is increasing resistance. In northern Bavaria, for example, several district administrators and mayors have announced that they will attend Friday’s appointment with a list of urgent issues. Among other things, he is calling for a “Marshall Plan” for German urban centers. Another local politician would like “less apocalyptic” language on the issue of Crown from superiors in Berlin and also from Markus Söder, he said. Munich Mercury. The CSU Munich, which has now canceled its presence party conference, calls for more perspective.
