Corona Munich: mask requirement at school? Söder invites you to an exceptional, explosive date guaranteed


In Munich, Prime Minister Markus Söder invites you on an unusual date. Important measures in the fight against the corona pandemic will be evaluated.

  • At the end of the holidays, Prime Minister Söder invites you to an unusual meeting in Munich *.
  • The next day there is a “school summit” in the state capital.
  • Violations of the mask requirement are punishable by higher penalties in Bavaria.

Update August 31, 10.55 am: By 1 pm it’s a Press release announced by the Prime Minister, which we will accompany in our news ticker. Even before today’s education summit began, it was clear that views on the Start In s school year diverge widely in the pandemic.

While the state government is planning a regular operation for all students, the science and education union is calling for cut in half the number of students in schools and one alternately Substitute lessons At home.

Mask requirement for young Munich residents? Söder receives rare guests, then an innovative appointment is due

Original report (Aug 31, 9am):

Munich – One day before the decisive Cabinet meeting be Prime Minister Markus Söder Monday (10 am) with Parents, teachers, students and associations about the next End of vacations advise. At the time of the corona * pandemic, the focus is on the question of how lessons in Bayern at Crown-Krise can be guaranteed. Culture Minister Michael Piazolo (FW) also participates in the conversation.

Munich: When should students wear masks? Söder invites parents to Corona meeting

It should also be about where in schools More expensive should be used and what others Hygiene requirements to ensure regular operation with face-to-face teaching. The holidays in Bavaria end a week later, on September 7.

In North Rhine-Westphalia Meanwhile, secondary school students were required to wear masks in class. This regulation should expire this Monday. Only primary school and special primary school students were excluded.

Corona Munich: Söder wants to decide on a new concept: an explosive meeting is pending

Söder had always described the procedure as an interesting approach, but avoided a final opinion on whether the practice would also be used in Bavaria. In North Rhine-Westphalia it was Mask requirement but not without controversy in class. Bavaria will finally decide that School concept at a meeting of the Council of Ministers on Tuesday (September 1) in Munich.

Corona Munich: Violations of the mask requirement? Sensitive sanctions threaten

In Bavaria so far due to the pandemic a mask requirement on public transportation and in places where the Minimal distance 1.5 meters cannot be maintained. Offenses will be penalized with 250 euros and 500 euros in case of recidivism *.

A mask requirement in school buildings outside the classroom and on school buses is largely considered safe. But which is also open Regulations there will be for teachers. (lks) / dpa) * is part of the Ippen network.

Rubric list list: © Kay Nietfeld / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk
