Corona / Munich: concept for mega-demo with planned drastic changes – “zero tolerance”


10,000 people want to protest against current Corona regulations on Theresienwiese, that’s what the Munich authorities say. Now the city wants to crack down.

  • A “Hygiene demonstration” about him Marienplatz Munich it’s already gotten out of hand.
  • Now it’s supposed to be a great demonstration against that. Crown measurements about him Theresenwiese give.
  • At District Administration Department (KVR) one is alarmed, the city now wants to crack down.
  • More about Crown crisis in Munich is available in our app. How the download works *.

Update May 14, 2:05 p.m.: Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) spoke in a press release about the demonstration announced next Saturday at Theresienwiese. Consequently, 10,000 people were not announced, but only 1,000 protesters should participate.

Crown in Munich: demo at Theresienwiese – cordoned off area

The demonstration should take place in a cordoned off area at Theresienwiese. As police report, the area must be marked with barriers, and protesters must be counted when entering. The KVR is expected to approve the new plans. When the maximum number of participants is reached, more people will be sent, police said. So-called “video troops” should watch the demonstration, and those who oppose the existing measures will step in. Police spokesman Marcus da Gloria Martins said there would be “zero tolerance” for those who attacked the emergency services.

The madness of the crown: the head of the Munich authorities alarmed by the megademoción: “It is expected that …”

First report of May 13, 2020

Munich: The health consequences of being infected with the coronavirus can be fatal, even fatal. You know it. But not only that: slowly, the virus is also becoming a fission fungus in society. Some go Relief too far, others complain about the interference in the Fundamental rights. How to get to the current topic: How should politicians and regulatory authorities deal with protests in the Corona crisis?

There is one in Munich on Saturday Mass demonstration to protect fundamental rights and against applicable crown measures in the Theresienwiese planned. 10,000 participants have been announced! the KVR It has not yet decided whether to approve the event. As a reminder: last Saturday a protest rally got out of control, which was only registered for 80 participants. Then suddenly there were 3,000 people in the Marienplatz. Many without Mouthguard and without Safety distance.

Corona Demonstration in Munich: KVR may want to draw consequences

Sina Bodden It was also in the demo. The ex-wife of the former 1860 professional Olaf Bodden grew up in the east. The perception of the violation of fundamental rights is disproportionate. There was no transparency for the public in the announcement of the Corona figures. Like saturday Right wing radicals If she had joined the event, she and her colleagues would have immediately dissolved the demonstration. You have nothing to do with these people. If the demonstration at Theresienwiese is approved on Saturday, she wants to be there.

Thomas Böhle (SPD), Head of the district’s administration department, said Wednesday at city hall that developments like Marienplatz should no longer exist. “We are rightly expected to draw our conclusions from this.” Although the right to hold meetings is a valuable asset, infection control is currently overlapping, Böhle explains.

Munich Mega Crown Demo: Hermann (CSU) for certain locations

The KVR is currently negotiating with the applicant for the large-scale demonstration at Theresienwiese, a private individual. According to the authority, it is about developing a Hygiene protection concept. Also, the demo should not be announced. An approval decision cannot be made until Friday. In principle, Böhle announces a difficult approach for future demonstrations if there are violations. The police will proceed rigorously and will control compliance with the requirements and the number of participants.

The recorded demonstration at Theresienwiese is reminiscent of a comparable event in Stuttgart. Last Saturday, 10,000 people demonstrated in Cannstatter Wasen for fundamental rights. The initiators even talked about 20,000 participants. Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann (CSU) Meanwhile, Corona only wants to allow demonstrations in places where there is enough room for distances. Theresienwiese would be the most suitable place in Munich for this.

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List of rubric lists: © dpa / Felix Hörhager
