Corona: Munich clinic declares patient dead, then sister learns of incredible mistakes


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A nurse receives news of her sister’s death after a coronavirus infection. But another call from the Munich clinic changes everything.

  • In times of the corona virus *, many people receive sad news.
  • So Andrea from Unterhachingby one Munich Clinic the news of Death brought his sister.
  • However, two days later he received another. To callwho made her turn away from faith.

Unterhaching – At Crown crisis Many people experience blows of fate. A nurse now reports a particularly violent experience. Unterhaching. Opposite Bavaria 3 she says incredible Corona History.

Andrea, is the name of the Nurse from Unterhaching, had received the terrible news that she Sister died of the consequences of the coronavirus *. I was in one Hospital in Munich been treated It was particularly difficult to teach his eleven-year-old nephew the news of his mother’s death. The single father Mother He worked in an older people’s clinic and had probably been infected with the coronavirus * there.

History of the Unterhaching coronavirus: “Confusion” in a clinic in Munich

For two days and two nights, Andrea assumed that she Sister be dead she was already planning that The funeral. Then came a message that no one had expected: I am Hospital was a “Confusion“He came. Andreas’s sister is alive.

Like Andrea in Interview with Bavaria 3 stated that his sister was in Weekend before Easter to the intensive care unit Munich Clinic been admitted There was connected to a fan. Andrea asked on the phone about the condition of the patient Corona *. Finally, however, he received a call from the Hospital – his sister lost the fight against Covid-19 *.

“I was completely shocked and quit my job immediately. I also work in one ClinicI went with my family and presented the news to them first. It had to be mine eleven years old Nephew show what it is Mother He died, “he says in an interview. And:” There is nothing worse for a child than that message. “

The nurse receives news of her sister’s crown death, then another call follows

Andrea entered two days later Clinic, which according to the first media reports is the Clinic Neuperlach in Munich you must act according to the things of your Sister collect Among other things, your wallet, a photo of your child and the key to the apartment. When the nurse finally returns to the road, she receives a call from the hospital. “It started with the words: please don’t be mad now. Better sit down. There was one Confusion. Her sister did not die at all. She is fine so far, ”said Andrea.

Although initially crazy Relief felt, Andrea was also stunned. “I haven’t seen my sister,” she says, “neither before nor after this Death Note“This was not possible due to the strict measures of the crown *.” In retrospect, of course, you wonder: how can something like this happen? ” Nurse.

They all would have been in State of shock found – especially of course eleven years old Son the supposedly dead “Then, of course, we waited: hopefully she really survived, she still hadn’t gotten over the mountain! If now again she really Message she would have come, she would have died, so I think we would all have gone crazy, “says Andrea.

Corona’s confusion at the clinic in Munich: Sister surprised by the incident – “Such a mistake …”

Meanwhile yours was Sister in a normal Station relocated and is under repair (Starting April 30.) Andrea is still shocked by the mistake in times of the Corona crisis *. “As I work in this area myself, I know that wherever people work, mistakes happen. Normal but one Error It shouldn’t happen, “she says in the Bayern 3 interview.

Front of Radio stations have the Clinic now one Opinion sent One was extremely sorry for the tragic confusion. “The treating chief physician is in personal contact with family members. He is a human Error in the administrative process, “he says.


Video: Blood for virus research: Munich study on unreported cases started

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Sad news from Unterhaching: 18 people died in the home of an old man from the consequences of the coronavirus *.

“We are at the end of our strength”: one
Mother wrestles with the crown every day and tells her story.

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* * It is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.
