Corona: Minister Spahn thwarted Christmas plans: “Many will not see Christmas Eve”


  • Patrick Mayer

    ofPatrick Mayer

    to turn off

By Corona: Do Germans have to do without family gatherings at Christmas and celebrate in a very small group? Jens Spahn expresses himself unequivocally in ARD.

  • Coronavirus pandemic in Germany: Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg aggravate the Crown-Regular in December clearly – Exit restrictions and night Curfews grab.
  • Other federal states decide because of COVID-19 versus Relaxations to Christmas and New Year Eve.
  • Jens Spahn (CDU) prepare the Germans in one ARD transmission now for the holidays and the New Year in a very small circle. The Federal Minister of Health opts for a drastic rhetoric.

Munich / Berlin – Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Saxony have started, other federal states are doing the same. Now it’s clear: there will be drastic restrictions on people in Germany for him Coronavirus pandemic also about Christmas and New Year Eve give.

Coronavirus pandemic in Germany: Jens Spahn talks about the situation of the corona

Yes, how many family members can you contact? Good night and to Christmas holidays finally meet? Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) now he has prepared the Germans for the holidays in a very small group.

“We actually only achieved half the goal: to break the strong growth. We have a huge load of intensive care medicine, deaths too high, up to 500 deaths per day, ”he said. Spahn Tuesday night (December 8) at a Additional ARD to Crown-Location in the country.

Without Christmas with the family? Jens Spahn indicates a hard block on Christmas Eve

Experience “a fatigue after five or six weeks of many citizens” in Lock light. “As it is now, it cannot continue for another two or three months in winter,” he said. CDU politician and it didn’t mean relaxing.

No, I was rather aiming for a hard one, but probably shorter. Blockade in Germany down. Previously, the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina one fill lock required between December 24th and January 10th. Leopoldina’s article should perhaps be understood as a “clear and final warning from science,” virologist Drosten also said.* reported.

And what does Spahn why Christmas? “Of course we have to take care of ourselves, especially at Christmas. We have to celebrate Christmas differently than we usually celebrate it. (…) Not the big family together, not even on Christmas Day or Christmas Day, ”said the department head. Sedan at ARD and asked the program to refrain from holding large family gatherings and celebrations.

Jens Spahn on Corona in Germany: “Many will no longer experience Christmas”

The Federal Minister of Health selected a drastic comparison with corona patients German intensive care units: “Many will Christmas No longer experiment or spend in the hospital. ” (pm) and are part of the Ippen-Digital network

Rubric list list: © Michael Kappeler / dpa
