Updated on May 4, 2020, 6:16 a.m.
Schools, hair salons, many museums: After weeks of crown restrictions, public life is getting a little faster. Additional contacts are allowed in Saxony-Anhalt and the pressure on cautious reminders continues to grow.
At the beginning of the week, the restrictions applicable due to the crown pandemic will be further relaxed in many federal states. Hairdressers can reopen their salons, hundreds of thousands of students can study in schools again.
Last week, the federal and state governments had already agreed to allow services and open playgrounds. Museums and zoos are also expected to receive visitors again in many places, all subject to hygiene requirements.
But the discussion about further relaxation continues. Next Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states will give advice again. More steps in the conversation are expected than last Wednesday, when the current steps were decided.
The economy in particular is exerting massive pressure in the face of the economic recession.
That’s what the countries say
According to an “illustrated” report, federal states want to impose a relaxation of the contact ban.
In a preparatory conference call of the heads of the state chancellery, it was said that meetings of up to five people could be allowed again, as was the case in Saxony-Anhalt as of Monday, the newspaper reports (online). Until now, there has been a limit of two people who do not belong to the same household.
Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), who is currently chairman of the Prime Minister’s Conference, said on the ARD show “Anne Will” on Sunday night when asked about this expansion: “I don’t know about that”. And: “There is a lot of talk.”
On the subject of football, the newspaper wrote about the conference call: “For the approval of the so-called Bundesliga ghost games (without spectators in the stadium) planned for May, there is a regulation to also broadcast these games on public television. “
The undercurrent is that the Sky subscription channel has the television rights for the current season and the country is spearheading the fear that soccer fans may carry real Sky parties.
North Rhine-Westphalia threatens to go alone with the nurseries if the federal / state round does not decide on a uniform opening course. “We will not be put off for another week,” Deputy Prime Minister and Family Minister JoachimStamp (FDP) said in the “Morning Briefing.” Gabor Steingart podcast.
This is what the federal government says
Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) warned of the precaution, but announced Wednesday that there would be talk of Bundesliga games, such as grassroots sport, opening schools to other age groups and gastronomy. According to the “picture,” a plan must be presented to open the restaurants before Pentecost.
Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) said at ARD: “It is important that we also give a perspective there. I think that will happen on Wednesday.”
Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) announced to “Anne Will” that the coalition plans to launch an economic stimulus package in late May or early June to boost economic activity. Söder also confirmed this schedule.
At the same time, Seehofer also gave ZDF the benchmark for more openings: “In light of the development of infections, I would like to see more and more relaxation, little by little.” Like Spahn, he believes that relief steps are only feasible because restrictions and citizen discipline have slowed down the spread of the virus.
He is not defeated, and Spahn also believes it can take years to find a vaccine, he said.
That’s what skeptics say
Left-wing President Katja Kipping, however, calls for a “way out of the debate facilitation spiral.” Looking at his supporters, he said in Berlin’s “Tagesspiegel”: “What (FDP leader Christian) Lindner, (NRW Prime Minister Armin) Laschet and company sell us as an exit strategy does not lead us out of the crisis from the crown, but to a second wave of infection. ” That costs the economy and people more than a prolonged lockout.
The new relaxation at the beginning of the week.
For many hairdressers, they are closed on Mondays, but this time many salons will open: after about six weeks of mandatory breaks, the industry expects the rush to reopen. Due to distance restrictions, fewer people can be served at the same time. “Face-related services” such as eyebrow and eyelash coloring and beard care are prohibited.
In many countries, after the final classes, those who have the final exams in the next school year, as well as the main primary classes, now also return daily. Distance regulations and hygiene requirements are applied to prevent a feared increase in the number of infections. Children in the other grades initially stay home.
In some countries, such as Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Rhineland-Palatinate, all stores may reopen this week, regardless of their product range and also with a maximum value higher than the previous 800 square meters of retail space. However, you must meet the requirements. For example, a mask requirement and a limitation of people per square meter apply. Others, like Brandenburg and Hamburg, remain with the limitation for now. In other countries, such as North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria, the regulation applies with exceptions.
Contact restrictions
Nationally applicable contact restrictions remain in force almost everywhere: the exception is Saxony-Anhalt. There, the black-red-green state government decided on Saturday that groups of up to five instead of two could meet as of Monday, provided the minimum distance of 1.5 meters was observed. This allows for numerous loosening, for example in club sports, but also in educational offerings. (jwo / dpa)
Also read: All developments related to corona virus on our live blog
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A survey confirms that relaxation of coronavirus measurements is too fast for every second German. Especially in federal states like North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, and Baden-Württemberg, citizens would like to take a slower approach.