Corona Lockdown: Söder announces concrete easing and wants special “summit” for one issue


Prime Minister Markus Söder offers the possibility of further relaxation of the crown. Current Munich case numbers may need to be reviewed.

  • On Ash Wednesday, Prime Minister Söder promised a far-reaching relaxation of the crown (update on February 17 at 12:40 pm).
  • The incidence value in Munich continues to fall; However, late registrations are possible (update on February 17 at 4.35 pm).
  • CSU chief Markus Söder announced a “children’s summit.” (See update of February 17 at 8:27 pm)
  • Our new Munich newsletter regularly informs you about everything that is happening in the metropolis of Isar.

February 17 update at 8:27 pm.: CSU boss Markus Söder promised further relaxation in his Ash Wednesday speech (see update below starting at 12:40 pm). But not only an initial perspective was part of his speech, also the situation of the children during the confinement, which has been going on for almost four months.

Corona Lockdown: Söder announces summit: “I want this to be a priority”

The head of the CSU emphasized that more support was needed for all children and young people “who are not coping so well with the pandemic.” A concept is needed on how educational and psychological help can be provided to children. “I want to make that a top priority,” Söder said, announcing that he would soon convene a “children’s summit” that should signal new solutions. The Prime Minister left open what specifically could be done against consequential harm to children.

Update February 17, 6:15 pm.: The CSU Munich stands firm: despite the crown lock, the presence party conference is taking place. In general, it is estimated that there are between 70 and 80 people: the “ability to act” is to be restored.

Update February 17, 4:35 pm.: The city of Munich reports only 33 new infections in its corona update today, as few as since September 2020. The relevant incidence value is therefore 28.6 (see original report).

Despite all the joy at the positive development, the city makes it clear: “Due to the limited number of cases recorded on Shrove Tuesday yesterday, the number of new infections reported in Munich today may tend to be lower.” Therefore, there could still be late registrations. The city wants to include this in its update tomorrow.

Does the Corona rule apply to Bavaria? Söder offers the prospect of a powerful relaxation

Update February 17, 12:40 pm.: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has promised a relaxation of contact restrictions with stable lower crown numbers. If the numbers hold steady, more contacts could be allowed “soon”, for example with two households or again with more children, Söder said in his Ash Wednesday speech.

Markus Söder in his speech on political Ash Wednesday.

© screenshot / csu

However, you don’t want new incidence limits beyond the 35 and 50 thresholds. You don’t have to take new numbers and you don’t have to constantly change them. The more stable you keep your incidence figures, the more chances you have.

Update February 17, 12:38 pm: A crown outbreak has occurred in Stadtsparkasse Munich. 21 employees were infected, six of them suspected of having a mutation. Now a spokesperson has commented on the background.

Corona: Söder defends the blockade measures in Bavaria and names the next “opening candidate”

Update February 17, 12.03: CSU chief Markus Söder has continued to urge people to get involved in the fight against the corona virus. “Please wait,” said the Prime Minister of Bavaria in his Ash Wednesday speech. We have accomplished a lot together. “It gets better every day.”

Söder described the above anti-crown measures as having no alternative. All other concepts have failed, he said with a view to many other countries. Corona is a fundamental test. But Söder emphasized: “We will pass this test, we will not break this test.”

What industry in Bavaria can expect to open soon? I could imagine that after the hairdressers “the nurseries will follow,” Söder explained.

Update February 17, 10:34 am.: The leader of the Greens in the Bavarian state parliament, Katharina Schulze, has harshly attacked Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) for his Corona policy. “This pandemic sometimes seems to me like a very, very long journey in the direction of normal life, with known passengers,” Schulze said at the Bavarian Greens’ digital political Ash Wednesday in Munich. Söder compared her to the driver of the car.

Corona closure in Bavaria: Söder heavily attacked during speech – “especially strong and omnipresent”

“Above all, Markus Söder is loud and ubiquitous,” Schulze said. “Talk throughout the trip, determine the radio program.” It turns the heating on and off, even tells the navigation device “where to go.” He did not make the preparations for the long journey properly: even after a year, the health authorities are still not properly equipped and there are no plans for the future.

Schulze compared Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Hubert Aiwanger of Free Voters, to a Quengler who knew the trip would last but asked every quarter of an hour when one would finally arrive. “You should do your job as Minister of Economic Affairs.” Aiwanger must ensure that Corona’s help reaches the people quickly and without bureaucracy.

Crown in Bavaria: Söder-Minister’s comments on the vaccine debate

Update February 17, 9:16 am.: Bavarian Health Minister Klaus Holetschek has rejected an option for citizens to choose the corona vaccine. All three available vaccines are scientifically approved and tested regularly, the CSU politician said in an interview with Bayern-2-Radiowelt on Wednesday. This also applies to the Astrazeneca vaccine. The background is reports of side effects after vaccines with the active ingredient from the British-Swedish group.

There is a vaccine shortage, Holetschek said. The Astrazeneca vaccine protects against serious diseases. “Astrazeneca is a good and safe vaccine,” Holetschek said. “We just don’t have enough vaccines right now. We hope it will be more. But now it is a question of evaluating the situation at this time. And there all three are available, and there it is simply not a concert on request, ”the minister emphasized.

Apparently, a crown outbreak occurred at Stadtsparkasse in Munich. Some employees may have contracted a mutation in the virus.

Nice trend of the crown in Bavaria: several problem children remain

Source message:

Munich: The number of new corona virus infections in Bavaria continues to fall. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) declared the number of new infections per 100,000 residents in a week on Ash Wednesday for the Free State at 54.5 in the national average. A total of 1,021 new infections were recorded in Bavaria in 24 hours, plus 76 recorded deaths.

Tirschenreuth district continues to have the highest incidence with 294.3 – Tirschenreuth, located on the Czech border, is also at the top nationally ahead of neighboring Wunsiedel district in Upper Franconia (256). The city of Hof is also above the 200 limit at 211.7.

Corona-News Munich: the value of the incidence continues to fall, now below 30

On the positive end of the scale, 23 districts and urban districts are now below the mark of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. The city of Schweinfurt is also a national pioneer with an incidence of just 5.6. In the state capital, Munich, the relevant value on Wednesday morning (February 17) was 28.6.

List of rubrics lists: © Matthias Balk / dpa
