Corona Lockdown: British have to destroy nearly 50 million liters of beer


In Britain, a total of almost 50 million liters of beer must be destroyed due to crown closures. This is the result of a calculation from the British Beer and Pub Association reported by the BBC. In total, the association assumes 49.5 million liters of draft beer, which must be thrown away because the pubs have been closed for a long time; According to the report, this corresponds to about 495,000 full vats of beer.

All draft beers that have not been drunk before their expiration date must be returned to the breweries and discarded. For many beers, this is the case three to four months after delivery to pubs. Ales and some other beers even hit that date six to nine weeks after delivery.

According to the report, 70 million pints, Britain’s standard unit of measure for beer of the equivalent of just under 0.57 liters, had to be destroyed during the first shutdown in spring. After that, the bar operators became more cautious and stocked up less. Therefore, the winter closings are now expected to cause the waste of around 17 million more pints. A loss that the British Beer and Pub Association describes as “heartbreaking”.

Icon: The mirror
