Corona Lock: Gastronomy closed in Saxony from Monday | Regional


Dresden – Saxony wants to implement all the resolutions of state leaders to contain the corona pandemic. Contrary to the original plans of the Saxon state government, all restaurants and hotels in the Free State will be closed from Monday.

Events and other events that serve as entertainment are also prohibited in Saxony for at least four weeks from Monday. Government spokesman Ralph Schreiber confirmed this to Bild.

On Tuesday, Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (45, CDU) insisted on keeping restaurants and bars open.

The regulations for Saxony will now be approved by the cabinet in a new Crown regulation on Friday.

“Germany has the strength to support the self-employed from the institutions. Who will now have to cease business operations in the next four weeks. The point is to limit contacts between individuals so clearly that the virus has little chance of being transmitted, “Saxony Prime Minister Kretschmer said after Chancellor Angela Merkel’s press release.

Kretschmer continues: “The scientists recommended that we reduce the number of contacts by 75 percent. It was always clear to the Free State of Saxony that schools and kindergartens would remain open. Cultures, gastronomy and many other areas have my greatest respect for the effort they have made in recent months. Much was possible at a time when the differential was much smaller. Now we can see that we can no longer track infections, that the spread can no longer be clearly mapped. Therefore, more measures are needed. “
