Corona live ticker: Laschet calls for new corona concepts from January


Updated on November 30, 2020 at 8:30 am

  • 07:51 am: The medical president believes that making Christmas easier is right and important
  • 06:39 am: Laschet asks for new crown concepts from January
  • 05:41 am: New corona infections slightly above the value of the previous week
  • 04:19 am: Chancellor Braun: “The pandemic will lose its horror in 2021”

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Main news: “Otherwise, the state will break” – Laschet calls for new concepts from Corona from January

The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU) has new concepts required in corona pandemic from January: “Society and the economy will not last another year like this”Laschet told the “Rheinische Post.”

From January I would have to “Smart concepts allow long-term prospects for a life with the pandemic”Said the country manager: “With the approval of the vaccine, these concepts are realistic.”

Laschet added to the “Rheinische Post”: “We cannot close everything in the long term, and that The state pays billions in losses month after month. From the new year there will be a new model be necessary. Permanent closures and subsequent compensation payments destroy the state in the long run. “

All other corona reports of the day at a glance:

The medical president believes that making Christmas easier is right and important

07:51 am: the President of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, has spoken in favor of Use Rapid Corona Tests More Often. Priority should be given to health facilities, for example Residences or hospitals. “Later it is conceivable to run rapid tests before larger events, if these are allowed again,” Reinhardt told the “Mannheimer Morgen.”

Reinhardt does not see the risk of an explosive increase in the number of corona infections during the Christmas holidays. “I think Christmas is unlikely to become a nationwide event.”

If people adhered to infection protection regulations, time-limited relaxations justifiable and even required for psychosocial reasons.

11,169 cases: new corona infections slightly above the previous week’s value

05:41 am: As expected, the health authorities have the Robert Koch Institute comparatively few new corona infections reported. Are within a day 11,169 new cases it was broadcast, as announced by the RKI on Monday morning.

The previous maximum was on November 20 with 23,648 reported cases has been achieved. Last Monday the number was in 10,864 located.

The numbers are comparatively low on Sundays and Mondays because, according to the RKI, on weekends fewer samples taken and therefore also in general less tested becomes.

German health authorities also reported within 24 hours 125 new deaths. The number of daily deaths had tended to increase recently, which after sharp increase in new infections Also expected.

The call Seven-day R-value was included according to the RKI situation report on Sunday 0.95 (Previous day: 0.96). This means that, in theory, 100 infected people infect 95 more people. The value represents the onset of the infection 8 to 16 days ago. If the value is less than 1 for a long time, the infection rate decreases.

Chancellor Braun: “The pandemic will lose its horror in 2021”

04:19: Chancellery Minister Helge Braun is optimistic about next year in the crown crisis. “The pandemic will lose its horror next year”the CDU politician told “Handelsblatt.” “As a society, we need December and the months until March keep up with the fulfillment of AHA Rules and the Reduction of our contacts. Where that is not enough, cuts are inevitable. Then comes spring and hopefully the vaccine too.

It was a success exponential growth in the number of infections stop at a level that the health system demands, but don’t overwhelm me. 400 deaths a day is too many. “That is why I would have liked to have made more far-reaching decisions in October.”

All corona reports from November 29 to read can be found here

More on the topic of the coronavirus:

With material from dpa, afp, sid and apa.

In Germany, the one million mark for corona infections has been passed. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Friday morning, citing information from health authorities, a total of 1,006,394 cases of Covid 19 have been registered since the start of the pandemic. Photo credit: imago images / Seeliger
