Corona live ticker: are sanctions against vaccination pioneers useful? | – news


Status: 02/15/2021 8:07 am

In the live indicator, will inform you today, Monday 15 February 2021, about the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, MecklenburgWest Pomerania and Hamburg. Sunday news can you can read it on the blog.

The essentials in brief:

  • Are sanctions against prevacuners useful?
  • Taskforce “Test Region” advises on test openings in MV
  • 122 new crown boxes in Schleswig-Holstein approved
  • RKI: 4,426 new infections and 116 more deaths reported nationwide

Tables and graphs: this is how the vaccination campaign works in the north
Map: New infections in the northern German districts

8:07 am

Interview on rapid tests for home use

Corona rapid tests have already become an integral part in other countries when it comes to controlling the pandemic. In Germany, however, they can currently only be performed by medical personnel or after a briefing. But the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, according to its own information, hopes to approve the first rapid tests for home use in March. Dr. Alexander Beisenherz is a co-founder of the independent scientific initiative

An employee of the mobile vaccination team shows a negative corona rapid test.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Sina Schuldt

AUDIO: Can faster tests influence the development of the pandemic? (7 min)

07:44 am

Hamburg: no more relief in sight at the moment

For more than a week, the number of new infections in Hamburg has fallen minimally at most: here the incidence has been just below 70 since the weekend before last. The clear downward trend has long since stalled. But only with an incidence value of 35 should the stores reopen.

More information

Many people take a walk through the outer Alster.  © picture-alliance / dpa Photo: Georg Wendt

There have hardly been any significant improvements in crown numbers recently. A difficult situation for the Hamburg Senate. plus

07:28 am

Osnabrück: free quick tests for people with a lot of public traffic

The city of Osnabrück offers free quick tests starting this afternoon. People who live or work in the city may in the future be evaluated once a week, in front of people who have contact with many people during their work: educators, teachers, but also students, especially in the upper final grades who are trained in -Face-to-face classes. But female food retailers should be able to get tested too.

More information

A quick test for Covid-19.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Oliver Berg

Anyone who lives or works in the city can get tested weekly. Appointments can be booked online. plus

06:46 am

Relaxed entry rules for systemically important professions

Just hours after its entry into force, the strict regulations for entry from the Czech Republic and Tyrol were relaxed. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, travelers with important tasks in systemically important industries can now travel to Germany. The federal states of Bavaria and Saxony are responsible for determining which companies in Saxony and Bavaria within the occupational sectors of systemic importance are specifically included in the supplementary exemptions. Initially, exceptions were only made for medical personnel, truck drivers, and seasonal agricultural workers. The auto industry still fears downtime in production because deliveries may not arrive on time due to longer wait times. With the controls in place since yesterday at the borders with the Czech Republic and the Austrian state of Tirol, the federal government wants to prevent more and more mutants of the coronavirus spread there from reaching Germany. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) spoke to the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” about a decision on the safety and health of all.

06:34 am

The “test region” working group advises on test openings in MV

After the federal-state meeting last week, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) promised trial openings. To this end, the “Test Region” working group will meet from today. Lessons in driving schools will also start again in the Northeast, but initially only to a limited extent.

More information

A sign that says

In addition, starting today there will be preliminary discussions with experts on possible openings in the test regions before the closing ends. plus

05:45 am

RKI confirms 4,426 new infections nationwide

Across Germany, 4,426 new infections with the corona virus were recorded in one day. That’s about 100 less than a week ago (4,535), as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced this morning. It should be noted that on Sundays and Mondays the reported cases are usually significantly lower than the other days of the week, among other things, because fewer tests are carried out on weekends and test results are not always reported. The so-called seven-day incidence (new infections per 100,000 population in a week) rose slightly to 58.9. The day before it was 57.4. The federal government’s goal is to push the value below 35 to allow for greater relaxation of the crown’s protection measures. According to the RKI, 116 additional deaths related to coronavirus infections were recorded in 24 hours.

05:45 am

Are sanctions against prevacuners useful?

Alena Buyx from the German Ethics Council speaks at a press conference.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Michael Kappeler

Alena Buyx speaks out in favor of sanctions against prevacuners.

The president of the German Ethics Council, Alena Buyx, advocates for sanctions against people who anticipate vaccines. Violations of the legally established sequence when vaccinating against the coronavirus destroyed “confidence in the entire process,” Buyx told ZDF. “The prioritization is not a request. The vaccination ordinance is the applicable law in the countries,” he said. “And if that is openly violated, it is a good idea to think about sanctions as well.”

Buyx also called for a mechanism to regulate the handling of leftover vaccine doses. No vaccination dose should be administered. “But it really has to be proven that he has gone to great lengths to do this within the prioritization groups.”

05:45 am

122 new infections reported in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, another 122 corona positive tests were reported within 24 hours. This was confirmed by the country’s health authorities. The previous day was 189, a week ago 92. The incidence value of seven days increased slightly from 57.2 to 57.8.

05:45 am

Trash cans in the Outer Alster overflow

“I’ve never seen anything like this here,” says an employee of the Hamburg city cleaning service. In Corona times, a walk on the Outer Alster is more popular than ever. The garbage bins along the paths are correspondingly full, as many walkers bring a paper cup with them.

VIDEO: Crown crisis causes Hamburg garbage dump to overflow (3 min.)

05:45 am ticker starts on Monday

Also on Monday, February 15, 2021, the team will keep you informed about the effects of the corona pandemic in northern Germany. In the live ticker you will find all the important news, as well as the content of the NDR radio and television broadcasts.

New infections reported in northern Sunday: 559 in Lower Saxony, 189 in Schleswig-Holstein, 118 in Hamburg, 64 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and 64 in the state of Bremen. Nationwide 6,114.

FAQ, podcast and background

Virologist Prof. Christian Drosten and virologist Prof. Sandra Ciesek (montage) © picture alliance / dpa, University Hospital Frankfurt Photo: Christophe Gateau,

Here you will find all the episodes aired so far to read and listen to, as well as a scientific glossary and much more. plus

Researchers in white coats climb a mountain with a syringe on top.

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How many people in northern Germany have received a corona vaccine so far? Current figures on the vaccination rate. plus

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