Corona live: the British demand compensation from Switzerland


Confidence Researchers: “Lateral Thinkers” Are Deeply Insecure

According to psychologist Martin Schweer, the corona pandemic has plunged society into a crisis of confidence. The worrying influx of conspiracy theories and manifestations of so-called “lateral thinkers” is an expression of deep uncertainty in parts of the population, said the director of the Trust Research Center at Vechta University. These people saw the pandemic as a diffuse threat that they could not handle even in the face of conflicting views in politics and science. Certainly not all are confused people. They are looking for ways to regain security and control that have been lost. “

There are basically two strategies for dealing with an event of the century like the pandemic, Schweer explained. Most people take danger very seriously, but see it as a challenge. They would have the feeling that they and society could cope with the danger they represent despite all the difficulties. In an increasingly complex society with a flood of sometimes contradictory information, it is important to be able to trust the experts.

However, some people are overwhelmed by the threat and lose trust in the experts. In the corona pandemic, it is currently becoming clear that researchers, doctors and authorities do not know or have a lot of control over many things, said the university professor of educational psychology. It is not clear what the path of infection went, who is seriously ill and why, or whether a vaccine also protects against the spread of infection. Nursing homes, clinics, and health authorities are sometimes overwhelmed. Scientists and politicians argued over appropriate strategies. All this raises uncertainty and fear.

When the feeling of insecurity and loss of control became overwhelming, people looked for alternatives. He would easily find it with those who denied danger or provided simple answers. The Internet offers an inexhaustible source of conspiracy theories, said the psychologist. “Anyone can spread anything without control.” On social media, these newly acquired opinions could be strengthened in an exchange with like-minded people. A feeling of togetherness develops there and in the demonstrations.

Schweer called on the mainstream media to counter this with serious reporting. It is also important that supporters of conspiracy theories are not marginalized in their social environment. “You should not condemn them or their arguments immediately, but try to talk to them.”
