Corona Live: Spahn considers mass vaccination possible in summer


Obama, Bush, Clinton and Biden would be publicly vaccinated

Three former US presidents said they would be publicly vaccinated against Covid-19 as soon as a vaccine becomes available. The former heads of state said they wanted to encourage all Americans to seek the vaccine against the disease that has killed more than 275,000 people across the country. Barack Obama said on SiriusXM radio station in a program broadcast on Thursday (local time) that as soon as the vaccine was available to less threatened groups, he would be vaccinated, you could well imagine it on television or in front of the cameras.

It is similar with Bill Clinton. The former head of state will be “definitively” vaccinated as soon as possible in accordance with the priorities established by the health authorities, Clinton’s spokesman Ángel Ureña said.

George W. Bush Chief of Staff Freddy Ford told CNN that Bush recently campaigned to meet with top disease expert Anthony Fauci and White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator Deborah Birx. Bush wanted both to know that he was available to do whatever he could to motivate his fellow citizens to get vaccinated, Ford said. If the risk groups are catered for, the former president would be happy to be vaccinated on camera. .

The only other former president of the United States still living, Jimmy Carter, also requested vaccinations. However, the 96-year-old man gave up his promise to get vaccinated publicly.

President-elect Biden also announced that he would be publicly vaccinated as soon as a vaccine is approved. “If Dr. Fauci says that we have a safe vaccine, I will be in front of the public,” said the future president and then tapped him on the shoulder to indicate a vaccine. “It is important to communicate to the American population that it is safe.”
