Corona Live: Significantly more deaths in November than average for previous years


As a result of the corona pandemic, NATO is strengthening defense against biological weapons

In view of the devastating consequences of the corona pandemic, NATO is increasing its efforts in the field of biological weapons defense. The coronavirus is not a virus created in a laboratory, but it shows the dangers that exist in relation to the use of biological warfare agents, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in an interview with the German press agency. Therefore, the defense alliance must strengthen security. For example, NATO is already in the process of improving the exchange of intelligence information to prevent possible attacks with biological weapons.

“These weapons, like chemical weapons, are prohibited under international law, but we have to be prepared for their use because we know that these weapons are still available,” Stoltenberg said. They could be used by state actors, but also by terrorists.

Furthermore, Stoltenberg did not rule out the possibility that a widespread biological weapons attack with hundreds of thousands of deaths could also result in a retaliatory attack with conventional or nuclear weapons. “NATO does not have prohibited weapons, but we have a variety of capabilities to respond appropriately,” he said. If Article 5 for collective defense were activated after a biological weapons attack, NATO could use all these capabilities.

With a view to the current corona pandemic, Stoltenberg stressed that NATO is still ready to help. “NATO and the military could provide support in the distribution of the vaccines,” said the Norwegian. NATO’s center for disaster control has been coordinating aid in other areas for months.
