Corona: Lauterbach cancels planned vaccination against Astrazeneca: health experts in danger of outsiders?


After continued criticism of the manufacturer Astrazeneca’s vaccine, health expert Karl Lauterbach wanted to get vaccinated. But now you have to cancel the service at the vaccination center.

February 19, 2020 update: SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach has canceled his planned service at a Leverkusen vaccination center. “Unfortunately, there have been so many protests announced against the Leverkusen vaccination center in advance that I have to cancel the outing first. Police and security authorities saw a threat, ”Lauterbach tweeted on Friday. The politician had previously announced that “like all members of the vaccination center” he would be vaccinated with the Astrazeneca vaccine.

“As I do not want to endanger the great colleagues or the functioning of the center, I withdraw. However, it is a shame how strong the influence of radical minorities in our actions is now growing, ”Lauterbach wrote on Twitter on Friday.

Corona vaccine: Lauterbach has injected Astrazeneca and explains a possible new vaccination strategy

Original notification of February 18, 2020: Berlin – Although there are currently around 2,500 vaccination appointments in Saxony, many thousands of citizens are still waiting for a vaccination offer. But while willingness to vaccinate in Germany has risen significantly in recent weeks, the vaccine from manufacturer Astrazeneca is making headlines. After a remarkably large number of clinic employees reported that they were ill after being vaccinated with the vaccine, two clinics in Germany temporarily suspended vaccination of the active ingredient. But now SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach (57) wants to set a good example.

Corona: Astrazeneca Vaccine Under Fire – Karl Lauterbach is clearly positioning himself

The doctor will work as a vaccination doctor at a Leverkusen vaccination center for the next week, and then Lauterbach will also receive the vaccine. “Like all members of the vaccination center, of course I will be vaccinated with Astrazeneca,” said the doctor and member of the Bundestag, the “Tagesspiegel”. The health expert also wanted to make a clear “bet on Astrazeneca, it is a safe and good vaccine.”

The recommendation of the Permanent Commission on Vaccination to use this vaccine only for those under 65 years of age “has obviously damaged the vaccine, many unjustifiably see it as a second-class vaccine,” criticized Lauterbach. It is important to follow the sequence of vaccinations. It is not advisable to administer vaccine doses only to volunteers. “That would mean that the highest risk groups, including doctors and nurses under 65, are at risk for longer,” continues the health expert.

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Karl Lauterbach goes even further in the interview, according to his own statement, his proposal could possibly save thousands of lives. “From the 14th day after the first dose of Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna, the protection is around 92 percent. Protection is highly unlikely to drop in the following weeks. So I might consider starting the second dose after six or twelve weeks. ” By delaying the second dose, more people could get the important first dose. The vector-based agent Astrazeneca is an important component in the EU vaccination strategy because it is comparatively inexpensive and has less stringent requirements in terms of transportation and storage than the mRNA vaccines from Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna. This is crucial to the path to vaccination in medical practices.

List of rubrics lists: © Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa
