Corona: Lars Klingbeil complains about vaccine chaos, blames Jens Spahn


Germany Coronavirus

SPD secretary general complains about vaccine chaos and blames Spahn

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Chaos and vaccine shortages: the federal government has come under massive criticism

The debate in Germany about vaccination against Corona is increasingly violent. Both the Chancellor and the Minister of Health, Spahn, are criticized for this from all sides.

“We are seeing these days that there are chaotic conditions,” says the SPD secretary general about the start of corona vaccinations. Health Minister Jens Spahn is to blame for this: Chancellor Angela Merkel must intervene now.

reSPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil has criticized the federal government’s current corona vaccination strategy and has asked Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to intervene. Germany is in a worse position compared to other countries, said in the ARD “Morgenmagazin”. Klingbeil blames Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU).

Countries outside the EU, such as the US and the UK, had given emergency approvals to vaccines after less extensive testing and started vaccinating earlier. In Germany, implementation is carried out by countries, each of which has its own regulations. “We see these days that there are chaotic conditions,” Klingbeil said.

Klingbeil called for “a national effort” under Merkel’s leadership. He also said this to “Bild” in a similar way. He reiterated the call for all pharmaceutical companies to meet to find out what cooperation agreements would be like. The search for new production possibilities for the only Biontech vaccine that has been approved in the EU is already underway.

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Criticism of the federal government’s approach to acquiring and distributing the corona vaccine increased over the weekend. Spahn rejected the criticism. “It is going exactly as planned,” the Health Minister said on the “RTL Aktuell” news program on Saturday. By the end of the year, 1.3 million doses of the Biontech Pfizer vaccine had been delivered to the federal states. By the end of January, this number will increase to a total of four million.

The vaccination campaign started in Germany on December 27. According to the most recent information from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), more than 188,000 people have been vaccinated once. Two vaccines are required for complete protection.

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So far, only about 160,000 people have been vaccinated in Germany. The federal government is heavily criticized for the lack of vaccine doses, but Biontech chief Sahin has now confirmed talks about delivering additional vaccines.

Source: WELT / Erdmann Hummel
