Corona: Kindergartens and schools in the Hildburghausen district will be closed from Thursday.


Due to the increase in corona infections in the Hildburghausen district, all schools and nurseries will be closed from Thursday. According to information from MDR THÜRINGEN, this is the result of a crisis meeting between District Administrator Thomas Müller (CDU) and Health Minister Heike Werner (Linke) on Monday afternoon. According to district manager Müller, they should stay for a maximum of two and a half weeks. According to Müller, the final decision will be made in the next few hours.

A crown incidence of 500 is feared in the district of Hildburghausen

Together with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education had advised the Hildburghausen district not to close schools last week. District manager Müller demanded it again at the weekend. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the Hildburghausen district currently has the highest incidence value in Germany.

396 new cases of corona were registered for every 100,000 inhabitants in one week. The incidence value is expected to continue to rise by the end of the week because, according to the health department, many corona tests have not yet been analyzed. “Now we will march towards 500,” said the district administrator. “We have to get in front of the wave and break it.”

The Ministry of Education does not see schools as drivers of the infection

Unlike Müller, the Thuringian Ministry of Education had not yet seen schools and kindergartens as drivers of the corona infection process. As a spokesperson for MDR THÜRINGEN said, the available figures do not show any massive infection in schools. Although students or teachers are repeatedly affected, the infection itself is mainly due to contacts outside of school.
