Corona: Jens Spahn reports: “Don’t listen to those who trivialize” – internal politics


It was the news in political Berlin last week: Health Minister Jens Spahn (40, CDU) tested positive for the corona virus!

Now Jens Spahn reported from home quarantine for the first time. “So far, under the circumstances, I’m doing quite well,” he said at the beginning of the three-minute video on his Facebook page.

Cold symptoms have not increased so far, “toi, toi, toi,” explained the minister. Which he’s particularly happy about: no colleague “who has had closer contact with me in recent days” has tested positive so far.

Spahn-Klartext: The current number of new infections is “really worrying.” At some point, local health authorities “could no longer keep up” with those numbers, so “it would depend more than ever on all of us.”

And also: “Do not listen to those who trivialize and appease.” It is “serious”. Germany now needs “a show of force”. The common goal should be to flatten the curve now!

His last and urgent request to the population: “Please stay healthy.”

After the positive test result, the minister immediately went into domestic isolation last week.

On Saturday it became known: the Secretary of State for Development, Martin Jäger (56), was also infected with the corona virus. Spahn and Jäger had met on Monday afternoon. “It is not clear if and in what way the respective infections are related to the meeting,” the ministry said.
