Corona: innovative antibody test: who can get tested, when and how much does it cost


The researchers at Penzberg made a breakthrough for the corona virus. This could have consequences for the entire Free State and Germany. Markus Söder reported.

  • Since April 27, a “mask requirement” has been in effect in Bavaria due to the corona virus *.
  • Investigators at Penzberg have now made significant progress.
  • Markus Söder and Jens Spahn visited the laboratory and then provided information at a press conference.
  • Here you will find our reporting guide and the German Crown News. You can also find the current number of cases in Bavaria as a map. The following recommendations for crown protection measures are currently available.

Update May 5, 8.33 a.m.: The Roche company presented a new antibody test on Monday (May 4). The test can find out who already had the corona virus. But how does the test work? To do this, blood is drawn from an office or hospital, and the sample is taken to the Laboratory evaluated. This requires certain devices, such as the Image reported. Roche diagnostic devices can evaluate between 85 and 300 tests per hour. Results are still available the same day, but no later than the next day. The test has been available since yesterday, but is not yet available at all clinics.

The test is considered very safe. In 5272 samples, 100 percent of the antibodies were detected 14 days after infection. Specificity is 99.81 percent, so it’s only 0.19 percent Antibodies indicated by other coronaviruses, as they say.

Roche antibody test – the test must be available to everyone

According to the Minister of Health, tests can be done Jens Spahn Basically everyone. But: It is still advised to which population groups the test should be mainly available. This may include medical and nursing employees, as well as risk groups. However, the test must be available to everyone who wants to be tested. Self-Payer however subject to availability. According to the pharmaceutical company, the costs are less than “several hundred euros”. For those covered by legal health insurance, it has not yet been determined.

Roche’s test is not the first. Rapid antibody test. There are already some in the pharmacy. According to experts, however, these are considered unsafe as well. Image reported. Dr. Thomas Schinecker of Roche emphasized that in diagnosis there is never the possibility of purchasing a strip test from a pharmacy that is as reliable as a Lab test. So-called ELISA lab tests have been around since early April, but: They are also not as reliable as the new “Elecsys Anti-Sars-CoV-2”, because they detected too many antibodies to the common cold coronavirus.

Coronavirus: Roche antibody test: details not yet clear

Update May 4, 3:50 p.m.: A Roche antibody test may soon be used to check if someone has already had the coronavirus. However, it remains unclear whether antibody detection goes hand in hand with immunization of those affected. Christoph Franz, chairman of Roche’s Board of Directors, said there is a “very high probability” that the detected antibodies will also have an immunizing effect. Evidence, as well as this knowledge, are important factors for the reopening of society in the current pandemic, as long as there is no vaccine.

“As soon as there is some knowledge about possible immunity after infection, the tests will be even more important,” Spahn emphasized. Currently, your home is still working on the basics for which population groups, such as medical and nursing staff, as well as risk groups, the test should be initially available. It would also clarify in which cases legal health insurance companies will cover the costs. In general, however, all can be evaluated immediately at their own cost. According to Franz, the tests would cost less than “several hundred euros”.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Roche antibody tests in May

Update from 12.29 p.m.: The pharmaceutical company Roche plans to deliver a new antibody test against the new coronavirus to health facilities in Germany in May. The agreed Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and the company on Monday in Penzberg in Upper Bavaria. “The new test is a major new milestone in the fight against the virus,” said Spahn. Three million tests are due in May, and five million tests have been agreed for delivery to Germany in the coming months.

Antibody tests help us know who has already had a corona infection. This is how we get information about the actual outbreak, “Spahn said. The evidence would become even more important as soon as there was some knowledge of possible immunity after suffering an infection.

BTW: Spahn also spoke Monday about the vaccine research. However, it put a damper on hopes of an early advance.

Roche Antibody Test: Söder Announces Free State Support

To the production capacity for the new serological test. Elecsys Anti-Sars-CoV-2 Roche plans to expand its biochemical plants in Penzberg for around € 170 million. This also has an impact in Bavaria: as the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder announced, the Free State is providing 40 million euros, which is to create a large research center. This has another important impact for the future. The research center wants to be better prepared for similar situations.

The test reportedly has one Sensitivity 100 percent and one Specificity 99.8 percent. The first indicates the percentage of those affected by whom the infection is actually recognized. The latter says how many healthy people are actually recognized as healthy by the test. Christoph Franz, Chairman of the Roche Board of Directors, spoke of a “completely new level of quality”.

Söder at press conference on antibody testing: Prime Minister criticizes eruptions of individual federal states

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has criticized the rush of individual federal states to relax measures against the crown. He was “a little unhappy” because some countries were already going beyond what was agreed between the federal and state governments last week, the CSU president said at a news conference Monday after a visit to Roche’s development lab in Penzberg, Upper Bavaria. He announced that federal and state governments will take the following steps at the next change conference this Wednesday.

Saxony-Anhalt in particular had caused a sensation. There, a new ordinance went into effect on Monday night, with which the country is leading the country in relaxing the strict crown restrictions. The people of Saxon-Anhalt can now spend about five outside their home.

Meanwhile, debates are already about possible new opportunities resulting from safe antibody testing: A bill that also plays with the idea of ​​”immunity testing” brings drastic criticism and warnings.

Bavarian corona virus: Söder and Spahn provide information on antibody tests: press conference to read

Update from 12.20 p.m .: The press conference is over.

Update from 12.17 p.m.: The test works by taking a blood sample; smear testing would not produce the corresponding results, explains Thomas Schinecker of Roche. The price for self-payers has yet to be determined. “We don’t expect several hundred euros here, these are significantly lower numbers,” adds Franz.

12:15 p.m. update: Roche’s pricing is competitive, and it’s the same for everyone, Spahn praises. If someone came to Germany that testing capabilities were not available there, the Federal Republic would support him.

Coronavirus in Bavaria – Roche antibody tests: individual consequences on immunity?

Update from 12:08 p.m.: Roche’s test is very specific and sensitive, explains Spahn. But they also bought from another company that developed good tests.

Update 12:04 p.m.: It remains unclear how long someone will be immune to after an infection, which should be considered in the discussion, Spahn explains. The studies are planned. What are the consequences? Immunity a person regarding exit restrictions has not yet been clarified. According to Spahn, the ethical council must first address this issue.

Update from 12.01 p.m .: According to Söder, the situation is currently under control, we must continue to be careful, but it is also time to alleviate. “We should not stumble on the successes we have.” Overall, it was pretty good between the federal and state governments.

Roche Corona Antibody Tests: Who Can Get Tested? Spahn responds

Update from 11:59 a.m.: Journalists can now ask your questions. The Federal Minister of Health is asked who can do such an antibody test. “If you pay yourself, for everyone, depending on availability,” says Spahn, that’s common. It had yet to be determined in which cases the health insurance companies would cover the costs.

11.55 a.m. update: Is now Alexander Dobrindt your turn Research and development must continue to be promoted. Roche’s site in Penzberg is the diagnostic favorite. Bavaria’s commitment to the pharmaceutical company is important. “I thank all the employees” who would have developed such an important test in such a short time.

11.53 a.m. update: The way this test was investigated with a lot of commitment in a short time would have a start mindset. He would have brought it with him in conversations with employees.

Press conference on Roche antibody testing: Spahn with current crown numbers

Update from 11.49 a.m.: There are currently around 23,000 people actively infected in Germany, as Spahn reports. Explain how important it is to compare different numbers. This also includes the Reproductive rate. Ten infected people currently infect seven people. What is being investigated in Penzberg will be available worldwide, as reported by the Federal Minister of Health.

11.47 a.m. update: Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn speaks “We are not delivered defenseless,” Spahn said of the coronavirus. “The virus is still very, very new, there are new findings every day.” This new Roche test “is an important milestone in the fight against this virus,” said Spahn. It was particularly specific. For the following months there are five million tests per month for Germany.

Markus Söder live: science means knowing a little more every day ”

11.45 a.m. update: “Science means knowing a little more every day,” says Söder of the criticism of scientists. Therefore, it may be that there are new ideas every day.

Update from 11.43 a.m.: “This is a very decisive step,” said Söder. “This is not just a tube, it is something very special,” said the Prime Minister of Bavaria. Roche would invest 400 million euros in this location. As a result, there is a large medical center in Bavaria. Bavaria would contribute 40 million euros to one Research Center for pandemic research. Even if it works Crown Being under control in the coming months would face that challenge more often in the future.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Söder talks about Roche antibody tests

Update from 11.40 a.m.: “Today is not a regional event, it is an international step,” he added. Markus Söder. You make political decisions, but you need scientific solutions.

11.38 a.m. update: Roche has already been able to provide large-scale tests that can detect the coronavirus itself. Today we present an antibody test, which is complementary.

This antibody test is not intended to measure the virus, but the virus Antibodies against these viruses. This can be used to test whether a person has already had the corona virus and is therefore highly likely to be immune to the virus, Franz said.

11.33 a.m. update: The press conference begins. Dr. Christoph Franz von Roche speak first “Roche is launching a new antibody test today,” explains the reason for the press conference. This has a new level of quality.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Söder and Spahn provide information on Roche antibody tests at press conference

Update 11:16 a.m.: Markus Söder and the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, visit the Roche pharmaceutical company. At the Penzberg site, researchers have probably made a breakthrough in antibody testing. There will be a press conference at 11:30 a.m.

Corona Virus in Bavaria: researchers in the Free State with a breakthrough? Success could have drastic consequences

First report on May 4, 10:22 a.m.

Since April 27, mouth-to-nose coverage has been mandatory in Bavaria, colloquially Mask requirement called. Public life stood still for a long time, now stores could reopen. However, it doesn’t look good to them. Gastronomy de – this cried out for help to the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder.

Corona virus in Bavaria: antibody tests needed to loosen up?

Many people demand that the strict be relieved Corona virus requirements. Reliable antibody tests are applied out loud Bavarian Radio (BR) as a key element, because those who have antibodies are considered temporarily immune to the virus and could return to participate in public life without risk to others.

Such a test was developed by Roche at Penzberg *, a so-called serological test. So that can Antibodies be detected in the blood. It usually takes years to develop an accurate on-site test in Penzberg However, for the last few weeks they worked all day: the researchers managed to develop this test in just a few months.

Coronavirus in the Free State: Researchers with a breakthrough?

Previous antibody tests are sometimes considered very imprecise. According to the internal information of Roche However, progress has now been made as well BR reported. Thousands of patients have already been tested, and it could be demonstrated with almost 100 percent certainty if one patient is using Crown got infected

The first tests should be possible in a few days. By the end of June, capacity should be in the double-digit million range. Hope is strong BRthat tests can clarify the spread of immunity in the population. This could result in a faster return to Normal possible.

Virus crowns in Bavaria: Markus Söder and Jens Spahn provide information at press conference

Roche says it received emergency approval from the FDA for the test. According to a spokesperson, this is valid for all countries that accept CE marking for products. That includes all the countries of the European Union.

“This is not a test for home use,” said the spokesman. It is a blood test that requires technical equipment to evaluate it. How the test could be implemented in Germany is, among other things, a matter for the federal government. Now visit federal health ministers Jens Spahn and Markus Söder Spahn Laboratory and the Prime Minister of Bavaria then provide information at a press conference.

With intermediate steps, this week there will be a first relief from the Corona crisis. There is still no solution, but the first prospects for families. * A comment from Christian Deutschländer.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

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