Corona infections among politicians: as positive as Donald Trump


Donald Trump has hired Corona. 32 days before the US elections, this issue will determine the international news. But the president of the United States is by no means the first powerful politician whose illness makes headlines.

In recent months, ministers, party leaders and government leaders around the world have tested positive for the virus. The way he was often treated by featured patients also says something about corona policy in the respective country.

Bolsonaro presented himself as a strong man again after recovering from an illness

One of the most famous victims was Jair Bolsonaro. For months, the president of Brazil was criticized for dealing with the pandemic. While mass graves have already been dug for the crown’s dead in the country, Bolsonaro spoke of a “minor flu” in connection with the disease and was hailed by numerous supporters at major events, without a mask or keeping his distance.

At the beginning of July the diagnosis came: the president of Brazil has a Crown. The disease took a mild course. However, Bolsonaro used the quarantine period to reinvent himself.

After surviving the Covid 19 infection, he was once again able to present himself as a strong man and has since presented himself as the savior of the poor in the country. Covid-19 didn’t hurt him, instead, his survey results were almost never in the middle.

After illness, Johnson relies on diet and distance.

In contrast, the illness was less mild with Boris Johnson. In the fight against Corona, the British Prime Minister initially relied on a controversial strategy.

He had aimed at “herd immunity”, but the crown number in Britain increased like almost no other European country. Finally, the government changed course and cracked down on it. Johnson got infected anyway and spent several days in the intensive care unit. So the disease seems to have caused a little change of mind in him.

In late July, he had himself photographed walking his dog and urged his compatriots to do the same: they should keep their distance, stay home and exercise more. Meanwhile, the crown numbers in Britain are on the rise again and photos of Johnson taking a walk haven’t been in the press for a long time.

French Finance Minister: “By no means a harmless disease”

According to his own statements, the French Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, is also currently without sports activities. The politician went into quarantine for eight days after his illness in September. This week he reported for the first time in a radio interview with “France Inter” about the course of the disease. This is usually someone who runs 25 to 30 kilometers a week.

“Right now I can’t go jogging anymore because I had this disease, which is by no means a harmless disease,” Le Maire continued. Covid-19 has taken a very violent course with him, said the minister and took advantage of the interview to appeal: “This disease is not like any other. If you want to protect everyone you love, then please do not behave well.” selfish and respect the security measures, “he said. This also shows the government’s strategy in France. Paris cracked down on the pandemic and imposed one of the toughest blockades in Europe.

Despite the renewed increase in the number of infections, the government currently does not respect the restrictions at the national level, also due to concerns about the economic consequences. By contrast, France trusts the common sense of the people.

The Israeli minister spoke of “God’s punishment”

Yaakov Litzman’s actions were probably not driven by reason. In March, the then Israeli health minister said of Corona: “It is God’s punishment for homosexuality.”

A few weeks later, he and his wife fell ill. The ultra-Orthodox politician had recently prayed along with others, although this violated hygiene rules that his own ministry had approved. Since May he was no longer Minister of Health in the newly formed cabinet, but Minister of Housing. He resigned from this office a few weeks ago in protest against the new closure in Israel.

The temperature curve rose for the leader of the Italian party

Italy now has the pandemic under better control. The country was the first in Europe to be hit massively by the corona virus: Italy has controlled the situation with strict curfews and stricter rules of conduct.

Nicola Zingaretti, leader of the ruling Italian party Partito Democratico and president of the Lazio region, was also combative. He was one of the first prominent politicians to be infected.

Zingaretti fell ill shortly before the confinement. He is doing well, he said in a first message. “Cheer up everyone and see you soon!” A little later, the politician’s temperature rose. Zingaretti announced on March 7 that he wanted to set a good example by following the doctors’ instructions. Three days later, Italy imposed a blockade that lasted for several months.

His recovery came after 23 days: “I have been cured of the coronavirus, now we are gathered to defeat the beast together,” he said. At that time, the strict measures in the country were showing their first results. The United States is not there yet.

Icon: The mirror
