Corona-Infected US President: Probably Better, But Before the “Royal Test”


The condition of the president of the United States, Trump, has improved, according to him, and his doctor is also optimistic. The president’s chiefs of staff seemed to assess the situation differently. He spoke of a “worrying state”.

By Katrin Brand, ARD Studio Washington

There is confusion about the health of the president of the United States, Donald Trump. In the evening he spoke in a four-minute video from the hospital. When he came here, he didn’t feel very good, Trump said. Now it feels much better.

Everyone worked hard to bring him back. In the next few days, “the real test,” continues Trump. We’ll see what happens then. In doing so, the president confirmed what had been causing unrest in Washington throughout Saturday.

The chief of staff speaks of “worrying constitution”

Trump’s doctors had described mild symptoms such as a cough, a stuffy nose and a mild fever in the middle of the day. Sean Conley, Trump’s personal physician, but repeatedly sidestepped the question of whether the president had to receive oxygen in recent days.

Trump has not needed oxygen since he was in the hospital. Apparently he still had to stock up on it at the White House. The US media referred to Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, who reported on a troubling constitution. The president is not yet on a clear path to recovery.

Conflicting statements about the time of infection.

The press conference had also caused confusion. Trump’s doctor, for example, also said that the diagnosis of Covid-19 disease was 72 hours ago. And another said Trump received antibody therapy 48 hours ago. That would have meant that the president would have learned of the infection much earlier, possibly Wednesday, and not until Friday night. It was later reported from the White House that the doctors had misstated themselves.

This information is important because Trump had attended other public appointments in the meantime. He himself defended his many appearances: “This is the most powerful country in the world, I cannot lock myself in a covered room.”

Rose garden hotspot?

Where the president and his wife could have been infected is open. However, the presentation of the Supreme Court candidate, Amy Coney Barrett, may have been a high point. Last Saturday, Trump introduced the judge at the White House. At the appointment, many people gathered in a confined space, only a few were wearing masks.

Since then, Trump’s former adviser Kellyanne Conway, her colleague Hope Hicks, her campaign manager Bill Stepien, the president of Barrett University and several journalists have been diagnosed with illnesses or have tested positive.

Barrets hearing should continue

Three Republican senators were also infected. Therefore, the Senate decided to suspend its legislative work until October 19. However, the hearing for the new Supreme Court justice should begin in a week, because Republicans are determined to vote before the election. However, other diseases could endanger most.

Melania Trump is fine, according to the White House, her symptoms have not worsened. The first lady is resting and is out of the hospital.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on October 4, 2020 at 9:00 am
