Corona in the world: Macron announces curfews – politics


French President Emmanuel Macron has announced nighttime curfews for Paris and many other major cities in the country. These curfews would apply from Saturday night between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. for at least four weeks, Macron said in a television interview Wednesday night. In addition to the Paris metropolitan area, the metropolises of Grenoble, Lille, Rouen, Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Saint-Étienne, Toulouse and Montpellier are affected, according to Macron.

The lock applies to cinemas, restaurants, and theaters, among other things. This measure had been speculated previously. The head of state announced that there will be controls and sanctions. The goal is to keep economic life alive; aid to businesses will continue. “We will continue working,” emphasized Macron. “We have not lost control,” he said, but the situation was “worrying.” The situation of the crown in the country has been deteriorating for weeks. France, with its 67 million residents, reported nearly 27,000 new infections within 24 hours of the weekend, a record. On Wednesday, 22,591 new infections were reported.

Many deaths in Poland, new infections in Italy are increasing dramatically

Just a few weeks ago, Italy had relatively few new infections with the corona virus. Now the country, which was severely affected by many deaths, especially at the beginning of the crisis, is setting a new record. According to the Ministry of Health, 7,332 new infections were found in 24 hours, more than ever. However, much more testing is being done now than at the beginning, which is why many experts advise against a direct comparison of the values. On March 21, at the height of the pandemic, almost 6,600 new cases were registered. The new value is also a significant increase compared to Tuesday, when 5,901 new cases of corona were reported. Authorities also reported 43 other coronavirus-related deaths.

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In Poland, more people died from the coronavirus in one day than ever since the outbreak of the pandemic. The Ministry of Health reports 116 more deaths. This brings the total to 3,217. Poland also has a record for new infections. There are 6,526 positive test results, a total of 141,804. More and more Covid-19 patients must be treated in hospital. Doctors are already warning of an overload of the health system.

Russia registers a second vaccine

There is a second vaccine in Russia in the fight against the coronavirus. This vaccine was registered on Wednesday, said President Vladimir Putin of the state agency Tass in Moscow. The serum is called “EpiVacCorona”.

In mid-August, Russia launched the world’s first coronavirus vaccine for widespread use among the population. Internationally, scientists have expressed serious concerns about “Sputnik V” because the serum was registered before important tests were completed. Russian scientists have denied the criticism, claiming that the vaccine induces immunity and has no serious side effects.

Before the mass vaccinations at the end of the year, teachers and doctors must receive the vaccine, supposedly on a voluntary basis. “Now we must increase the production of our first and second vaccines,” Putin said. The Russian market must first be catered for. The second vaccine was released on the day with the highest number of new corona infections. More than 14,000 people in Russia were infected with the coronavirus in one day. So there are more than 1.3 million infections. More than a million people are considered recovered.

Hospitals in the Netherlands are overcrowded

The rapid rise in new infections in the Netherlands is pushing the healthcare system to the limit. In the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague, emergency rooms were temporarily closed, as the head of the acute medical care network, Ernst Kuipers, said. Because there were not enough beds and nursing staff, the first aid departments were closed for several hours and patients were transferred to other hospitals.

Ernst Kuipers warned that even in the best of cases, 40 percent of regular medical care would have to be cut because the number of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 is constantly increasing; it has been shown that there have been around 190,000 in the country since the outbreak of the pandemic. Infections and 6631 deaths. In the worst case, the reduction in medical care could go up to 75 percent. “Then there is only first aid left in addition to Covid-19 care,” Kuipers said.

Earlier it was learned that the Dutch government is imposing a temporary blockade. Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced Wednesday. The government reacted to the dramatically increasing number of new corona virus infections. In the last seven days, 252 infections per 100,000 inhabitants have been reported. The most affected are Amsterdam and Rotterdam, each with around 410 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. The situation is “alarming” in almost all regions, Rutte said. Last week, the RIVM Institute of Health and Environment registered almost 44,000 new infections, 60 percent more than the previous week.

Lockdown regulations are being expanded in Israel

The lockdown restrictions on Israel will initially extend until next Sunday. This was announced by the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after a meeting of the so-called coronavirus cabinet. The first easing should be discussed on Thursday. This includes the opening of small shops that are not open to the public and kindergartens. Relaxation should take place gradually. After the first shutdown in the spring, the government had been criticized for being too hasty and understanding.

The pandemic in Israel initially ran smoothly, also due to the strict course of the government. After a relaxation and massive spike in the number of cases over the summer, a second nationwide lockdown has been implemented since September 18. It recently became clear that the number of new infections is declining. The Health Ministry identified 2,255 new cases Wednesday morning. 5.4 percent of all tests were positive. This number was lower than it had been in weeks; over the course of the lockdown it had been well above 13 percent in some cases.

According to official information, at least 297,274 people have been shown to be infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus since the beginning of the Corona crisis in Israel, which has a population of around nine million. In Germany, which has about nine times as many inhabitants, the figure was 334,585. In Israel, 2,055 people died in connection with a corona infection, in Germany 9,677.

Crown crisis causes deep hole in Austria’s national budget

The crisis in the crown has blown a deep hole in Austria’s national budget. Federal, state and local governments will spend 28.6 billion euros more this year than they earn. The Finance Ministry announced on Wednesday. Relative to the country’s economic output, this translates into a 9.5 percent budget deficit. The main reason for the large budget deficit is the billions in aid to companies struggling during the crisis. Furthermore, tax revenues have been drastically reduced. “We have to have money in hand now, we have to stabilize ourselves to save as many jobs as possible,” Finance Minister Gernot Blümel said.

By mid-October, the country had paid nearly € 25 billion in aid, tax deferrals and loan guarantees, according to a ministry presentation. Aid is planned for a total of 50,000 million euros. The additional spending caused by the crisis is causing a national debt of 84.0 percent of economic output in the current year. By 2021, the ministry expects a further increase to 84.8 percent.

In 2021, the state will spend almost 21 billion euros more than it earns, the ministry estimates. The general government deficit remains high at 6.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The deficit is expected to be 3.5 percent in 2022. The finance minister noted, however, that the forecasts are subject to high volatility. “We see a little more clearly than in spring, but we cannot say that these figures are as clear as in a normal year,” Blümel said.

A month-long lockdown since mid-March brought Austria’s economy to virtual stagnation. GDP collapsed in the second quarter by 12.8 percent compared to the previous year. The Wifo Institute expects GDP to collapse by 6.8 percent for the full year and then increase by 4.4 percent next year.

The World Bank approves $ 12 billion for developing countries

The World Bank approves new financial aid for developing countries in the fight against the coronavirus. The organization in Washington announced that the money should help them prepare for a widespread supply of their populations. Up to one billion people could benefit from it. The organization has approved about twelve billion dollars to finance the purchase and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines, tests and treatments, the board explains.

Leader of the British opposition: Need for temporary closure

British opposition leader Keir Starmer has called for a temporary closure for England in light of the sharp increase in the number of corona cases. “We need a ‘circuit breaker’ and we need it now,” the Labor leader said in London on Tuesday. A “circuit breaker” is a clearly limited lockout similar to the one in the spring, but only for two to three weeks and with no school closings, as Starmer emphasized. However, the fall break could be incorporated.

With this, Starmer joins the advice of the scientific panel of experts Sage, which recommended a nationwide lockdown on the British government weeks ago. This stems from a protocol published Monday. Health professionals had warned that otherwise Britain was heading for “a major epidemic with catastrophic consequences.”

Johnson presented on Monday a three-tier system in the fight against the pandemic for England. Depending on the level of risk – medium, high or very high – stricter rules will apply from Wednesday. However, doctors and the opposition do not consider this to be effective enough. A government spokesman said “effective measures” had been taken. Britain is one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic in Europe.

However, Johnson wants to avoid a lockdown like the first wave of eruptions in the spring. Schools and universities in England should remain open. However, universities report a large number of infections in particular.

Across Britain, with its nearly 67 million people, more than 17,000 new infections were reported in the 24 hours of Tuesday. The number of deaths from Covid-19 was 143, as high as the last time in June. Northern England, Scotland, parts of Wales and Northern Ireland are particularly affected. Cases are also increasing significantly in London. The capital, which has so far been ranked at the lowest warning level, could fall into the highest risk level in the coming days, London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced, resulting in far-reaching contact restrictions. .
