Corona in the US: almost 100,000 new infections in 24 hours


  • Sophia lother

    sinceSophia lother


In the US, new corona infections continue to rise. And this just before the 2020 US elections.

  • More and more people in the U.S. are getting infected with it Coronavirus
  • But Donald Trump Jr. sees the situation very differently.
  • News about United States Election: All current information about the Presidential election.

Update on Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 8.30 am.: The number of new infections with the Coronavirus within a day he has a new one in the US with almost 100,000 shortly before the presidential election Peak reached. 99,321 cases were registered on Friday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU). That’s almost 11,000 more than the day before.

According to the JHU, a total of around 9.05 million coronavirus infections have been confirmed in the US with its around 330 million residents since the start of the pandemic. Around 229,700 people have died so far, more than in any other country in the world.

“Almost no deaths” according to Donald Trump-Jr. – 1,000 kills per crown on the same day

Washington – The Corona crisis has the United States hit hard. Economically, the country is going through a deep crisis and the number of infections is increasing at dizzying levels. Bad requirement for Donald trump Re-election in the next US elections in 2020, because the economic situation of the country in particular was Trump’s hobby. Is now Sohn Donald Trump Junior He jumped to his father’s side once more and got the Crown-Situation at United States commented.

Corona in America: Donald Trump Jr. talks about “almost no” new deaths

Donald Trump Junior acted on Laura Ingraham’s show on the station Fox News in. He scolded Joe biden and the Democrats and again accused political opponents of using the mail vote to cheat in elections. Then came Donald Trump Junior to an important point for him. A graphic from the Center for Infection Protection and Control (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), in his opinion, would reveal the truth. Because it shows that “almost no” people would advertise more COVID-19 To die.

“We have it under control, we understand how it works and we have the therapeutic means to face it,” he adds. Donald Trump Jr. additional. In fact, the CDC graph on Trump Juniors’ Instagram shows a drop in deaths. “The Washington Post” contradicts this statement, however, that although it appears that the Body count They are in decline, but many scientists don’t see a trend in the right direction here far from it. Given the current increase Corona infection numbers at United States, the deaths are likely to simply increase with a time lag.

Crown in den USA Coronavirus infections Deceased
Monday, October 26, 2020 66,783 481
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 73,621 985
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 78,981 996
Thursday, October 29, 2020 88,521 971
Friday October 30, 2020 91,295 1,004
Source: Johns Hopkins University

The number of corona cases in the US is increasing rapidly – more than 90,000 new corona virus infections

The moderator of Fox News smiles and bows his head, but does not respond to the words of Donald Trump Junior. You should have noticed that according to Johns Hopkins University, around 1000 people related to the return in one day. Coronavirus died in the United States. Or that there were more than 88,000 new corona infections in the United States it gave. Now the numbers have increased even more. There were 91,295 new cases of coronavirus infection in the US Another sad record in the United States. But she only reacts again when Donald trump Son leads the conversation to challenger Joe Biden.

US President Donald Trump also believes there is less Deceased. On Twitter he also emphasized once again that Crown box numbers It would only increase so much because more is being tested. An argument widely used by Donald trump. In the past, he had repeatedly called for the reduction of crown tests in the US (Sophia Lother)

Rubriklistenbild: © Patrick Semansky
