Corona in the United States: Trump wants fast school openings


Despite the crown crisis, US President Trump wants to return to normalcy as quickly as possible. For him, this also includes the rapid opening of schools and universities. His main adviser Fauci sees it differently.

According to President Donald Trump, schools and universities in the US USA They should reopen their classes in the fall, despite the coronavirus pandemic. The new school year should start as planned, especially since the corona virus has “very little effect” on younger people, Trump told reporters at the White House.

With his proposal, Trump contradicted the advice of his top adviser in the crown crisis, Anthony Fauci. The epidemic had warned the day before at a Senate hearing that crown restrictions would ease too quickly. It could lead to more deaths and economic damage if the regulations on staying at home were lifted too soon. He also viewed the early opening of schools and universities with skepticism. “We don’t know everything about the virus and we must be careful, especially when it comes to children,” he said. There is the “real risk” of a new wave of infections that cannot be controlled.

“Unacceptable” Fauci Statements

Other experts also caution that it is still unclear what role children and teens, who are rarely seriously ill as a result of a corona infection, play in the spread of the virus. There is also growing concern about cases of a mysterious inflammatory syndrome in children that has been linked to the pathogen.

Trump called the statement by internationally recognized epidemiologist Fauci “unacceptable.” “We open our country, people want it open, schools will be open,” said the president. He accused the government adviser of wanting to “please all parties” when it comes to school openings. Trump and Fauci often disagree, even about the effectiveness of certain drugs that have been tried to treat Covid’s disease. 19. Trump was also angry with confidants over Fauci’s positive media coverage and his willingness to disagree. with the president.

Trump is concerned about reelection

The decision to relax crown requirements rests with the governors of all 50 states, but schools are important, Trump said. “A state is not open if schools are not open,” he said. Most states currently plan to resume college and university education after the summer.

The President eagerly awaits the United States economy to restart. Above all, he has in mind the November elections, in which he is fighting for a second term. With around 84,000 deaths and 1.39 million confirmed cases of infection, the United States is by far the country most affected by the pandemic.

Many states have relaxed their requirements since early May, although the pandemic is not yet under control in many parts of the country. Other states and cities, including the capital Washington and the badly affected metropolis of New York, don’t want to loosen their requirements until June at the earliest.
