Corona in the Bundestag: criticism of AfD’s behavior


reThe leader of the AfD parliamentary group, Alexander Gauland, has no general reservations about vaccines. But he and his party reject the obligation to vaccinate against Covid-19. “In principle, I have nothing against compulsory vaccination, for example when it comes to compulsory measles vaccination for schoolchildren,” he told the German press agency. However, when it comes to vaccination against Covid 19, there are significant reservations in parts of the population that need to be taken into account.

“Personally, I have not thought about whether or not I will be vaccinated,” Gauland added. The honorary president of the AfD will turn 80 in February and is therefore not yet part of the group with the highest priority to be offered a vaccine first.

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had repeatedly emphasized that there would be no mandatory corona vaccination. However, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had asked citizens to take advantage of the option of vaccination. The goal is herd immunity. If many people do not get vaccinated, everyone will have to wear mouth and nose protection for a long time.

Ten AfD MPs reportedly infected

According to a spokesperson, the AfD parliamentary group recently had four corona-infected people in its ranks. According to the report in the RND newspapers, there are ten. An infected member of the parliamentary group participated in a meeting of the commission of inquiry into the attack on Breitscheidplatz.

Meanwhile, according to the report, AfD member of the Bundestag Thomas Seitz is in hospital with a corona diagnosis. He had previously been seen wearing a perforated mask in the plenary hall and was reprimanded for this by the Vice-President of the Bundestag, Claudia Roth (Greens).

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Arguments in the Bundestag: “Unacceptable and irresponsible”

Several members of the parliamentary group and employees of the parliamentary group had defended themselves against the obligation imposed by the president of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), to wear a mask in the Bundestag. The AfD is repeatedly criticized by the other parties in the Bundestag. “People still shake hands and masks are not worn correctly,” green politician Britta Haßelmann told the Germany publishing network (RND / Saturday) about the AfD in the Bundestag. “That is unacceptable and irresponsible behavior.”

The behavior of the right-wing populists “borders on bodily harm,” the parliamentary manager of the SPD faction, Carsten Schneider, told the Germany publishing network (RND, Saturday editions) newspapers. “It’s humanly indecent and it disgusts me.”

The parliamentary managing director of the Union faction, Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU), said that the AfD deputies “minimized the dangers of the virus and put other colleagues and, sadly, also the employees of the Bundestag in danger. through their concrete behavior. That is irresponsible. “

“I am not surprised that the AfD faction in the Bundestag is becoming a super-spreading faction,” said left-wing parliamentary secretary Jan Korte of RND newspapers. After all, the AfD is the party “that complains about wearing masks, surrounds itself with crown deniers and also invites them to the Bundestag.” The question arises: “What part does the AfD have with this irresponsible behavior, sometimes shown publicly, that we now have to move to the second shutdown?”
