Corona in SH: Günther Announces Tough Lockdown on State Parliament | – news


Status: 09.12.2020 12:45 pm

Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) has prepared citizens for a tough blockade. This is the only way out of the crisis, he said in state parliament that morning.

Prime Minister Günther called the situation dramatic. That is why you have to be very constant. You have taken a path that makes tougher measures inevitable and you don’t want to wait for the situation to be the same as in other countries.

“We want to take these tough measures now to protect our country in the best way possible,” Günther said. “I believe that we can only come out of this crisis if we continue down this hard and clear path in Schleswig-Holstein.”

“There will be no more alcohol in public”

This also includes a ban on serving alcohol in public, even at Christmas markets. “In Schleswig-Holstein alcohol will no longer be served at these stands, and there will no longer be alcohol in public in Schleswig-Holstein.” He thinks a hard lockdown after Christmas is okay, Günther said.

It doesn’t help anyone or the economy if you are “so excited” over Christmas and New Years, but on January 10 you have the same dramatic numbers and then you have to extend the partial lock again, or then you have to do a full lock. This is not the time to have a little more contacts and then limit yourself, you have to start immediately, the Prime Minister appealed. Christmas and New Years are not a special case.

Garg – Blocking light only slightly dimmed outbreak

Before the current time in the state parliament on the management of the crown crisis by the federal and state governments, Schleswig-Holstein Health Minister Heiner Garg (FDP) has clearly positioned himself. “I think it is urgent to agree on new measures,” he said. The blocking light had slightly dampened the increase, but in reality it is far from national to reach significantly lower figures.

In Schleswig-Holstein, 314 new cases of corona were recently reported in one day. The country has been a corona risk area since Sunday because the value of new infections per 100,000 residents had risen to more than 50 in the past seven days. The value is currently just under 58 (data state Dec 8).

SPD took care of the current time

The SPD has put the current time on the agenda. Group leader Ralf Stegner had spoken of surprise tactics after the federal and state governments announced the previous week that the partial shutdown would run through January 10. He suggested an incidence semaphore, on which crown measures should be based. There was also criticism from the FDP. The number of infections has also recently increased in Schleswig-Holstein. After the current time, Health Minister Heiner Garg (FDP) will report on the country’s corona vaccination strategy.

Evolution of the number of corona cases in Schleswig-Holstein

More information

Ralf Stegner (SPD) speaks in the state parliament.  Photo: Frank Molter

For protection measures in the corona pandemic, the SPD wants to change an “incidence traffic light” in the Kiel state parliament. plus

A swab is kept in a corona test facility.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Britta Pedersen

122 people are in the hospital with Covid-19, 27 in intensive care. 12,800 people infected with corona are considered recovered. plus

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

Here you will find videos, information and general information about the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus in Schleswig-Holstein. plus

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NDR 1 Welle Nord | Schleswig-Holstein News | 09.12.2020 | 12:00 o’clock

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