Corona in NRW: Now the emergency begins HERE ++ “Unbearable”


The second Crown-The blockade came into effect on Wednesday. At first there was on the part NRW-Minister-President Armin Laschet strict measures in NRW. Then everything tightened even more.

The federal and state governments finally agreed at a crisis summit on a nationwide crown lockdown before Christmas.

Corona at NRW: What are the regulations for Christmas?

At Christmas there are certain Crown– Rules between December 24 and 26.

All the information about this and all the developments in Coronavirus you can read on our news ticker.


Corona in NRW: All the information in our news ticker

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Friday, December 18

9:21 pm.: Nursing council sounds the alarm: “Unbearable and irresponsible situation”

NRW’s nursing council is sounding the alarm: The situation in geriatric care is dramatic, especially in long-term inpatient care facilities, the nursing council stressed on Friday. Staff were already in short supply before the pandemic, while the situation in many places is “catastrophic,” emphasized President Ludger Risse. “Some facilities hardly have their own nursing staff available, because here too the disease rate and the number of people infected with Covid-19 are constantly increasing.”

Furthermore, the employees of recruitment agencies, the so-called leasing staff, are no longer available, as they are hired almost across the board to work in vaccination centers or for testing stations. Now these colleagues were also lacking in care. They are often the ultimate “lifeline”.

Nursing staff should now perform rapid tests on staff, visitors, and residents. “That is not affordable and forces you to violate the supply mandate or the NRW Crown Protection Ordinance,” Risse warned. “In many places this situation is unbearable and irresponsible.”

A deployment of disaster relief workers could ease the situation somewhat. These should be trained in vaccination testing and assistance and then used. “If a disaster must be declared, it is time to do so before the situation becomes even more dramatic.”

6:20 pm.: The city of Cologne has a strange New Year’s Eve idea: “There is nothing more silly.”

Closing, banning of events and firecrackers in public places. New Years Eve 2020 will not be what we are all used to. Therefore, the city of Cologne has presented a special campaign. But Cologne residents don’t like him. The reactions couldn’t be clearer. Everything here >>>

07:08 am: Christmas at NRW with friends or family possible

During the central Christmas period of December 24-26, NRW citizens can reunite with friends from another household or with their immediate family, regardless of the number of households. However, you should not mix the two options, and in any case, you must adhere to the maximum limit of five people, including the party you invite. Children up to 14 years old are not counted. The NRW Health Ministry explained these regulations of the Crown Protection Ordinance again on Thursday.

Previously there were doubts about the implementation, for example, for people living alone. Like families, you have the option of inviting friends or neighbors of a home to celebrate. If you want to celebrate with your family, you can invite your spouse and partner, brothers and sisters, and members of your household. If the children’s partners live separately from them in their own apartment, that is, they are not members of the household, they are not allowed to join them.

Thursday December 17

3:57 pm.: NRW Health Minister Laumann makes a clear announcement to YOU

NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann has urgently warned heads of nursing homes and nursing homes not to block visitors over concerns about infection with the corona virus. “I will enforce the possibility of visiting the houses,” said the CDU politician.

“To finally clarify that: A house manager has no right to close the house.” The houses will receive help with the staff during the Christmas holidays. There would also be paramedics available, for rapid tests, for example.

12.21 pm.: Corona vaccines can start this year

At a press conference on Thursday, NRW Laschet Prime Minister and Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (both CDU) reported on the status of preparations. Laschet announced that the first corona vaccines should begin at NRW on December 27.

The Prime Minister also stated that the vaccine would be taken to 53 centers in the country and vaccinated as soon as it reached German soil. “Vaccination is the most enjoyable part of fighting the pandemic, we should all be happy about it,” he said. Vaccination gives hope that we will be able to live as before the pandemic again in the foreseeable future. The way in which the vaccine will be distributed will be decided by local mayors and district administrators in accordance with the priorities established by the permanent commission on vaccination. And by then they would have to make sure everyone has a statement of consent for vaccination. First there are the residents of the nursing homes, as Health Minister Laumann later said. It is not yet clear how many doses of vaccines will be available on December 27.

After all, Laschet spoke of a “light at the end of a long tunnel”, a “ray of light.” However, the Prime Minister called on the population to comply with the Crown rules even if vaccinations are already taking place. Prior to this, senior representatives of the state government as well as medical associations and municipalities had discussed the preparations at a “vaccination summit”.

11:19 am.: Laschet addresses the population with heads of government from Holland and Belgium

In a joint video message, NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, appealed to their compatriots not to travel to the respective neighboring countries due to the corona pandemic. In the video posted on Twitter and Facebook on Thursday, the three prime ministers asked citizens to stay home.

Laschet said: “Right now, solidarity with our neighbors and friends means above all: moderation.” Therefore, he and his colleagues of the Prime Minister asked: “Stay home.” “Don’t take the virus across the border,” he said. “Help us fight the virus through responsible behavior so that we can look forward to better times again soon.”

De Croo also emphasized that the Netherlands, North Rhine-Westphalia and Belgium are “better neighbors”. “In these difficult times we stand united in solidarity. Unfortunately, that means that everyone stays in their home country, follows the rules and only crosses the border for necessary travel. ” Rutte said the Dutch like to visit their neighbors in Belgium and Germany. “But the reality now is that we not only crossed the border, the virus did as well. That is why I urge everyone: really only cross the border when necessary. Not for shopping, not for fun. “

07.35 am.: Outbreak in the refugee accommodation of Neuss with numerous infected people

In a refugee home in Neuss, almost 100 residents were infected with corona, according to the “WDR”. As a result, health authorities had screened the roughly 500 residents for the virus on Sunday, bringing 96 tests positive. All residents are now in quarantine until at least December 24. The city of Neuss wants to carry out another series test two days before. Then how to proceed should be discussed, so the district director Dirk Bruges.

Since the facility is not fully used, residents can be separated from each other and do not have to resort to hotels. It is not clear where the residents were infected.

Wednesday December 16

10:00 pm.: NRW Health Minister is happy about the “light at the end of the tunnel”

In an interview with t-online, NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann admitted that he was happy “for the light at the end of the long dark tunnel.”

However, he notes that it is not yet clear whether vaccinated people will not continue to spread the virus. You can read the full interview on t-online.

The North Rhine-Westphalia state government will advise on Thursday in a high-level discussion with municipalities and medical associations on the corona vaccination schedule. Then-Prime Minister Armin Laschet and Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (both CDU) want to report on the status of preparations.

According to the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), vaccinations could start in Germany next week. The first vaccine could be approved in the EU before Christmas Eve. In NRW, 53 corona vaccination centers have been established in the districts and urban districts.

4.13 pm.: SPD attacks Armin Laschet

The SPD opposition has accused Armin Laschet (CDU) of acting illegally when it comes to assignments to the fashion company van Laack. She sees the criticism of the quality of the protective gowns “45 million euros put in the sand”. The Mönchengladbach-based fashion company, on the other hand, rejected criticism of the products it delivered to the country in the summer: There was only one customer complaint about the gowns delivered, Van Laack’s boss Christian von Daniels said. of the dpa. A nursing home found the gowns too easy, so they were changed to heavier ones.

The Essen University Clinic had recalled around 40,000 protective gowns from van Laack. The gowns “would rip quickly when you put them on,” the clinic announced Tuesday upon request. The head of the company, von Daniels, emphasized that a particularly light material had been used consciously and in accordance with the order.

Disposable gowns are designed for use in the infirmary or for visitors, and not, for example, for doctors in the operating room. “I would have liked the Essen University Clinic to get in touch with us,” said the head of the company.

10.40 am.: Blocking effect: less traffic jams in NRW

Due to the lockdown, there was a significantly less traffic jam on NRW than usual on Wednesday. At 8:30 am, a total length of the queue of around 20 kilometers was recorded, as announced by the State Highway Construction Office NRW to the German Press Agency. At the same time, last Wednesday it was about five times more. Since the value also stands out compared to the other days, these changes can be attributed to the start of the stricter crown measures, a spokesperson said.

7:10 am.: Missing old woman found with Corona

Oberhausen police found a missing elderly man with a corona infection. The 87-year-old is fine, she was taken into custody Tuesday night, a police spokeswoman said. The woman had disappeared from her nursing home during the day. The police also searched for her with a published photo, expressly pointing out the risk of contagion from third parties.

6 a.m.: Laschet rejects the extension of the VAT cut

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) rejects an extension of the VAT reduction despite the renewed lockdown. In an interview with “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (RND), he said no to the question of continuation. “The trick will be to grasp the tipping point after the various short-time and bankruptcy deferral programs have been dissolved,” he says. The short and medium term consequences of the current blockade would also be added.

You can read all the previous news here >>>
