Corona in North Korea: Kim Jong Un executes Corona officials


Kim Jong Un is rebuilding his propaganda apparatus and giving his state advertising a younger face. The country is cordoned off because of Corona.

  • In North Korea if there is a shortage, the corona virus exacerbates the situation.
  • dictator Kim Jon Un it tries to distract attention from shortages through state propaganda and relies on a young target group.
  • There is a propaganda “girl band” targeting young people.

Pyongyang: there are none in North Korea Crown. The borders were closed very soon and the great leader Kim Jon Un has personally succeeded in liberating the communist country from Coronavirus keep acting wisely and prudently. That is roughly the content of state propaganda in North Korea. As one of the few countries in the world, the Asian “People’s Republic” has yet to report a single official case of Corona.

Kim Jong Un has officials executed for accusing them of failing to fight Corona.


Kim Jong Un seals North Korea and capital Pyongyang due to corona pandemic

And yet the rulers drive Kim Jon Un now a hard line to ward off the Coronavirusso strong North Korean state propaganda The “yellow powder” is supposed to fly from China. Two officials are said to have been executed for Kim’s failure to fight them. Corona-Pandemie accused.

The capital Pyongyang with its population of just under 2.9 million people it is in total Emergency shutdownThe government is asking the population to stay in their homes, the streets are dead. The Yangyang region on the border with China is strictly separated to prevent the virus from spreading from the neighboring country.

While sealing his country, busy Kim Jon Un at the same time as your image. North Korea he is poor as a beggar and battered by sanctions. The arid country gets its goods almost exclusively from China. And yet the “People’s Republic” of Korea depends on income from tourism and therefore on attracting comparatively wealthy Chinese tourists to the country.

Crown in North Korea: now Kim Jong Un wants to modernize state propaganda

In a rapidly changing environment North Korea fear of being left behind. Traditional propaganda with posters, state television reports, and patriotic radio has lost its impact since the Internet revolutionized the way information was obtained.

Although most of North Korea’s websites are blocked, news and images reach the country apart from state propaganda. Kim Jon Un is aware of this and is now trying to make state propaganda available to younger generations in a way that is also true to the line of online channels.

As “Spiegel” reports in a detailed history, the regime believes in North Korea own “Youtubers”, young, loyal and energetic “correspondents”, bringing elaborately crafted video material from parts of the country less affected by poverty to the smartphones of the younger generation. One of the most popular North Korean video bloggers is A A, who portrays the glitzy facades and squares in and in front of assembly halls and government buildings as part of his “What’s Up Pyongyang” series.

People are starving in North Korea: Kim Jong Un uses state propaganda to cover up shortages

Quite similar to the “Echo of Truth” YouTube channel. Here, young “guides” tour the capital in Russian, Korean and English and produce images of people on roller coasters and supermarket shelves full of food, polished with good humor. The news: We are good in Korea des Kim Jon Un no one has to go hungry. The reality of many people’s lives in North Korea It looks different.

In an interview with “Spiegel”, political scientist Kang Dong-wan contradicts the North Korean self-portrait. “Everyday life is very different from the world we see in the videos,” says Kang. “It may not be easy to fill all the supermarket shelves, but there are still supplies. That does not mean that the North Korean economy is doing well.”

And the people in North Korea you get more and more information about the true state of your nation. Even if the internet is largely run by the government Kim Jon Un is blocked, it is assumed that more and more South Korean series, movies and news enter the country through contraband data carriers, such as micro SD cards, reports the political scientist.

“Moranbong Band”: Kim Jong Un holster “Girlband”

Kim Jon Un and its Labor Party Propaganda and Agitation Department must keep up if they are to maintain the prevailing conditions. And so, for example, those in power are countering this with a “girl gang” based on the Western model. The “Moranbong Band” offers concerts organized by the state, spreads propaganda messages in its texts and uses social media channels. The race for the youth has begun in North Korea. (Mirko Schmid)

Headline list image: © KCNA / AFP
