Corona: In Munich’s largest clinic: thousands of employees forgo vaccines – “Take care of me”


Corona vaccines have also started at the Großhadern Clinic. However, some employees refuse to give the injection.

© Sigi Jantz

The corona situation is tense in many clinics, and there are high hopes for the vaccine. At the largest hospital in Munich, many employees do not want to get vaccinated.

Munich – A few days ago it started in its entirety Bayern the Corona vaccines. Doctors and clinic employees must also protect treatment against virus infection in the future. at Munich Clinic of the Ludwig Maximilians University the first doses of vaccination were sent to the Personal injected. But now it comes to light: even in the largest clinic in the state capital, there are probably thousands of employees against the Corona * vaccine.

Corona in Munich: thousands of opponents of vaccination among clinic employees

A total of 950 Vaccination dose got strong image delivered to the hospital. However, of the total of around 11,700 employees, according to Bild, for example 20 percent Do not get vaccinated against the virus, for example, the cleaner Antonela Turza. “I’m not going to get vaccinated. Generally I don’t get vaccinated, I’m not a fan, I take care of myself. I won’t get infected,” he quoted image Turza.

Klinikum Großhadern: Employees reject corona vaccination – “too much information is missing”

Laboratory staff Simon Gahr also refuses Crown syringe. “I am not an opponent of vaccination, but as of today I would not be vaccinated. With Corona * there is still a lot of information missing: How many really get sick? Does vaccination make sense? I don’t have any contact with patients in my lab, so I don’t have to worry about that, ”says the 40-year-old. image.

That has become one of many vaccine rejects among his employees. Clinic already expressed. “There is no mandatory vaccine for Covid-19 provided by the legislator,” said Medical Director Karl-Walter Jauch von image quoted. There are also regular Corona * tests for employees.

Munich: many doses of corona vaccination will not be left at the Großhadern Clinic

He does not believe, however, that because of the numerous People who refuse vaccination many doses of corona vaccination remain. Jauch: “We only thaw as many as we have records. If there is any left over, it will be administered immediately at home ”. If necessary, also to people who “do not belong to the first category”.

Health Minister Jens spahn (CSU) has been behind from the start Corona vaccine. He not only recommends the treatment of citizens, but even speaks of a “milestone in the fight against pandemics. “” Vaccination paves the way for us to emerge from the crisis. And we are doing everything we can to get on this path as quickly as possible, “Spahn wrote on Twitter in November.

The situation of the crown in the Munich clinics remains dramatic. A doctor now warns: “The situation is on the razor’s edge.” All important information about the corona pandemic in Munich is available in our news ticker. is part of the Ippen-Digital network. (kof)
