Corona in Munich: planned partial closure? Merkel’s first plans leak


Is Chancellor Merkel taking action now? The city of Munich continues to significantly exceed the 7-day incidence value of 100 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

  • In Munich, the number of new corona infections is increasing alarmingly.
  • The city continues to exceed the 7-day incidence value out of 100 (see update of October 27 at 2:35 pm).
  • The result is strict measures from Monday (October 26). Chancellor Merkel may tighten regulations.

Update, October 27, 8:11 pm.: Still threatening tighter measures in the crown crisis? On Wednesday afternoon (October 28) the 16 prime ministers will discuss next steps with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Also for them Bavarian capital then new rules could apply. Meanwhile in Munich 202 new corona cases reported; however, the 7-day incidence remains at yesterday’s level (see update of October 27 at 2:35 pm).

Coronavirus in Munich: new numbers of known cases: one value remains stable

Update October 27, 2:35 pm: 202 new corona cases were reported in Munich by Monday, October 26. So far a total of 15,584 infections have been confirmed in the state capital. That number includes 12,449 people who have already recovered and 240 deaths.

the 7-day incidence for Munich it is 114.4 according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The incidence has thus stabilized at yesterday’s level (see update October 26, 2:22 pm) Play number for Munich it is 0.94 (as of October 26)

Update October 27, 12.29 pm.: In about half an hour, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder will appear in front of the cameras in Munich and present the results of today’s cabinet meeting. You can follow the statement of the CSU politician on our live ticker.

Munich: Söder announces detailed statement

Update October 27, 8.21 am: The massively increased Crown numbers deal with the Bavarian on Tuesday (10am) cabinet. Before the next prime minister’s conference on Wednesday, attention must turn to how the uncontrolled spread of the virus can be stopped. On Monday I had with the district Rottal-Inn and to the second region in Bayern strict Exit restrictions have to impose.

It is the stated goal of the state government to establish a national focus through early regional action. Emergency shutdown to prevent. Furthermore, at the cabinet meeting of von Markus Söder The new financial aid for artists announced in the Bavarian state parliament will be discussed. At 1:00 p.m. the Prime Minister will be the result of deliberations in a Press conference that we accompany in the live ticker.

Update October 27, 8:07 am: For a change, a short break: the Incidence value for the Munich urban area it has NOT increased compared to the previous day. According to the Robert-Koch-Instituts (RKI) It is currently “stuck” at 114.4 (the previous day 114.5).

Partial closure of Munich? Merkel’s plans would affect gastronomy again

Update October 27, 7.15 am.: It comes from Chancellor prescribed “Lock light” indeed? Especially those who are already suffering Restorers then it would be an even bigger problem than already. The following components should be part of the Merkel’s plans to be:

  • Schools and kindergartens it must remain open, except in regions with catastrophically high infection rates.
  • shops it can remain open, but with restrictions.
  • Restaurants and bars I have to close Events It should be banned.

Update October 26, 8:35 pm: Not just emerging Infection numbers and tight Crown measurements they are currently causing headaches for Munich residents. After cancellation of Christmas markets In Nuremberg and Augsburg the question now arises as to how Munich deals with Christmas markets must continue.

So far there have already been several Christmas markets canceled, included Going, Airport Munich, Chinese tower and the Tollwood Festival at Theresienwiese. For various other Christmas markets, fancy ones should be used today Hygienekonzepte being reviewed. So far it has been said that at least the Christkindlmarkt about him Marienplatz will take place in a modified form, but only if the Corona infection numbers Allow it. However, it doesn’t look like that at the moment. Also, even if the numbers again sink The question remains whether the Planning uncertainty such one effort It allows.

Corona Munich: partial lockdown approaching? Merkel’s plans leaked

the Crown-Ampel in Munich is currently “dark red”. After the Infection cloak seems out of control has Chancellor Angela Merkel originally scheduled for friday Crisis session with the Prime Minister advanced to Wednesday (October 28) 1 pm As the newspaper “Bild” reports, the Chancellor is planning a kind of “Lock light” for Germany. The following measures appear to be planned:

Munich: Corona’s situation continues to deteriorate – city numbers update

Update October 26, 2:22 pm: Because yesterday Monday we were in Munich 283 new Coronavirus cases officially registered. Relevant for other restrictions 7 day incidence is 114.5 (see 8.55 am update). 283 new infections reported represent the third highest level since the beginning of the pandemic.

The innkeepers in the “dark red” (that’s what the Corona alert level created by Prime Minister Söder is called) Munich must close their restaurants starting today at 9 pm the setting on the Curfew means for many Restorers another setback.

The decisive crown value in Munich is rising inexorably – a far-reaching adjustment from today

Update October 26, 8.55 am.: In the morning that delivers Robert Koch Institute concrete facts. Of the Incidence value in Munich it has increased even more, now at 114.5 (previously 100.6).

With a Tweetr-Grafik has once again explained the city exactly what regular now apply from today.

Crown numbers: Munich incidence value exceeds 100; strict measures apply from Monday

Source message:

Munich – The capital of Bavaria, Munich, has the 7 day incidence value since 100 New infections per 100,000 inhabitants exceeded. Who reported that Robert Koch Institute Sunday morning (25.20.). Consequently, the value is now at 100.6. the Corona-Ampel, that Prime Minister Markus Söder had held at his press conference on introducing stricter crown measures, is now jumping towards the state capital “dark red”. On Saturday the incidence was 98.3.

Crown in Munich: incidence value currently over 100 – curfew is brought forward

Due to these current crown numbers, to come Monday also clearly in Munich stricter measures in force. This is how the Curfew in gastronomy 21 clock instead of getting ahead of 10pm like before. So also applies The whole city one Prohibition, alcohol sell or consume in public. TO Events of all kinds are also only maxims 50 persons authorized.

Munich: Corona’s numbers keep rising – culture industry takes a hit

This is especially true for those who are already severely affected. Cultural sector a hard blow, because the previously allowed number of spectators at concerts or theatrical performances was included 200 people and therefore it is only a quarter limited. They are excluded from the regulations. Demonstrations, Conferences in the Universities Y Religious services, where, however, it remains the strictest Distance rules and the Mask requirement grab. The new regulations apply from next Monday until at least the end of the week. Even if the state capital falls below the incidence value of 100 again, the measures remain preventive still five more days in force.

Meanwhile he is in the Intensive care unit of the Großhadern Clinic Coronavirus exploded. Those affected were only infected with the virus in hospital. Because the numbers everywhere in Germany the chancellor said Angela Merkel on your podcast again urgent attracts the population.

Header listing image: © Kay Nietfeld / dpa
