Corona in Hessen – Problems with Vaccination Appointments – Vaccinations for Doctors, Teachers and Daycare Employees


In Kassel, as in all of Hesse, the crown vaccinations for group 2. The “practice days” will take place at the vaccination center starting next weekend.

  • the CrownVaccination now it is also being carried out in Hessen for the second risk group.
  • Who for him second vaccination group heard from March 05, 2021 inject.
  • doctors Y Medical staff can turn off Friday (02/26/2021) get vaccinated – a schedule was also established for Teachers Y We-Staff place.

Update of Wednesday February 24, 2021, 5.30 pm: The country Hessen changed the schedule so another 1.5 million people in prioritization group 2 can get vaccinated soon. In Kassel The doctors and medical personnel of the second group can use the next weekend and the next in Vaccination center a vaccine against that Coronavirus to receive.

You are vaccinated with the active substance of Astrazeneca. Kassels shared that Lord Mayor Christian Geselle in an official press release. First Medical and dental practices in the urban area they have already been notified – a total of 650 practices must be contacted.

There was also a schedule for Nursery teachers and staff fixed: elementary and special school teachers in Kassel as well as the daycare staff, therefore, you should get vaccinated earlier than originally planned. According to a federal-state resolution, these are in group 2 of the Crown-Impfpriorität moved up.

“We want to offer these professional groups a vaccination offer in the first weeks of March to counteract the uncertainty regarding protection against infections. You can also get vaccinated with the Astrazeneca vaccine at the Kassel vaccination center, ”says Geselle.

Corona vaccines in Kassel: “practice days” start on Friday (02/26/2021) – vaccination center is updated

In the coming days, employees of the 36 municipal nurseries and 113 independent nurseries, 90 caregivers and parents of children, and 1,300 teachers of primary and special schools will be asked if they are willing to be vaccinated. “The Kassel vaccination center he’s ready for the next vaccination group, ”said Mayor Geselle.

This coming weekend could only be part of the call “Days of practice” In Kassel, around 2,900 vaccines are administered with the active substance Astrazeneca. These are parallel to Corona vaccines the highest priority group.

“At the vaccination center, we will open additional vaccination routes and provide additional staff,” Geselle said. In addition, the opening hours of the “Days of practice” be expanded. “This vaccination offer now allows medical staff in the doctor’s office to have even better protection against the virus when they come into direct contact with the patient,” Geselle said. From Friday (February 26, 2021) to Sunday (February 28, 2021), more than 4,000 people are expected to have one at the vaccination center. Corona vaccine to receive.

Corona vaccines in Kassel: people in group 2 should be vaccinated from March 5

First report on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 11 am.: Kassel – For another 1.5 million Hessen is the starting signal for the registration of a Corona vaccine I like it. However, not even everyone eligible for the first group has an appointment.

At the Kassel vaccination center, people in prioritization group 2 will soon be vaccinated against corona.

© Uwe Zucchi / dpa

Because there is more Vaccination dose, different vaccines and a great heterogeneity of the second vaccination group are eligible for the Group 2 Future appointments will be assigned, said Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) in Wiesbaden. If you do not want to accept the assigned appointment proposal after registration, you can rebook it. From the 5. March should receive the first vaccinations for the Prioritization Group 2 in Hessen – and therefore also for authorized persons Kassel city and district – begin. All information about Corona in Kassel can be found in the current news ticker.

Corona vaccines in Kassel: Who belongs to the second group?

The second Crown-Impfgruppe includes people aged 70 to 79 years and people at high risk of developing the disease. According to the information, this includes people with trisomy 21, people with lung disease, and people with dementia or severe mental illness. Their profession also means doctors, numerous nursing professions, and police officers. eligible for vaccination (see below for a detailed list).

Corona vaccines in Kassel: It is also the turn of teachers and educators in kindergartens

To the second group in the Vaccination sequence should also Lehrer also in primary and special schools educator count in daycare. As soon as there is a corresponding regulation, this group will receive a corresponding vaccination offer, Beuth said. Additional immunization days are being considered for daycare teachers and educators. It is not yet clear what happens to secondary school teachers who are also in the college teaching – for example, grades 5 and 6. For these, as for elementary schools, alternate lessons started yesterday.

the Corona vaccine so far mainly have people over 80 years of age, as well as residents and employees of nursing homes and for the elderly, as well as employees of hospitals in Kassel, the district and everything Hessen to receive. According to the Interior Minister, around 234,000 top priority people received their first vaccination and 112,500 their second vaccination.

Video: Corona’s current situation in Hesse on Monday (February 22, 2021)

Corona in Kassel: readers cannot book an appointment

However, readers continue to log out on a daily basis. Kassel in the case of ANH older than 80 years, they belong to the first vaccination group and still do so no date could distinguish, although this is possible without interruption according to the Hessian state website.

It says there: “Unlike the first time, when there were only very limited amounts of vaccine available, initially only 60,000 appointments were made. six regional vaccination centers This time there is no limit to the allocation of appointments. “The Hessian Ministry of the Interior did not respond to HNA’s request that appointments not be made online or by phone.

Corona vaccine for the second group: How do I get an appointment?

The existing system of Online portal ( or and direct phone line (116 117 or 0611 505 92 888) is still available according to the Hessian Ministry of the Interior. Anyone who registers there from today (Tuesday, February 23) will receive the Finished For First and second vaccination automatically by post or email.

If the suggestion does not fit or a date as a couple is preferred, reservation changes can be made online or by phone between 8 am and 8 pm every day. the State of Hesse it does not determine who has a shift, the ministry said. Basically the Team within the group of prioritization by the allocation software according to age, the random principle and according to the vaccination doses available.

the State of Hesse recommends that everyone in the second group who wants to be vaccinated register as soon as possible. The reason: there may be more Corona vaccine be available.

Corona vaccine: who belongs to which group?

Who is one of the groups first? vaccination can get? As she sees sequence out of? The federal government grants the following classification:

Group 1 – highest priority:

  • Older than 80 years
  • People who are treated, cared for or cared for in hospitals for the elderly or people who need care, or who work,
  • Nursing staff in ambulatory care services
  • Employees in medical facilities with high risk of exposure such as intensive care units, emergency rooms, emergency services, as providers of specialized outpatient palliative care services, corona vaccination centers and in areas with activities related to infections.
  • Employed in medical facilities that treat, care for, or care for high-risk individuals (especially hemato-oncology and transplant medicine).

Group 2 – high priority:

  • Over 70 years
  • People with trisomy 21, dementia, intellectual disability, or severe psychiatric illness, particularly bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or severe depression.
  • People after an organ transplant
  • Cancer patients, people with severe lung disease (eg, interstitial lung disease, cystic fibrosis, COPD), severe obesity, severe diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney or liver disease.
  • People who, based on an individual medical assessment, are at very high or high risk of a serious or fatal course of disease following a coronavirus infection due to special circumstances.
  • Up to two close contacts of people in need of care who do not live in an institution, who are over 70 years old, who have had an organ transplant or who have any of the diseases or disabilities mentioned.
  • Up to two close contacts for pregnant women
  • People who work in inpatient facilities for people with mental disabilities or who regularly treat, care for, or care for people with mental disabilities as part of outpatient services.
  • People who work in areas of medical facilities with a high or increased risk of exposure to the coronavirus, in particular doctors and other personnel with regular contact with patients, personnel of blood and plasma donation services and in corona testing centers
  • Police and law enforcement officers who are at high risk of infection while on duty, for example during demonstrations.
  • People in the public health service and in relevant positions in the hospital infrastructure
  • People who live or work in refugee and homeless facilities
  • People who habitually work with the elderly or with care needs within the framework of the offers of support in daily life recognized by state law in the sense of article 45 of the Eleventh Social Code Book.

Group 3 – highest priority:

  • Over 60
  • People with the following diseases: obesity, chronic. Chronic kidney disease Liver disease, immunodeficiency or HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, various heart diseases, stroke, cancer, COPD or asthma, autoimmune diseases, and rheumatism.
  • Employees in medical facilities with low risk of exposure (laboratories) and without care for patients with suspected infectious diseases
  • Persons who are members of constitutional bodies or who hold positions of special relevance in constitutional bodies, in governments and administrations, in the armed forces, in the police, customs, firefighters, in disaster control, in the judiciary and the administration of justice, in diplomatic missions or in development cooperation organizations
  • People in relevant positions in critical infrastructure companies, in pharmacies and pharmaceutical products, public supply and disposal, food industry, transportation, information technology and telecommunications.
  • People who work in the food retail sector
  • Educators and teachers
  • People with precarious living or working conditions

Group 4 – no priority:

Everyone who is at a lower risk of developing a severe course of Covid 19 disease should be given a vaccination offer based on prioritized groups. (dpa, mak)
