Corona in Germany: virologist Christian Drosten: it becomes “complicated” after 50 years


  • Katja thorwarth

    sinceKatja thorwarth

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The crown variants make the third wave particularly dangerous. Virologist Christian Drosten comments on this on the podcast.

Berlin – Virologist Christian Drosten regrets Astrazeneca’s corona vaccination stop in view of the third corona wave that is starting in Germany. The priority for now should be that “we need this vaccine,” emphasized this Tuesday the Charité scientist in the podcast “NDR” “Coronavirus Update”. In Germany, the epidemiological situation is currently quite bad, in particular, the more contagious variant of the B.1.1.7 virus is becoming more and more frequent. His share is now three-quarters.

“Soon after Easter we will have a Christmas-like situation,” Drosten said of the grim forecasts from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) of a feared spike in the number of new corona infections. In the subsequent course, the situation will become “drastically more difficult” due to the mutant, and it will be particularly “complicated” for the largely unvaccinated age groups from 50 years and older.

Crown: Thrombosis after Astrazeneca Vaccination – Especially Affected Women

The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which is responsible for vaccine safety, recommended stopping corona vaccines with Astrazeneca at the beginning of the week. According to the German Health Ministry, a total of eight cases of thrombosis (blood clots) in the cerebral veins had been reported as of Tuesday evening in connection with the Astrazeneca vaccine. Therefore, the number of cases is statistically significantly higher than in the population without vaccination. According to the PEI, those affected were mostly women. It is currently being investigated whether there is a causal relationship between vaccination and thrombosis.

There are also problems with the vaccine in other places. Astrazeneca had announced a drastic cut in its deliveries to the European Union. In the first half of the year, the group only wanted to deliver 100 million cans to EU countries, he said. Actually, by the middle of the year 220 million cans had been assumed.

Virologist Christian Drosten: the accumulations of thrombosis according to Astrazeneca, a statistical problem?

Christian Drosten said about the accumulation of rare thromboses in a short period of time that, of course, you have to take it seriously and “look at it”. The deciding factor here is the search for possible causes. However, Drosten does not want to evaluate the decision due to the lack of background information.

The virologist speculated that this could also be a statistical problem. After all, only people under the age of 65 were vaccinated with Astrazeneca in Germany because the Standing Commission on Vaccination for the Elderly had not initially given any recommendations. In England, on the other hand, he would have preferred to vaccinate the elderly; Despite a higher number of vaccinations, no such accumulation of thrombosis was observed there. Drosten referred to a high proportion of women among the medical and nursing staff that Astrazeneca received in Germany. “Could this be influencing the statistics?” After all, women generally suffer from thrombosis more often.

In several studies on the B.1.1.7 variant discovered in Britain, Drosten concluded that the coronavirus had not only become more communicable, but also more dangerous. And that is not good news, especially in these times and in this current news situation ”. According to the study, the corona variant could also be more deadly. (ktho / dpa)
